Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm not sure anyone with my schedule would call any given day a great day, spending between 60-80 hours in full time art and design classes/requisite homework for them, but it's the best foundation for my preferred career. If I had spare time, you could have it too.

Anyway, I'm new on the forums and wanted to say thank you for all of your work, it's actually been a tremendous help teaching me to draw the human figure.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Talk of presidential films reminds me of Being There, directed by Hal Ashby and staring Peter Sellers in his final role (and maybe his best).

Ashby also directed one of my all time favourite films - Harold and Maud. Staring Bud Cort and Ruth Gordon, with music by Cat Stevens.
Yeah...even though he was really before my time...I always liked Peter Sellers' work! One of my favorites is "Dr. Strangelove"! Can't get that picture of Slim Pickens riding that bomb at the end of the film out of my head! Ha ha ha!

Now then...I really liked Ruth Gordon in "Rosemary's Baby"! She was great in her role in that film! That not withstanding....why on God's green Earth would anyone in the adult entertainment industry take on her name!?!? Ha ha ha! God rest her soul...but when I think of Ruth Gordon....I don't exactly get excited "down there!". Ha ha ha!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

l'm like you Billet Wheel....sadly l can't think of any movies either.
there doesn't seem to be many movies on the tele down here of late

Hope Nikki and you guys all have a cool wednesday!!:)

wait, why are we thinking of movies??

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

^^^Correction...."Busty Cops" was actually awarded an honorary Academy Award for being "The Greatest Motion Picture of All-Time" AND Nikki Nova was awarded an honorary Academy Award for "Lifetime Achievement in Motion Picture Excellence"! Like I said...where have you been Jitna my friend!?!?


I'm watching some specialist videos
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

That not withstanding....why on God's green Earth would anyone in the adult entertainment industry take on her name!?!? Ha ha ha! God rest her soul...but when I think of Ruth Gordon....I don't exactly get excited "down there!". Ha ha ha!

They didn't as far as I know - the highlighted link on her name goes to the actress Ruth Gordon, not to any porn material.

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

They didn't as far as I know - the highlighted link on her name goes to the actress Ruth Gordon, not to any porn material.
Thank God for that! My faith in human kind has been restored.....if only slightly! Ha ha ha!

I just assumed that it had to have been some porn actress who had taken that name. Given the whole "what kind of person would take the name of Ruth Gordon....for their porn name?" thing, I couldn't bring myself to check out the link. Ha ha ha! That not withstanding....who would have thought that that Ruth Gordon would have a page on FreeOnes? I mean as much as I loved Ruth Gordon as Minnie Castevet in "Rosemary's Baby," I've never exactly seen her as being "hotttt" or anything like that! Ha ha ha! I guess there REALLY is more to FreeOnes than I once thought! Ha ha ha!
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

so I missed an honorary Academy Award in here...what else have I missed here in the crazy world of Nikki and her fans and friends?
Wolverine my have missed a lot! In the past week we have had:

1. Talk about the love of "landscaping."
2. Discussing eating all kinds of things that are bad for you....hey, after all it was Easter! Ha ha ha!
3. The revelation of some strange kind of "new math".
4. Some movie and comedy clips.
5. The discovery of the legendary and mythological Bacon Vegetable Tree!
6. A marriage proposal.
7. Some funny Easter related pics.
8. The discovery of the legendary and mythological man who does not like bacon.
9. Lots of movie talk.
10. A little confusion here and there.
11. And of course....Nikki winning an honorary Academy Award (along with "Busty Cops")...even if they were actually awarded by the "Jon Smith Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences"! An "Academy" Award is an Academy Award...and Damn it!!! that's good enough by us! Ha ha ha!

See when you miss a week or more of "The Official Nikki Nova Thread," you miss a lot! Ha ha ha!
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jon. Nikki Nova has done way better videos than "Busty Cops" I would put some of her solo vids from her site or from Hot Body before that movie.

If Nikki is going to win any sort of award I would want her to win for the book she is writing because its something more personal.
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jon. Nikki Nova has done way better videos than "Busty Cops" I would put some of her solo vids from her site or from Hot Body before that movie.

If Nikki is going to win any sort of award I would want her to win for the book she is writing because its something more personal.

