I somewhat agree with you, but sean avery is a low class bafoon who is out of control! both on the ice and off! he has no respect for the game of hockey and he doesn't follow the code of honor recognized amongst his fellow players, teammates and opposition players alike!!
I imagine their is an unwritten rule what you can chirp about on the ice before it gets disrespectful and uncool!
Why should an NHL game get ugly and out of hand because of a tiff between 2 guys chirping about girlfriends and ex-girlfriends?!?
What plax did was ILLEGAL and very IGNORANT! YOU DON'T PUT A GLOCK WITH ONE IN THE CHAMBER IN YOUR FUCKIN WAIST BAND OR POCKET!!THATS A HOLSTER GUN!! duh too plax!! why cuz the safety is on the fuckin trigger sherlock...
Hockey maybe canada's National sport but 4 of the original six were US cities! Detroit, Chicago, NYRangers, Boston, with toronto and montreal being the only 2 canadien teams!
*the city of Detroit, a river between Detroit and Windsor,Ontairio the river is maybe an 1/8 of mile wide between the 2 countries for those that don't know*
So not taking any credit away from canada or your passion, but I as a life long Detroit resident that can cross into canada in 15 quick minutes from my front door and I have loved hockey just as and every bit as much as any canadien has since I discovered hockey when I was a child!
Canada despite it being the national sport is poorly sponsored or should I say supported in canada! Quebec, Winnipeg, and Ottawa lost their NHL franchise's / teams, I feel the US market has both helped and hurt the NHL!!
the NHL has flourished in the USA despite poor choices of where to allow expansion teams too take root!!
I think where the US influence has hurt the NHL is because of the cities that have a poor fanbase / attendance and for the most part up until the salary cap / market sharing (which is absoluteIMO) its the only reason the newer expansion teams still exist!
I liked hockey when it was the NASTY HOCKEY LEAGUE, the real NHL per say, not this NO HIT LEAGUE or these insitagator rules and all the pansy penalties that are drowning the game as tradition meant the game too really be played!! die hards remember, cherish, and pray that NHL comes back sooner rather then later!!
We definitely have a watered down NHL thanx too SCARY BETTMAN trying too shove the watered down PC friendly version of the NHL, which was otherwise a very violent exciting game up AMERICANS ASSES by introducing hockey too cities its never really been too popular!!
I respect your enthusiasm for the game Marlo, and I do believe you have just as much love for the game as some Canadians.
I do remember when I had to explain the setup of divisions and conferences to you as well Marlo, and I'm not trying to rag on you for that at all because as long as you watch hockey and love it then you have the right to call yourself a hockey fan, but there aren't too many true Canadian hockey fans who wouldn't consider that common knowledge..
Indeed, I didn't take the dollar value differential in canadain dollars into consideration, MY bad! and the reason canadian cities had / have too help support (via donations) too their teams, is because (the communities) didn't help with supporting the NHL, (via donations on there behalf) they would have lost the teams otherwise! I don't know if that would happen in ALL the american cities? maybe the 4 of the original six, and minessota and a few others but past that I can't be certain!!
In my defense that was a momentary lapse of displeasure with the current state of the game.
I am very critical of what SCARY BETTMAN has done too the NHL game, and IMO he has changed the game so much, in order too market the NHL in cities that have never really been interested in hockey!
I was / am sick of the watering down effect it had on the general state of the game and I lost my NOCTURNAL instincts and knowledge of every little facet and detail regarding the structure of the NHL and its divisions and conference's! so you didn't bail me out or describe anything I didn't already know before all the changes were made by a long shot rod!
I do thank you for setting me straight about that again! but I was kind of rebeling against the league in my own way! by my own ignorance of certain changes that were taking place that I really disliked and my not knowing every detail about the league and all else was my own way too deal with the unwanted changes!
I know despite any soon to be additions too the western conference via lost teams from the eastern conference relocating in the west, Detroit CANNOT leave the western conference because DETROITS the western conferences HIGHLIGHT TEAM.. so despite my wishes its gonna be a long time before Detroit will be an eastern conference team. :thumbsup::hatsoff:
Dawn, what does it say at center ice in the Bell Centre?
On the ice? I can't read it even when i have my glasses on![]()
I will try to find the answer tho.
I had to call a friend who is watching to know what is written... :o
It's written Match Des Étoiles (All-Star Game in english).![]()