Newt Gingrich promises to build a moon colony by 2020; make it a U.S. state

If he said he wanted to turn the moon into a maximum security prison for the entire world's worst criminals, I'd be more interested.
Newt's secret plans for the Moon, the US and the World

1) Colonise the Moon, make it the 51st State
2) Build up a giant nuclear missile launcher on it
3) Transfer every american citizen on the Moon
4) Nuke Earth


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
I wouldn't put a colony on the Moon anyone seen Apollo 18 the rocks attack the people! Yep I gave away the ending of the movie sue me.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Some words from the wise:

Let's keep things to ourselves :2 cents:
I agree with Mr. Gingrich on this one. I think if we built an international colony on the moon our generation would be proud and there would be hope for the future. Not to mention it would make a few good new jobs Aeronautics is one of the USA's main industries. I wrote a letter to Mrs. Fienstien, Mr. Obama, and the Green Party about a $0.02 tobacco tax to specifically fund lunar colonization last year. Besides with our ensign up there we could consider it a mining claim. Who knows, we may find some caves with hidden gas pockets. Then we could use it to communicate out of the solar system. You know what they say, "if we build it they will come."
Just to pile on, not only is it facepalm worthy stupidity from him, but it would also be against an international treaty we have signed and that have been in effect for a long time now.


My Penis Is Dancing!
How about if we launch Newt along with 13,000 of his most vocal supporters and call THAT a new state.
Newt Gingrich is the ultimate example of a politician who doesnt think before he leaps. One of his biggest flaws that his detractors have taken advantage of for so long is that he doesnt censor himself, he says whats on his mind with no hesitation. This is one example of how his own words end up being used against him. Its a stupid idea, its pandering for votes, making promises you know youre not going to keep is not a way to get my vote.

Will E Worm

So, as America burns Newt looks at the moon... :rollyeyes:

All the candidates should be looking at how to bring jobs back and how to fix the manufacturing and agricultural base.