Nazi-Arabs attacked America

This has always puzzled me (it hasn't really), but why is there seemingly such a love affair between the left and islam?

At least one-sided. The usual useful idiots.

This one is for you, Johan. The ten countries where homosexuality can legally be punished by death:

Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

with the exception of possibly Nigeria, there seems to be one common denominator.
every one of my posts in this thread sums up why I hate the left - they are disingenuous and sanctimonious pieces of shit. They don't follow their own rules and end up getting people kilt in the process.


there's a black kid who lifts something in a department store. The loss prevention person who his doing his job happens to see this. Some white fucking liberal hippy warns the perp that he's being watched thus doing a good deed - not that you shouldn't steal and pay the consequences but that - stick it to the man. See the movie Pay it Foward. And I wasn't but a customer but saw it happen before me.

I don't have any biases other than I hate white liberals. I'd put them in re-education camps in Utah if I could.

The dumb lights - you can see it in their eyes.
There's no "love affair between the left and Islam. Except if you consdider that treating Islam just as any other religion (not better, not worst) is having a love affair. In that case, we do have a love affair with Islam, the same love affair that we have with Christianity or Judaity.
As for myself, I despise all religions equally (maybe not buddhaims, which i consider as a philosophy more tha a religion since there's no god).

Johan, you should not drive yourself into such madness.

This isn't even funny anymore, you just embarass yourself.

It was never supposed to be funny. I'm noting that all 3 major mono-theist religion have one thing in common : they state that gays should be pt ot death. Conservatives are intolerant oward gays, they refuse to give them the same rights that straight people have been enjoying for centuries. Most of them base their intolerance on the fact the the Bible says that homosexuality is an abomination but they don't finish the sentence "homosexuality is an abomination and homosexuals should be put to eath, that's what the Bible says. Once again, they are cherry-picking, once again they are hypocrites.

every one of my posts in this thread sums up why I hate the left - they are disingenuous and sanctimonious pieces of shit. They don't follow their own rules andd get people kilt.

Damn scottish !



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
every one of my posts in this thread sums up why I hate the left - they are disingenuous and sanctimonious pieces of shit. They don't follow their own rules and end up getting people kilt in the process.

I don't have any biases other than I hate white liberals. I'd put them in re-education camps in Utah if I could.

The dumb lights - you can see it in their eyes.

I've seen you make this type of general and prejudicial comment frequently in recent weeks and I must tell you that, to the degree that you would care since I am most certainly a white social liberal (I'm quite different when it comes to fiscal matters but that's not what we are discussing here so let's dismiss that very conservative aspect of my political leanings as it applies to this thread), I'm disgusted, disturbed and personally offended by your propensity to apply a specific label against an entire group of people and then state that you "hate" them all as a result. This is the very clinical definition of bigotry. Most certainly, from your perspective, there are white liberal individuals that would display the qualities that you find so objectionable. You certainly have your right to this opinion. However, to include all individuals within that group as displaying these traits that you find so hateful is just plain wrong. State that you find certain individuals within the liberal spectrum who display disingenuous or sanctimonious behavior that you find so objectionable if you feel compelled but please do not apply those traits to everyone within that group. To do so is just as bigoted as claiming that all Jews are unethical businessmen, all Irishmen are drunks, all those of Polish decent are stupid or that all blacks are lazy and love to eat watermelon or any of a hundred other stereotypes that I could think of if I wanted to.

My personal views on the issue of religion as it applies to adherents of same displaying any sort of inherent fanaticism is most certainly not limited to Muslims. However, it is by no means a universal trait for disciples of any religion to display such fanatical tendencies. As an agnostic who, if forced to identify with any religious doctrine, would choose Buddhism as the faith with which I can most closely relate, I would not make generalized assumptions about any singular member of any religion, whether it be Christianity, Islam, Judaism or any one of many others that could be mentioned. Certainly, Muslim extremism has been at the forefront of the headlines far too often in recent years so it is all-too-easy to make general assumptions about them and make these assumptions seem justified. They aren't....any more than the "blacks love watermelon" concept I mentioned earlier. Until or unless we are all willing to consider each one of us a as being individuals worthy of personal consideration instead of lumping whole groups of people together, this type of bigotry will continue to exist and, in times like now, even thrive as a a result.
every one of my posts in this thread sums up why I hate the left - they are disingenuous and sanctimonious pieces of shit. They don't follow their own rules and end up getting people kilt in the process.


there's a black kid who lifts something in a department store. The loss prevention person who his doing his job happens to see this. Some white fucking liberal hippy warns the perp that he's being watched thus doing a good deed - not that you shouldn't steal and pay the consequences but that - stick it to the man. See the movie Pay it Foward. And I wasn't but a customer but saw it happen before me.

I don't have any biases other than I hate white liberals. I'd put them in re-education camps in Utah if I could.

