NHL 2008-2009 Thread

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3-0 Caps and it's not even the end of 1. game is already over, the Lightning can't score 4 goals in a game.

Fire Barry Melrose

Olie was awful on 3 of the 4 goals. I can't believe what Melrose did to his lines in the third , he played Lecavalier with Recchi and Vrbata and he put Roberts on the Powerplay ( witch oddly enough produced 2 goals ) . He has to understand that he can't split Lecavalier , ST.Louis and Prospal and hope to win. Stamkos didn't play much again last night , he looks like he's starting to loose confidence every game ... Way to go mister Melrose , you're doing everything in your power to stop a kid with lots of talent from having a great rookie season.
Steve Bégin is a healthy scratch again tonight for the Habs. Its days in Montréal are ending.

Don't be surprised if Bégin is traded soon. Wherever this guy will land, he will be really appreciated. Its a wonderfull gritty 4th liner, who doesn't fear to drop gloves (he fought Chara - 5'11 vs 6'9!) or blocking shots and who can play an important role on 4vs5.

That guy is giving all off himself days in and days out. Injured? He will keep playing the same way.

1,225,000$ a year. He should have done something good for our team to deserve that much money for a 4th liner!

I somewhat doesnt understand that Carbonneau (our coach) cannot find a place and a role in the lineup for him. Our team toughness is already way too low (even with Laraque!) and it will slump even more without Bégin...

For some reasons, our team headquarters prefers Mathieu Dandenault to Steve Bégin. I really really don't understand... For half the salary, Bégin brings a lot more to the team than the 2Millions/year Dandenault.

I will be very sad to see Steve Bégin go... :(

Your team needs a gritty C/LW player to play on your slumping 4vs5? Expect Begin to land in your town - and you will love him.


Ottawa Sens at Montréal tonight.
Habs and Lightning is the only teams I see in this thread. I give you credit Dawn, for being a true fan. If I had to choose between the lesser of 2 evils, we are enemies.

If it is true that Begin is on the out's this shows that the PussHL is living to it's hype.
Habs and Lightning is the only teams I see in this thread. I give you credit Dawn, for being a true fan. If I had to choose between the lesser of 2 evils, we are enemies.

Toronto? Boston?

I'm a fan of the Habs, for sure, but i love hockey in general. A good game is a good game. :thumbsup:

If you are up for it, keep us informed with what is going on with your team!

I try to track all the action from many sources - like The Hockey News -- because i like the sport more than my team :)

Oh, and by the way, im sure even if we are ennemies im sure we are both for the removing of the instigator rule eh? ;)

Sidenote: It's the talk-of-the-town about Bégin in Montreal at the very moment.
Spearing should lead to a 5 minutes major and a game expulsion. There is some grounds to send the tape to the NHL authorities i think.

Laraque was playing. He was aware of what Grabovsky did. And he just :sleep: ...

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
In your opinion, should Grabovski be suspended for: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CiBNnh2Rac4

The referees missed the call... Habs are considering sending the tape to NHL authorities.

It took me a couple of times watching the video cuz I don't speak what I presume is french canadian?

but after watching the vid for the 2nd and 3rd time, the Leafs player did appear to be spearing or buttending price!! that can be a match penalty and or a suspension IMO!!

Habs and Lightning is the only teams I see in this thread. I give you credit Dawn, for being a true fan. If I had to choose between the lesser of 2 evils, we are enemies.

If it is true that Begin is on the out's this shows that the PussHL is living to it's hype.

I am a true and definite PUCKHEAD!! I am a REDWINGS fanatic!!! but if I posted in this thread, I would be greatly disliked cuz my posts would be percieved as bragging, or gloating about my REDWINGS!

So because of that I tend not too post very much or get too involved in the conversations, albeit I watch as many NHL games as possible, and by that I mean alot of games other then just detroits games..

Toronto? Boston?

I'm a fan of the Habs, for sure, but i love hockey in general. A good game is a good game. :thumbsup:

If you are up for it, keep us informed with what is going on with your team!

I try to track all the action from many sources - like The Hockey News -- because i like the sport more than my team :)

Oh, and by the way, im sure even if we are ennemies im sure we are both for the removing of the instigator rule eh? ;) Sidenote: It's the talk-of-the-town about Bégin in Montreal at the very moment.

::pRAYING:: I am a fan and love the FIGHTING!! Im sure we are all for ousting scary bettman as commisioner so he can stop FUCKIN UP THE GAME SO MUCH!!! I don't like or want a wussified NHL!!!
It took me a couple of times watching the video cuz I don't speak what I presume is french canadian?

Yes, sorry. I couldnt find an english link.

And i really wish that Habs will meet Red Wings in finals this year! :thumbsup:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
Yes, sorry. I couldnt find an english link.

And i really wish that Habs will meet Red Wings in finals this year! :thumbsup:

By all means NO need to apologize its my fault for not knowing how too speak French Canadian!! :rofl2: although I would love too learn!! and yeah I predicted that exact matchup for the finals this year!!

Travel back in the thread too see it! cuz if it happens then I am a NHL prophet!! :rolleyes: its a long season yet, and many things can happen, but we'll see??? ttyl dawn! take care! :hatsoff:
NEWSBREAK: Daniel Briere (Flyers) is injured again... to the lower body.

