Need some ex-girlfriend advice

Maturity ...

I really started to panic and freak out about this. What is some advice you can give me? At worst, she's seeing this new guy, but it could be its just a friend she's made who wanted to go out, because I've made some friends who I go out with and they happen to be girls.
Dude, she broke up with you, which means you're not boyfriend-girlfriend any more.
That means you shouldn't "freak out" if she's moving on, and just deal with yourself, not worry about her.

When you were together, who's happiness was most important? Hers, right?
Now that you are not together, who's happiness is most important when it comes to her? Hers still!

You need to do the same with regards to yourself as well, focus on your happiness.
But the key is to ensure it is independent of her because, again, she broke up with you.

I had many, many girlfriends in high school dump me, and often go into another relationship way too early.
In many cases, she slept with the guy when she didn't, and he either didn't want her any more, or expected it all-the-time.

Then when my ex-girlfriends came running back to me, and wanting me to "feel sorry for them," they got the smack of truth.
"Don't tell me about your immaturity and indecision. Tell me you either want me, or you really wanted to move on."
Most of the time I was already with someone else, and I wasn't about to be immature and cheat on my new girlfriend with my old.

This is what it's all about dude, learning what you can live with.
It's hard to give 2+ years with someone up, but sometimes, it's for the best.
And if not, then you will eventually get back with her, just let it be her choice too, not just only yours.

She told me that she wasn't ready for a relationship, so I highly doubt that she's going to end up dating this guy, but I also freaked out at the possibility of that happening and didn't know what to do.
She's probably taking a mature approach to her life, realizing that a relationship is not in her best interest right now.
She just broke up with you, so she's not going to go right into another one.

If she does, then that's on her, and she'll deserve any pain she gets if she can't handle it.
I.e., if her new boyfriend pressured her into being with him, don't get mad, just ignore it, it's not your concern.

I'm going to ask her today to see if she'd like to hang out on Sunday before I have to go to work, so I will be talking to her, but I won't mention seeing her unless she brings it up in which case I'll say that I didn't see her.
This is a good attitude.
Be friend with her, but leave it as friends, don't assume any more.

I really want to get back together with her, and feel like I've given her space and time.
And this started as a good attitude, but then turned into a possible bad attitude.

"Given her space and time."

Did she really want that or does she not want to be with you as a boyfriend now?
If she does not want to be with you, no amount of "space and time" makes any difference.

Just leave it be, don't assume any more, I know it's hard as fuck, but it's no longer love and jealousy, it's now desire and envy.
That's a really bad combo if she doesn't want to be with you any more than a friend.

What else can I do to make her feel comfortable and think about getting back together with me?
Don't think about it, don't ever bring it up, don't dwell on it at all.
If you let her think of it first, her wonder what she missed, then she may come back.
But you have to be ready for her not to feel that at all, and get past it.

Now if she gets all pissy and says, "I cannot believe you got over me so easily," don't take offense.
Just let her know, "I loved you so much, wanted you back, but I had to put it aside so I could not force you to do anything.
So if you want to come back, I'm here for you, but don't cop the attitude I don't want to be with you.
It was you that made the decision, and I'm ready to take you back, if you're willing to accept me."

Sometimes women are immature, and you just have to not give into their immaturity.
If you show and return maturity, then either they will notice, or they will be in their "own little world" and you might be better off without them.
In any case, don't react, just be yourself, deal with the loss, don't believe it may happen again, and only worry about it if it actually does.
Sometimes women fuck with men (as vice-versa), and it's sometimes best to get off the roller coaster, at least for a little while.

I don't want her to say that she's completely done with me.:helpme:
Dude, I know you don't. The reality is, she may.
And the bigger question is, how are you going to deal with it?

The best way to deal with it is, "I want you to be happy, even if that's not with me."
As I've stated many times, sometimes that may not impress her, but it may impress the woman around you.

