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What If Mitt And Jeb Really Do Go At It, Hammer And Tongs?

I don't know about France, but Christianity still is the predominate faith in this country. Until the day it is the minority faith, it will not be considered radical. Did you even listen to what Huckabee said?
So because a faith is pre-dominant in a country, that country should be ruled by the principels of that faith ?
I thought remligion was an intimate thing, something between you and God, something between your heart and God...

Yes I listened to what Huckabee says in the vidoe but it was un-necesary since he keeps repeating the same things over and over : America's issues come from a "lack of God" and there will be solved when the country will be, once again, "a nation under god" But if the country continues not to follow God's will, then God's wrath will be upon it.

Huckabee may claim that he doesn't want the US to be a theocracy, that's exactly what he asks for, he's just too much of a pussy to be honest about this. 'cause a nation which government is based on religious principles is, by definition, a theocracy. Even if the power is not in the hands of ecclesiastical authorities.

Now, let's have a quick look at country's that are ruled by religious principles : Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Pakistan, Egypt, UAE, Syria, Algeria, Morroco, Lybia... Do you really want your country to be on that list ? 'cause there's no other "civilised" country on it. And only muslim countries...
So because a faith is pre-dominant in a country, that country should be ruled by the principels of that faith ?
I thought remligion was an intimate thing, something between you and God, something between your heart and God...

Yes I listened to what Huckabee says in the vidoe but it was un-necesary since he keeps repeating the same things over and over : America's issues come from a "lack of God" and there will be solved when the country will be, once again, "a nation under god" But if the country continues not to follow God's will, then God's wrath will be upon it.

Huckabee may claim that he doesn't want the US to be a theocracy, that's exactly what he asks for, he's just too much of a pussy to be honest about this. 'cause a nation which government is based on religious principles is, by definition, a theocracy. Even if the power is not in the hands of ecclesiastical authorities.

Since you are so concerned with our country and not nearly enough with your own, when shall we expect the Johan campaign to remove "In God We Trust" from our currency?
Since you are so concerned with our country and not nearly enough with your own, when shall we expect the Johan campaign to remove "In God We Trust" from our currency?
When there won't be any other issus that would appear more important to me than such as symbolic thing.

What makes you thing I'm "not nearly enough" concerned with my country ? Is it because I don't talk much about it here ? In that case, know that I am concerned about my country. I just know very few people care here so I don't bother you with things you don't give a shit about (and are clueless about).
Well hot rod, the best way for us to become educated about your country would be for you to start airing your grievances about all the things that are happening there that concern you. I am busting your chops just a little when I pick on you, France historically has been a great friend to the United States and vice versa. More so during the infancy of our wonderful republic but I blame that on the euro-socialists such as yourself. You are just now getting a taste of what uncontrolled immigration, socialist policies can do to a country. We are starting to see it here , but there are still enough of us American "cowboys" as you like to call them willing to bow up and get froggy that all is not lost yet. I understand your interest in America and I could respect your opinion a lot more if you were coming from the mind set that American exceptional-ism is good for the world as a whole. But since you come from the Euro socialist faction all you can see America as is a big bully. it's a shame really. I hope it doesn't take a catastrophic event to occur in France for you to see the light.


New Twitter/X @cxffreeman
You haven't been paying attention xman.

I attack their positions all the time, and am quite successful in making my case. I don't do the drive by mode or post a lot of funny pictures and I rarely pile on when someone that I may agree with is in the middle of an argument. I don't know if you are aware of this or not but a significant amount of time is spent in law school arguing and defending your positions or interpretation of law. In fact it is encouraged. You seem to have a mother hen complex or something, always telling me how I should behave, how I should react. With all due respect, I don't need your advice or admonishment. I am a little different conservative as such that I believe in giving the liberal nasty playbook right back to them. It doesn't make me popular but it sure makes for interesting conversation. In the future, when you see me behaving in a manner that you don't like, report it if you think it is over the line. I am tired of the snarky above the fray holier than thou routine. Arguing is what I do, it's in my DNA . When you make those comments to me it is only to try and diminish a point that you don't agree with.

ETA: And to address one other thing in your post. I really didn't offer a wager to shut people up, if I didn't have silly liberals like you to argue with, life just wouldn't be any fun. The wager was offered to see how firmly you believe your own bullshit. It was established and it didn't cost me a cent.