The dumb lights - you can see it in their eyes.

What about Hispanic liberals like myself?


Hiliary 2020
All over the country people are arguing and debating in person and on message boards ect about Muslims, Christians, Religion, War, and about the 2nd amendment , gun rights, gun control , AR-15 rifles.
I suppose here is no exception.

People are a little more nervous and afraid. People are more angry at Arabs. People are more angry at guns.
People are more ready to give up even more of their rights to "make it better".

This is exactly what the events are supposed to do. Manipulate us. Manipulate our thoughts and feelings and make us say , "Why doesn't somebody do something?"
Of course most people don't care because they have no idea that they are actually living in a pod of slime with a co-axial stuck in their medulla oblongata and everything they think is true and real is not.
The Age of Deception.

If I'm wrong then I'm wrong and everything is just dandy.
But if I'm right are you willing to except it and crawl out of that slime and face reality?

What if Sept. 11 2001 was a US/israel CIA/Mossad operation with the objective to create non stop war with Middle East and African Arab countries?
What if those 19 guys armed with boxcutters(7 of which are still alive and have gone public) didn't take over those planes and manage to divert the most heavily defended air-space on the planet and kill 3000+ people that day?
What if the two towers were rigged with explosives to go down only 1/2 hour apart? What if building 7, a 43 story building that went down the same way at 5pm that day was a controlled demolition also?
What if all those people who died that day were not killed by who they told us but by they themselves?
Would you be pissed?

What if Sandy Hook, San Bernadino, Boston, Paris, Brussels, Norway and now this Orlando shooting and many others were either staged events where nobody died or people actually did die but they were not done by Muslims or Lone Nuts but by your own governments?
If you found this to be true would you accept it or just carry on in a state of willful ignorance?

If myself and millions of other people in this world are wrong then I guess we're just tin foil hat idiots who need to get a life right?
We're not hurting anybody.
But if we are right and these events are being perpatrated by our own governments with our own medias covering for and promote the "official stories" then I suppose we are doing the first step in stopping all the death, deception and control by trying to expose it for what it really is.
And if you are buying into the official stories that they are feeding into our co-axials then I suppose in a way you are all accessories to these crimes too.
If somebody lies to you once and you believe it they are only gonna lie to you over and over until you figure it out.


Hiliary 2020
What do we know? What have they told us so far?
A Muslim who hates homosexuals went into a club with 300+ people armed with an AR-15, a handgun and an explosive device. There was a 3 hour hostage situation. He killed 50 and shot 53 , many of them multiple times. That is 1 out of 3 people shot.
He was praising ISIS while he did it.
He did this alone because he hated homosexuals and was a Muslim extremist.

See I'm like Colombo, I hate those loose ends.
Can someone tell me how he got passed security and even patrons with a big rifle and enough ammo to shoot hundreds of rounds?
A clip carries 20-30 bullets. That's what maybe 20 or 30 or more clips?
On one person? That's a lot of weight and a lot of space.

Can someone tell me how he managed to keep 300 people and every cop, swat team member and sniper in the county at bay for 3 hours all by himself?

On the news out of all the hundreds of witnesses there should be we have a mother outside the club all day who doesn't know where here son is.
She is crying with no tears or snots and talking about banning assualt rifles.
We have a guy who was in the club wearing an American Flag shirt and a hat saying to the media in a very calm way how he just witness 100+ people being shot. How he was splattered with blood, crawled through blood , patched a friends bullet wound up who was bleeding profously then carried him out.
Yet not a speck of blood on the guy. Not a drop. And he managed to keep his gay little hat on his head through all that too.

We have another witness, calm as can be. His name is Luis Burbano. He tells ABC news what happened inside the club.
Luis just happens to be a professional actor.

We have no video footage at all of the 3 hour hostage situation. Not from the 300 people in the club all with video cameras in their pockets. We have no security footage from the club or anywhere else.
We do have tweets though. And from inside the club.
"I'm not gonna run for my life or hide or help others.........I'm gonna send a mothafuckin tweet".
And again I'll say BLOOD. Where the hell is all the blood?
I still have yet to see a drop.

48 hours later and already there are dozens of things that don't add up.


Hiliary 2020
Somebody please tell me why they are carrying "victims" back to the club?
The club is a few hundred feet down the road. The only explanation would be they carried these people all with right leg wounds from the club, down the street a few hundred feet, then a few hundred feet back to the club.
And why are people who were shot by AR-15's not bleeding?
Can someone please explain these videos to me if you have the time. You don't even need the audio on.
I just can't get a handle on it.

Why did they stop? Why are they dancing and seemingly laughing? How did the guy with the shot leg stand right up?

Why was there a craigslist add days before for 75 security officers wanted for one nights work at an event in Orlando , paid 10 hr cash?
Disneyland maybe?