True Vern....Nikki's book will certainly be a best seller for sure :)
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

I'm with Who??? (that should be a t-shirt). Nikki Nova for the Pulitizer Prize! I know you can do it!

Let's see. Pulitizer Prize and New York Times' Best Sellers list.

And since Nikki's book could only help with all the "stuff" going on in the world, I think even a Nobel Peace Prize might not be out of the question too!
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Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jon. Nikki Nova has done way better videos than "Busty Cops" I would put some of her solo vids from her site or from Hot Body before that movie.

If Nikki is going to win any sort of award I would want her to win for the book she is writing because its something more personal.
I went with "Busty Cops" because I believe it "technically" would have been eligible for an Academy Award, it is "perhaps" her best known movie, and, think about it, can you think of very many things that would be more surreal than "Busty Cops" winning an honorary Academy Award (even if it is "only" from the "Jon Smith Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences" ha ha ha!) for being the "Greatest Motion Picture of All-Time"? I'm sure even Nikki would say that that would be surreal to say the very least! Ha ha ha!

Pulitzer Prize then!
I think we can see that happening. :yesyes:
I'm with Who??? (that should be a t-shirt). Nikki Nova for the Pulitizer Prize! I know you can do it!
Who??? and Jitna, as much as I like you're thinking small! the Pulitzer Prize only has a $10,000 cash stipend that comes with it. On the other hand, the Nobel Prize for Literature has a stipend somewhere in the range of $1.5 million (it varies from year to year based on the Pulitzer Organization's income)! Soooooo, given that Nikki is so awesome and deserving, I'm pulling for her to with the Nobel Prize for Literature myself! If anyone truly deserves to be a's definitely Nikki....guys, I'm sure you will agree! Don't think small....always think BIG!!!

Hell if Barack Obama can with the Nobel Peace Prize when he is fighting several wars (talk about surreal).....Nikki could write her book in crayon and she would still be deserving of the Nobel Prize for Literature! Ha ha ha!

Now, I had a bit of a scare last night & I thought I was going to black out a few times (blood pressure was running high too), so I didn't know how I was going to be doing today. Thankfully, I seem to be doing better this morning! However, I might go in to get checked out just the same just to be safe (especially if things start going bad again).
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Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Let's see. Pulitizer Prize and New York Times' Best Sellers list.

And since Nikki's book could only help with all the "stuff" going on in the world, I think even a Nobel Peace Prize might not be out of the question too!

Who??? and Jitna, as much as I like you're thinking small! the Pulitzer Prize only has a $10,000 cash stipend that comes with it. On the other hand, the Nobel Prize for Literature has a stipend somewhere in the range of $1.5 million (it varies from year to year based on the Pulitzer Organization's income)! Soooooo, given that Nikki is so awesome and deserving, I'm pulling for her to with the Nobel Prize for Literature myself! If anyone truly deserves to be a's definitely Nikki....guys, I'm sure you will agree! Don't think small....always think BIG!!!

Hell if Barack Obama can with the Nobel Peace Prize when he is fighting several wars (talk about surreal).....Nikki could write her book in crayon and she would still be deserving of the Nobel Prize for Literature! Ha ha ha!

I thought I covered the Nobel committee stuff, but I don't see why Nikki could not win 2, one for literature and one for peace at the same time.

And yes Barack Obama's prize was on my mind when I wrote that.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Ok...couple things. First off hello and Good morning to you! xoxo
2nd. My posting of the Busty Cops thing was a seriously sarcastic joke. We had been discussing our top 25 movies as I compile my list for Vern for his website and everyone knows how I feel about the B movies that I've done. I think they're rediculous. I did the Busty Cops series at the request of a friend who was co-producing it. That's all. There are some funny things in it however. My personal favorites are the out takes at the end...but I would NEVER include ANYTHING I've ever been in on my top 25 movies list. hahaha NO FUCKING WAY! I have way better taste then that. hahaha.
As far as my book Vern and everyone else...let's not discuss that here plz. I am already getting way too many messages asking me what it's about and when it's coming out etc and so on. It is NOT adult related at all. It's topic has nothing to do with anything anyone would ever imagine. It's something I will be working on for at least a year and probabaly more due to all of the research and interviews involved. That's all I can say at this time so mo more questions or assumptions about it please. It's NOTHING that anyone would ever imagine in a million years.
Nikki Nova
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