I'm not telling you how to behave, I'm merely suggesting that You Might not find yourself under "constant" attack if you didn't provoke said attacks with snarky, nasty, holier than thou potshots. You're obviously well versed in argumentation, I lauded you for as much back in post #112, but this thread is a perfect example of why making shit personal is bad policy. You may feel justified and vindicated because mean liberals have roasted you or candidates that you like in the past but as long as it's not anyone on this forum doing it, why perpetuate it? I don't attack anyone here personally unless first provoked, and I try to refrain from it even then. I have ignored and not responded to a myriad of right-wing attacks on liberals, Democrats, liberal policies and leaders, but occasionally I read something that just strikes the wrong chord, or there's been a disproportionate number of trolly posts directed at my side of the aisle and I'll throw something back. I'm certainly not one to instigate a whole lot of shit, I have one started thread on the front page, that sure the fuck isn't a lot and a far fucking cry from "constant".

To get this thread back on track, if Mitt and Jeb both throw their hats in you can kiss a "real conservative" goodbye. A Cruz or Rand Paul might win a couple of primaries, then when it looks like a teabagger might gain some momentum the big money will come pouring in and wipe them out, you'll end up with milquetoast, "real conservatives" will say fuck it and end up handing the election to Hillary, is she so decides to run. At any rate, you can try to bet on that all you want, recent history backs it up and you'd be a fool to actually lay money against it.
I am with you on one thing. Time to get this thread back on track. My biggest regret on this board was the incident that happened between Mayhem and myself a year and a half ago. It was difficult to go back and read the next day. And I was completely out of line. Back to politics, John Kasich is also considering a run. I think we have a good pool to pull from as long as Palin doesn't enter and Bush doesn't win. I could live with Mitt but he isn't my first choice. At this point, I am hungry for the republicans to nominate a conservative even if we lose. I want to see what happens. I will have endured 8 years of Obama, I think I could endure 4 years of Hillary if I had to. I know that you being a liberal that doesn't make much sense but I don't expect you to understand it. I would equate that to you having candidates like Evan Bayh winning the nomination only to lose. You'd want a real social liberal to have a crack at it.


I will make my own contribution to getting this thread back on track. I am not and have not predicted the outcome of the 2016 Presidential Election. I have not. My points have been directed at what I think will happen during the course of it. And I stand by them. And the articles and clips I post are in support of them. The Donald Trump clip supports my viewpoint. I had honestly forgotten about him until he decided to run his mouth.

But I am not claiming a Democratic victory at this early date. Hillary hasn't even announced. Neither has anyone else. And I do bend all my powers of prayer to Liz Warren deciding to run. She is the only Democrat that I can unequivocally state that I will vote for. Anyone else is going to have to convince me not to stay home, and I keep the possibility of voting against Hillary as an option, depending on who the GOP nominee is. Considering who some of the GOP possibilities are, if I vote for Hillary it will be an act of self-defense.

And one more reminder: The title of this thread is the title of the article in the OP. Not every one of my threads, but most of them follow that format. My two overall sources for news are Google News and Reuters. If I post something from HuffPost, MSNBC or another "Liberal" site, the article overcame the site it was posted on, and it was where I was redirected. In either case, I am not the only one making the predictions I'm making, regarding the upcoming primaries. I can think, make predictions and draw conclusions on my own. But like anyone else, I certainly don't mind when what I think is backed up by others.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
6-10 potential candidates on either side taking swings then shifting their support as they filter themselves out at primary time. Joe Biden is still a maybe. If he decides to make an early no for the run, he will still have the cameras to swing powerful support. Mitt will be the strongest from the right if he can get some kind of policies into a platform for support. I still see him as the empty suit but money has never been his problem. Jeb? How is he going to defend his brother's legacy? You know that shit will come up. Only so many pitches you can foul off. At some point it's either hit or miss. Liz Warren? More like Liz Who. She won't get a 4th in the earlies. 8 in Feb. then 8 Super Tuesday. That's a lot of cash to get through 1/3 of the states. Hillary will make it to the stretch for obvious reasons. I don't know. It's more like who can suck the most wind out of the sails from the right... from the right.