No details revelead as usual thanks to the new NHL rule about non-disclosure.


Closed Account
NEWSBREAK: Daniel Briere (Flyers) is injured again... to the lower body.

No details revelead as usual thanks to the new NHL rule about non-disclosure.

i hate that new rule. Evgeny Artyukhin missed 2 games and i have no idea why. hopefully he's not too hurt...
Toronto? Boston?

I'm a fan of the Habs, for sure, but i love hockey in general. A good game is a good game. :thumbsup:

If you are up for it, keep us informed with what is going on with your team!

I try to track all the action from many sources - like The Hockey News -- because i like the sport more than my team :)

You read that rag????

Oh, and by the way, im sure even if we are ennemies im sure we are both for the removing of the instigator rule eh? ;)

Qui, qui....(think that is who yes is spelt)

Sidenote: It's the talk-of-the-town about Bégin in Montreal at the very moment.

Daddy was a Leaf fan and being from Canada and living in Ontario, guess I'm forced to be a Laff fan. That's the lesser of 2 evils when it comes to hockey. Don't have a team but I follow the fighters.
Ottawa 0 - Montréal 4

First Star - Chris Higgins (Hattrick! - including a SH goal)
Second Star - Carey Price (Shutout)
Third Star - Josh Gorges (2 assists)

The other Hab goal : Guillaume Latendresse

Maybe the best game of Habs this year. Very nice comeback after our 6-3 loss at Toronto last weekend.


Official summary of the game : http://www.nhl.com/scores/htmlreports/20082009/GS020217.HTM
Ottawa 0 - Montréal 4

First Star - Chris Higgins (Hattrick! - including a SH goal)
Second Star - Carey Price (Shutout)
Third Star - Josh Gorges (2 assists)

The other Hab goal : Guillaume Latendresse

Maybe the best game of Habs this year. Very nice comeback after our 6-3 loss at Toronto last weekend.


Official summary of the game : http://www.nhl.com/scores/htmlreports/20082009/GS020217.HTM

It really was... even better than the 6-1 win in Toronto at the start of the season, almost a perfect game from the first to the very last minute. :hatsoff:

Marlo Manson

Hello Sexy girl how your Toes doing?
I am a true and definite PUCKHEAD!! I am a REDWINGS fanatic!!! but if I posted in this thread, I would be greatly disliked cuz my posts would be percieved as bragging, or gloating about my REDWINGS!

So because of that I tend not too post very much or get too involved in the conversations!!

I am quite sure we are all in favor of ousting SCARY BETTMAN as commisioner so he can stop FUCKIN UP THE GAME SO MUCH!!! I don't like or want a wussified NHL!!!

Low and behold the ugly face of the WUSSIFIED NHL rears its ugly head in Detroit on Nov. 11, 2008!! I am not much for complaining or commenting on regular season games but for the love of NHL DIEHARDS, the referee's are certainly doing the best job they possibly can in keeping the REDWINGS opposition on frequent and lengthy 5 on 3's with those cheap chincy variety calls!

Both the penalties on franzen, and fillpula in the 3rd too give the penguins the 5 on 3 were absolutely ridiculously disgusting not too mention the penalty on rafalski with under a minute too play in regulation :lame:

I am no sore loser, nor do I care that the REDWINGS lost a meaningless REGULAR season game in overtime to still get 1 point, but the REFS sure are aiding all of the REDWINGS OPPONENTS SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!

The only team that I can truly say beat the REDWINGS soundly without referee interference was the SHARKS!!

Anahiem, Vancuver, and the penguins all needed the referee's help, BTW of some convienent and cheap :bs: shiesty variety penalties too keep the games competitive!! those shiesty penalties won't be called in the playoffs! :dunno:
Low and behold the ugly face of the WUSSIFIED NHL rears its ugly head in Detroit on Nov. 11, 2008!! I am not much for complaining or commenting on regular season games but for the love of NHL DIEHARDS, the referee's are certainly doing the best job they possibly can in keeping the REDWINGS opposition on frequent and lengthy 5 on 3's with those cheap chincy variety calls!

Both the penalties on franzen, and fillpula in the 3rd too give the penguins the 5 on 3 were absolutely ridiculously disgusting not too mention the penalty on rafalski with under a minute too play in regulation :lame:

I am no sore loser, nor do I care that the REDWINGS lost a meaningless REGULAR season game in overtime to still get 1 point, but the REFS sure are aiding all of the REDWINGS OPPONENTS SO FAR THIS YEAR!!!

The only team that I can truly say beat the REDWINGS soundly without referee interference was the SHARKS!!

Anahiem, Vancuver, and the penguins all needed the referee's help, BTW of some convienent and cheap :bs: shiesty variety penalties too keep the games competitive!! those shiesty penalties won't be called in the playoffs! :dunno:


Holy Shiite. A real hockey fan.


Closed Account
I hope Arty comes back soon. Ryan Malone didn't play much in the last game ( about 2 minutes ) , I hope he is not injured as well.

Artyukhin skated with the team before the Caps game, but they said he wasn't quite there yet.

i do recall hearing the commentators saying Ryan left with a "lower body injury". lord knows what that could be...
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