I dated many friends of ex-girlfriends who were either immature, or were mature and didn't realize what they had with me.
I know you want her, and I know it was a very long relationship, but at some point, you have to realize it only works when both want it.

If you can master that, you can master relationships, even if you get fucked over.
Best of luck.
Always cushion the "potential fall" (break up) by never loving her 100 percentile. Program your brain to only love her 90 %. Now, don't turn into a suspicious arse hole, just don't invest all of you emotions next time.

Nope. Sorry. Employing that philosophy virtually guarantees a relationship will fail.

Partners know when they're being given less than 100%, and it's only natural (unless their self-esteem is horrible) that at some point that will make them want to find someone else; someone who isn't emotionally constrained by defensive walls. If you're not willing to invest 100% in a partner who is, then you're begging to get fucked over, and indeed you probably deserve to be.
Think of it in terms of the Star Wars series, not those crappy new ones but the originals un touched unedited with the new CG crap inserted.

This girlfriend was Star Wars: A New Hope it was okay not great, yeah there were exciting moments and the first time you heard that music the hairs stood up on the back of your neck or arm if you dont have any hair on the back of your neck. But now your waiting for The Empire Strikes Back, probably the better of the three.

But once you get that one hold on to it because The Return Of The Jedi, is bad, really bad so, my advice to you is go out with The Empire Strikes Back then marry it because your not going to get any better than that.

I suppose you could wait 30 years and then marry the only whore that comes along, although this will give you the clap and then bleed you dry. And whilst you dying slow horribel death she will leave and the next whore will come along even worse than the former.

If I were you I wouldnt wait around for the next one it sucks ass, I mean if you like that then carry on but it gets a thumbs down from me.

What you could do is not follow that series, because im not a huge fan of Star Wars, I like it and all but I dont love it like some people, what other trilogies are there?

The Godfather

Cant think of any others right now but im sure a combination of the three....

Are you following me so far?
This whole "percent" non-sense ...

Nope. Sorry. Employing that philosophy virtually guarantees a relationship will fail.
Partners know when they're being given less than 100%, and it's only natural (unless their self-esteem is horrible) that at some point that will make them want to find someone else; someone who isn't emotionally constrained by defensive walls. If you're not willing to invest 100% in a partner who is, then you're begging to get fucked over, and indeed you probably deserve to be.
I don't agree with this any more than the person you responded to.
This whole "percent" non-sense and "giving it all," or not, is just some qualification non-sense that does nothing.
Same goes for countless other cliches, movie-like love, etc...

If you're with someone, make them feel special, love them, enjoy it.
You don't have to think about them all-the-time, spend every moment with them, etc... to give 100% to the relationship.
Just because they are the greatest part of your life and the thing that makes you most happy doesn't mean they have to dominate anything and everything you do.

If you lose them, then deal with it, decide if you want it back, decide how that changes everything.
But no one "got anyone," like in the movies, by wanting them, or wanting them "back," enough or doing enough to "make them stay with them."
That's a pipe dream, and it only works when a women are so tunnel visioned that they're thinking about doing the jock or rich cock.

Yes, women are like that, but they don't suddenly "wake up" one day and say, "oh, I'll stick with the guy that appreciates me."
Same deal for men, who focus on "oh, this woman is the only one for me" and watch countless hotties and sweeties pass them by.
Yeah, maybe she was a great woman for you, but she doesn't realize it, yet there are these others that are very compatible, very caring and possibly a better complement.

Again, that's what the movies sell, and is not reality.
Once I learned that, and pretty early into my love life, I was a lot happier.
I was sweet to every woman, treated them like ladies, but decided that the "effort" was part of the problem, especially when it wasn't returned.
If it's meant to be, the "effort" should be reduced, and go both ways, shared and shared alike.

If it's "effort" and only one-way, then it's really not a good relationship.
You can think 100% about how something will affect your lover and best friend without being "obsessed" 100% with them.
That's the difference between "caring" for someone and totally being "absorbed" into someone to an unhealthy point.
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

Prof, it seems you missed the point, and it's such a simple one.

