Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

hahaha. Great clip! Thank you. That's so very me. Oh and speaking of of my friends emailed me these. most of you know I'm a vegitarian. haha. The one meat I miss the most however is in fact bacon. I know. The most toxic meat you can eat. Why is it just the tastiest thing ever though? dammit! Why aren't there bacon trees?!
Nikki Nova
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You are most wecome. I'm glad you liked it :D The bacon roses pic made me laugh too! But I must be the only person who isnt vegetarian, muslim or jewish and doesn't care much for bacon......dont ask me why :dunno:
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jon! Yippeee! You're back and you found me a bacon tree. You are just too fucking awesome with your rescources. Hey....since you found the mythical bacon vegetable tree, let me try another one.
Wow I wish there was a winning lottery ticket in my wallet. Ok now if you can pull that one I will marry you. That's in writing my man. haha. Of course I will be very rich then and we may need a prenup. hahahaha
Nikki Nova
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Wow Jon, you got Nikki to propose marriage!


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Wow. You're one of those mythological people that doesn't like bacon. You're the human equivalent of a unicorn. whoa.
Nikki Nova
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You are most wecome. I'm glad you liked it :D The bacon roses pic made me laugh too! But I must be the only person who isnt vegetarian, muslim or jewish and doesn't care much for bacon......dont ask me why :dunno:


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Happy Easter everyone! If you are not into celebrating the religious aspects of the day , there are still many fun things to be had. A day off of work, friends and/or family around a table for Easter dinner, Easter baskets , candy, egg hunts, pretty girls with bunny ears and sexy costumes etc and so on.
Nikki Nova
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Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Happy Easter everyone! If you are not into celebrating the religious aspects of the day , there are still many fun things to be had. A day off of work, friends and/or family around a table for Easter dinner, Easter baskets , candy, egg hunts, pretty girls with bunny ears and sexy costumes etc and so on.
Nikki Nova
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i may be wrong, but im getting the impression that it may be easter.


Official Checked Star Member
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Thank you Rodger! You too! I personally think I;m done with the chocolate for a bit. Read todays blog entry and you willunderstand. haha.

Nikki Nova
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Happy Easter Nikki ! I hope you are able to take a little time for yourself today to relax and enjoy a little chocolate or whatever you wish for today.


Expect Nothing and Appreciate Everything
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Hey Nikki :) Happy Easter! hope youve had a good one & youre feeling a bit better after all those eggs youve had. If you need any help eating them im youre man ;)

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Jon! Yippeee! You're back and you found me a bacon tree. You are just too fucking awesome with your rescources. Hey....since you found the mythical bacon vegetable tree, let me try another one.
Wow I wish there was a winning lottery ticket in my wallet. Ok now if you can pull that one I will marry you. That's in writing my man. haha. Of course I will be very rich then and we may need a prenup. hahahaha
Nikki Nova
Of course I'm back...can't stay away from you for too long..."Nikki Withdraw" and all ya know! Ha ha ha! Did you ever doubt I would bring you back a bacon tree from my journey? You know I would do anything for you (well virtually anything...ha ha ha!) & I just had to give that mythical bacon tree to you once I found it! As they say, my resources know no bounds! Ha ha ha!

Now then...on to the second part of your post! Ha ha ha! Well well well...I'm speechless...and that's pretty hard to do to me! Ha ha ha! Now, I get to be married to one of the best women I have ever known. A woman who is so sweet I'll have to go to the dentist every week to keep me from getting a cavity. A woman who is actually capable of stimulating my mind (which isn't very easy) because she is incredibly intelligent and engaging. A woman who also happens to be incredibly gorgeous to boot...namely you!?!?!? And all I have to do is produce a winning lottery ticket and possibly sign a prenup!?!? And, as you pointed out, it's all in writing and everything...sooooo, that makes it OFFICIAL! Ha ha ha!

Now, you didn't specify how much you wanted to win. Technically, I could produce a $15 winner and we could get married! Ha ha ha! Of course, given you used the word rich, and I like to believe I am fairly intelligent, I am going to logically assume that you want to win a big jackpot. Sooooo, I'm thinking $50 million and up is what you had in a huge Powerball or Mega Millions jackpot! Sooooo, as they say...I'm on it!

I can seriously think of nothing greater than giving you a winning lottery ticket (for obvious reasons), marrying you, and getting to grow old with a woman as wonderful as yourself! I think I already know the answer to this question...but, I always said if I win the lottery, I am going to have an nice house built up in the mountains somewhere where the weather and climate is fairly temperate & I would want to basically live a quiet and peaceful life...away from all of the chaos and craziness of society at large...only going into the city when I absolutely had to. If I come up with that jackpot winning lottery ticket for you, and we get married, would you be content with living a peaceful and somewhat isolated and discrete existence? I would also want to take maybe a year or so to travel the world and see all of the sights and places that I always wanted to. Could you live with that? Ha ha ha! If your answer is yes....then Hell yes...I'm finding that winning lottery ticket for you! Ha ha ha! I'd even sign a prenup if you felt it wise/necessary! But, I'm fairly certain, once we were married...divorce would be the furthest thing from my mind the rest of my life...which seeing I'd be married to you....would likely be somewhere around age 100! Being married to a wonderful woman such as could I not live to that age?

Like I said....I'm officially on it! Ha ha ha! And that's in writing too!

Wow Jon, you got Nikki to propose marriage!
WOW is right! Gotta admit I didn't see that one coming! Me proposing to her...yes...but the other way around!?!? Nope, can't say I saw that one coming! Ha ha ha!

i may be wrong, but im getting the impression that it may be easter.
Could be!;)

Well....since the cat is out of the bag...and even Jitna knows by now....Happy Easter everyone! Ha ha ha!

Since this is FreeOnes, and it is Easter...I kinda figured this pic was more than appropriate! Ha ha ha!



Official Checked Star Member


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

My freeones Easter pic to all. hahaha
It seemed appropriate for the venue. hhaha
Nikki Nova
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and here, after reading your blog, i was expecting a shot of you lying on the ground, face covered in chocolate, sleepy from a sugar crash

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

Well well well!!! Did everyone get enough goodies and food to eat today? Just making sure I don't have to go out and bitch slap the Easter Bunny for neglecting any of my friends or anything! ha ha ha! I'm sure he and Jesus are having a late dinner as we speak! ha ha ha!

I was actually a good boy and I think I gave more food and goodies away than I actually ate myself. I cooked a ham that I got for free from Harrah's...BUT, I split that up and gave some to friends, neighbors, and my mom! STRANGELY, I'm not allowed to eat that! I'm really trying to stay away from sodium as much as possible. I even bought some Elmer's Easter Candy (Gold Brick & Heavenly Hash Eggs), but I gave that away to some kids in the neighborhood and my mother. Strangely, I didn't have much of an urge to eat any candy...though I did eat one Reese's Peanut Butter Egg (don't tell my cardiologist)! Everyone enjoyed/appreciated it....and that's what counts! Thankfully, I was never that big on candy...not since I was really young anyway! Just have to stay out of the stores tomorrow....all that discounted Easter Candy and all! Ha ha ha!

Anyway, I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter Holiday, and that you all have a fantastic Monday and week ahead (well especially Nikki....but yeah, the rest of you too! Ha ha ha)!

ps....I have a sinking suspicion that Jitna is a happy camper right now! know what I mean! Ha ha ha! Wasn't pretty...but it worked out for ya!
Last edited:

Jon S.

Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

chocolate bunnies own's me right about stomach is killing me !
I can definitely relate to that from past experiences! Ha ha ha!

If you read Nikki's blog today regarding having a "toxic reaction" to eating things that are bad for you....after basically eating healthy most of the time.....I can also say, from my own experiences that her description is spot on! I never really ate only things that were bad for me....but I did ignorantly eat my share of bad things. Since my heart attack, I have made a serious effort to eat things that are better for and/or good for me more often than not. I've only been doing that for about 6 months now. Strangely, when I get weak and eat something that is basically bad for me...and it doesn't have to be a lot of it...but, I almost immediately start getting a sick feeling in my stomach right after......and that never happened before I started basically eating right! I can only imagine the reaction you had Nikki....given you have been a healthy eater much longer than I! One wouldn't think it would hit you so fast....but it does!


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
Re: the Official Nikki Nova thread

ps....I have a sinking suspicion that Jitna is a happy camper right now! know what I mean! Ha ha ha! Wasn't pretty...but it worked out for ya!

i have no idea what you mean. what worked out for me?