It seems it's Bettman who will knock him down for now.
Avery is pathetic. He crossed the line
again with comments on other player's wives or girlfriends.
Avery cannot learn that he is in a company (NHL) which have a code of conduct. He can harrass the hell out of everyone, talk dirty to get people out of their game but everybody knows that family and race are two no-nos...
As long as we have morons like him in the NHL, i'm expecting to see "Bertuzzi" incidents happend...
Moreover, it's the second time this season that one of his teammates condamned his conduct (do you see often teammates speaking against teammates in the NHL?): after Mike Modano, now it is Marty Turco. I wouldn't be surprised if it's one of his own teammates who fix his case and knock him down...
As i have often heard, Avery disturbs as much (if not more) his own team than he disturbs the other team.