But maybe you're just in the mood to argue, or wander off on unrelated tangents?

Simply put, the varied percentages are merely symbols for varying levels of emotional committment. Is that clear enough?

They have nothing to do with obsession, absorbtion, movies, fairy tales, et al.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

Prof, it seems You Missed the point, and it's such a simple one.

But maybe you're just in the mood to argue, or wander off on unrelated tangents?

Simply put, the varied percentages are merely symbols for varying levels of emotional committment. Is that clear enough?

They have nothing to do with obsession, absorbtion, movies, fairy tales, et al.

I know that you were using your percentages as a visual representation, but...

How is it possible to sort of love somebody? :dunno: You either love them or you don't. 0% or 100%, nothing in between.
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

How is it possible to sort of love somebody? :dunno: You either love them or you don't. 0% or 100%, nothing in between.

I dont know I sort of love my cat, thats doesnt mean I will fuck it never know, but.........err...

Sorry I lost my train of thought, my cat is on my mind and he just wont leave....

okay I have to go for about 5 minutes.

::Here kitty kitty kitty::

Will E Worm

Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

How is it possible to sort of love somebody? :dunno: You either love them or you don't. 0% or 100%, nothing in between.

You can't sort of love someone. People should say what they mean.

I like you enough to have sex with you. That's all it is.
Love is commitment and marriage. :hatsoff:
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

How is it possible to sort of love somebody? :dunno: You either love them or you don't. 0% or 100%, nothing in between.

I'm not sure that it is :dunno:

But I do know that millions of people try to love less than completely, just as Facetious suggested they should. They try to hedge their bets. They try to hold back from giving their heart entirely in fear thier heart will be destroyed entirely. By holding back they think that if/when the heartbreak comes the pain will thereby be commensurately less. Ironically (or not) that kind of defensiveness and withholding is exactly the thing that insures they'll get dumped, because they aren't entirely present to be loved.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

I'm not sure that it is :dunno:

But I do know that millions of people try to love less than completely, just as Facetious suggested they should. They try to hedge their bets. They try to hold back from giving their heart entirely in fear thier heart will be destroyed entirely. By holding back they think that if/when the heartbreak comes the pain will thereby be commensurately less. Ironically (or not) that kind of defensiveness and withholding is exactly the thing that insures they'll get dumped, because they aren't entirely present to be loved.

It's funny how scared of love that people are. Yet, that is probably the #1 thing on most people's lists when it comes to what they want out of be loved.

IMO, people are way too scared to admit that they love somebody and they're way too scared to accept that somebody else could actually love them.

I had a friend once who did nothing but confide in me when it came to her deepest emotions and problems. I can't even tell you the number of times that we had conversations about how "nobody loved her" and that "she will never be loved", blah blah blah. A few years passed by, I ended up falling in love with her...I finally got up the courage to tell her that I loved her before I moved here to Chicago. After I told her, she started treating me all weird, wouldn't talk to me anymore and just straight up was scared of me because I loved her. We're actually not friends anymore because she started freaking out about it. To this day...I still don't get it. :dunno:

We live in a world full of blatant irony. Irony can be funny at times, but it can also be completely devastating.
Nope. Sorry. Employing that philosophy virtually guarantees a relationship will fail.

Partners know when they're being given less than 100%, and it's only natural (unless their self-esteem is horrible) that at some point that will make them want to find someone else; someone who isn't emotionally constrained by defensive walls. If you're not willing to invest 100% in a partner who is, then you're begging to get fucked over, and indeed you probably deserve to be.

I agree.

If you go into a relationship with emotional 'limits' then you are limiting the relationship. Especially if you are doing it out of fear of rejection and ESPECIALLY if you don't tell your partner you're 'limiting' your commitment.
And what if she wants to give her all to you? If you won't reciprocate, she probably will dump you to look for someone who will.
In love, as in many things, you get what you give.
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

I'm sorry that happened to you, Chef.
That really sucks.
It sounds like all her carrying on about how others never loved her was just a smoke screen for her own inability to love. Sadly that dynamic isn't rare. People like her are almost never able (or willing) to look in the mirror at how they might be responsible for the circumstances of their life.

Either that, or she sensed you were gay ;)
If you go into a relationship with emotional 'limits' then you are limiting the relationship. Especially if you are doing it out of fear of rejection and ESPECIALLY if you don't tell your partner you're 'limiting' your commitment.
And what if she wants to give her all to you? If you won't reciprocate, she probably will dump you to look for someone who will.
In love, as in many things, you get what you give.

Exactly, LBP. And very well said :hatsoff:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

I'm sorry that happened to you, Chef.
That really sucks.
It sounds like all her carrying on about how others never loved her was just a smoke screen for her own inability to love. Sadly that dynamic isn't rare. People like her are almost never able (or willing) to look in the mirror at how they might be responsible for the circumstances in their life.

Either that, or she sensed you were gay ;)

You ssssson of a...:1orglaugh

Don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for her. She's one of the many, many people who are going to go through life alone just because they can't be a grown up when it comes to love and how to "deal" with it.

You're right. People like her are almost never able to, or willing, to take responsibility for their own loneliness. Unfortunately, those people are almost impossible to get through to as well, so they'll be like that forever.
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

I'm sorry that happened to you, Chef.
That really sucks.
It sounds like all her carrying on about how others never loved her was just a smoke screen for her own inability to love. Sadly that dynamic isn't rare. People like her are almost never able (or willing) to look in the mirror at how they might be responsible for the circumstances of their life.
Or maybe you (Chef) just weren't her type? It happens. It's certainly happened to me.
Though it sounds like she was rude to you at the end there. Not nice considering all the times you were there for her.

That DOES suck.

Sorry Chef.

And thanks for the compliment on my post bodie54.
how about option C?

Start fucking loads of other chicks. If you're under 40, you owe it to yourself. What is the rush to settle down with only one?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

Or maybe you (Chef) just weren't her type? It happens. It's certainly happened to me.
Though it sounds like she was rude to you at the end there. Not nice considering all the times you were there for her.

That DOES suck.

Sorry Chef.

And thanks for the compliment on my post bodie54.

Oh, I totally wasn't her type. She was into to cliche college douchebags and I am nothing close to that.

It just amazed me that she was genuinely scared that somebody loved her. I could understand if she was just uncomfortable having one of her friends telling her "I love you", but she was terrified that I actually cared about her and she honestly didn't know how to "deal" with it. :dunno:

I guess that's why we have two hands. One to wipe the tears away, one to wiggle your dick with.
Re: This whole "percent" non-sense ...

You ssssson of a...:1orglaugh


She's one of the many, many people who are going to go through life alone just because they can't be a grown up when it comes to love and how to "deal" with it.


Don't feel sorry for me. Feel sorry for her.

Good point!

You're right. People like her are almost never able to, or willing, to take responsibility for their own loneliness. Unfortunately, those people are almost impossible to get through to as well, so they'll be like that forever.

Yes. In my experience once they go down that road they all but never come back.

Dixie Dash

Verified Babe
Official Checked Star Member
If I tell a guy Im not ready for a relationship, that means I'm ready for one with someone else or I just want to go mess around with people but I'm more of the blunt type. She may or may not be with the guy she's walking with, but you guys were together for 2years and something changed with her. Now chasing after her will not help at all but only annoy her and make you look needy. Honestly, the best thing you can do is act like you don't care but stay friendly if you run into her. That way, she will be thinking what the hell am I not good enough for him now? And that is the way to get a girl back sometimes. Now if it does not phase her at all, then you know it's over. It sucks and it's sad but it's life. Sorry :(
Honestly, you are in your early 20ths so why worry about one (1) girl that much?

There is plenty of more fish on the pond, bigger fish...ever better looking! ;)