Low and behold the ugly face of the WUSSIFIED NHL rears its ugly head in Detroit on Nov. 11, 2008!! I am not much for complaining or commenting on regular season games but for the love of NHL DIEHARDS, the referee's are certainly doing the best job they possibly can in keeping the REDWINGS opposition on frequent and lengthy 5 on 3's with those cheap chincy variety calls!
Both the penalties on franzen, and fillpula in the 3rd too give the penguins the 5 on 3 were absolutely ridiculously disgusting not too mention the penalty on rafalski with under a minute too play in regulation :lame:
I am no sore loser, nor do I care that the REDWINGS lost a meaningless REGULAR season game in overtime to still get 1 point, but the REFS sure are aiding all of the REDWINGS OPPONENTS SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!
The only team that I can truly say beat the REDWINGS soundly without referee interference was the SHARKS!!
Anahiem, Vancuver, and the penguins all needed the referee's help, BTW of some convienent and cheap

shiesty variety penalties too keep the games competitive!! those shiesty penalties won't be called in the playoffs! :dunno: