NBA '09/'10 Season Thread

Let's start the All ESPN Team...a starting 5 made up of athletes who ESPN, as a network, pretty much gets on their knees for...

PG - Tiger
SG - Reggie Bush :)thumbsup:)
PF - Tebow
C - LeBron
SF - Brett Favre
YES!!!!!!!!!!! Shaq's Kobe-hating ass won't be piggy backing another title while trying to 1 up Kobe!!!


Lord Dipstick
I'm laying 3-1 that LeBron will be getting off a private jet at Newark Airport on his way up the NJ Turnpike to exit 16W in a few weeks with a VERY rich Russian man and a famous rapper from Brooklyn!
Remember where you heard it......:yesyes:
Oooh Don't be hatin' on Shaq. I really like him. I think he will go to Orlando or Miami for one last ride at a Championship next year. He could take a huge paycut and just go for the ring...
Oooh Don't be hatin' on Shaq. I really like him. I think he will go to Orlando or Miami for one last ride at a Championship next year. He could take a huge paycut and just go for the ring...

I just didn't like Shaq hating on Kobe. I'm not a (f)Laker fan but I respect Kobe's work ethic....certainly much more than Shaq's won't -get-my-toe-fixed in the offseason ass....

Buh-bye Shaq!!! Incidentally..I love Shaq as a person. Hung out with him at the old Shark Bar on Melrose (Beverly Hills) many many years dude.:2 cents:


I just didn't like Shaq hating on Kobe. I'm not a (f)Laker fan but I respect Kobe's work ethic....certainly much more than Shaq's won't -get-my-toe-fixed in the offseason ass....

Buh-bye Shaq!!! Incidentally..I love Shaq as a person. Hung out with him at the old Shark Bar on Melrose (Beverly Hills) many many years dude.:2 cents:

Did he show you his dick or grant you 3 wishes?
YES!!!!!!!!!!! Shaq's Kobe-hating ass won't be piggy backing another title while trying to 1 up Kobe!!!

I just didn't like Shaq hating on Kobe. I'm not a (f)Laker fan but I respect Kobe's work ethic....certainly much more than Shaq's won't -get-my-toe-fixed in the offseason ass....

Buh-bye Shaq!!! Incidentally..I love Shaq as a person. Hung out with him at the old Shark Bar on Melrose (Beverly Hills) many many years dude.:2 cents:

Fuck Shaq in his fat ass. The guy is more concerned about nicknames and catchy slogans than winning anymore. How does Rondo's ass taste??
Man, all this Shaq hatorade ain't right.

The Big Aristotle takes dumps bigger than all of us, sons...

I don't think he hates Kobe anymore...he's got his shaqatude fixed at DHoward...btw..
Man, all this Shaq hatorade ain't right.

The Big Aristotle takes dumps bigger than all of us, sons...

I don't think he hates Kobe anymore...he's got his shaqatude fixed at DHoward...btw..

Trust me..his metal legacy is built around out doing Kobe in rings. That's why he's leeching onto any team that has a chance to win it all..well they want him too but he clearly wants to outdo Kobe on a subconscious level.

I'm glad he's out...from a basketball perspective...sad b/c I like the guy off the I said..hung out with him quite a few times and there is no one better for having a good time with.:2 cents:
We're in the same boat my friend. My brother is a Celtics fan and he's in shock that I'm rooting for Gang Green. :( He'll never let me hear the end of it. After this series though, the Celtics are the enemy again. Fuck em.

104 - 98 Celtics. Then Orlando will crush them.

And I. Now we gots home court no matter what throughout.
What's everyone leaning to RE: Orlando v Boston?

Rondo - Nelson
K Perkins or Rasheed Wallace< DHoward
Paul Pierce > M Pietrus or Matt Barnes?
Ray Allen< V Carter
KGarnett - Rashard Lewis
Celtics Bench > Orlando Bench

I'm going to go with Orlando's youth and defense taking out the Celtics in 6. I do wonder if Orlando's long layoff will have them come out rusty and lose Game 1..
He's what? :eek: :eek:
With all due respect, your brother deserves to be disowned :wave2:


Well, yes and no for me. It sure won't break my heart to see Orlando beat them, but at the same time I'd kind of like to see a Lakers/Celtics final.

He has to be from a different father. I like Lakers, he likes Celtics. I like Red Wings, he like Maple Leafs. I like USC, he likes Notre Dame. I like 49ers, he likes Green Bay. I like Dodgers, he likes Red Sox. WTF???

Either way...

Lakers over Suns in 5

Magic over Celtics in 6
good for boston no more lebron it is gonna be a good series but i still see orlando winning and going to the finals but this is gearing up to be the best series so far


The One and Only Big Daddy
What's everyone leaning to RE: Orlando v Boston?

Rondo - Nelson
K Perkins or Rasheed Wallace< DHoward
Paul Pierce > M Pietrus or Matt Barnes?
Ray Allen< V Carter
KGarnett - Rashard Lewis
Celtics Bench > Orlando Bench

I'm going to go with Orlando's youth and defense taking out the Celtics in 6. I do wonder if Orlando's long layoff will have them come out rusty and lose Game 1..

Your biggest mis-match will be Garnett vs. Lewis an this sounds crazy but whom ever wins this match-up will control the series.