This person thinks a lot lot me. Well there is at least 2 of us out there.
As a christians, you should be happy about this : 50 dead sodomites, that's good news for christians. Because that's what God wants :

In my view, the victims were a group of people who were victims of terrorism.

Are homo people sinners?

At least some Europeans and very many Arabs and Africans think so.

(read Animus Fox post)

He was a naturally-born American citizen regardless of what his heritage was so you most certainly know nothing about which you speak. To identify this fucking asshole as anything else (other than an ISIS disciple and a full-scale member of the lunatic fringe who just happened to be a naturally-born American) is simply inaccurate.

It is your country so you know better.

But if the same person had been resident in Finland I would say that he is not Finnish person he was Afghan and the man will be able to leave Afghanistan but Afghanistan does not leave a man.

At least one-sided. The usual useful idiots.

This one is for you, Johan. The ten countries where homosexuality can legally be punished by death:

Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates

with the exception of possibly Nigeria, there seems to be one common denominator.


Hiliary 2020
On no a Holocaust comparison!
I can't touch that.
You win.

BTW that Christian Preacher you are now debating over is FAKE.
It's part of the PSYOP manipulation and a lot of you fell for it hook line and sinker.
He is not a real Christian. In fact he suspiciosly sounds homosexual.
It's part of the mind control tactic to make people think all Christians are evil and want to kill homosexuals.
They hit 3 hot spots with this one: Arabs are bad, Guns are bad, Homosexuals are victims.
Too bad they did it so sloppy this time.

Don't be so gullable. You want this stuff to stop? Do some research and ask questions and don't just jump on whatever feed they chuck in your trough and choke on it.

Also notice Hillary jumped on the gun control right away.
"look at this, another lone Muslim nut killed our people with a gun". "Don't wory , I'll save you!"
HC to the rescue.
Problem-Reaction-Solution at its finest.



Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
It is your country so you know better.

But if the same person had been resident in Finland I would say that he is not Finnish person he was Afghan and the man will be able to leave Afghanistan but Afghanistan does not leave a man.

It's too bad that for people to be considered Finns in your country that your have to look and act like one (what....white, blonde haired and blue eyed?). America is a land of incredible diversity and it is that acceptance of diversity that that been a driving force in the fact that we are the greatest nation on earth. Your viewpoint on this matter (and I am not blaming your for following the folkways of your nation) is the very epitome of bigotry. Sorry, but it's true.
It's part of the mind control tactic to make people think all Christians are evil and want to kill homosexuals.

I have never heard that any Christian would want to kill a person if he or she is homo.

Some priests do not want to bless same-sex unions and I quess it is understandable because most people think that marriage is between a man and a woman.

It's too bad that for people to be considered Finns in your country that your have to look and act like one (what....white, blonde haired and blue eyed?). America is a land of incredible diversity and it is that acceptance of diversity that that been a driving force in the fact that we are the greatest nation on earth. Your viewpoint on this matter (and I am not blaming your for following the folkways of your nation) is the very epitome of bigotry. Sorry, but it's true.

In the world there are hundreds of millions of Arabs and a few million Finns.

Is it threat to them if they are not allowed to build mosques here?

Our obligation is not to support young Arab men who traveling through safe countries and come here to ask "asylum".


Hiliary 2020
And the freak show just gets freakier. Looks like Omar's been in the movies too.
And he says, "They want more disaster to happen because that's where the money making is".
I'm pretty sure it's been said by the GOV that he's been to Saudi Arabia. This clip was filmed in Afghanistan, as was the other movie he is credited in.
Omar sure gets around.


And here we go:
DHS Jeh Johnson- " Passing gun control is now 'part and parcel of homeland security".
They do these Events. They Traumatize us. Then they give us the Solution. And we Gladly accept like herded animals.
Why do they want our guns so much? What are they planning?
Is anybody getting this yet?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Are you for procedures that check out the buyer's mental and criminal background before ANY gun sale can happen?

Are you against the sale of weapons like machine guns for normal citizens,?

Do you think that people who are on the FBI watchlist should have no possibility to get any gun?

Are you against the absolutely free and background-heck-free accessability for guns and heavy weapons on gun shows and the internt?

Meesterperfect, if you do not answer these questions, you are as good as the people who finance ISIS, basically, because the lives and safety of your fellow citzens mean close to nothing to you. You are, consequently, fine with all the mass urders and terror around.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Automatic rifle sales have been illegal since 1986, asshat. Background checks are done at gun shows. Stop perpetuating the false narrative.
ah media media......
if a guy is mentally ill, is muslim, and has a gun, the media has one of those 3 options to choose to play with the mind of the masses....
LMAO @ PSYOPS operation.

What isn't a false flag incident in the whacked out world of INFOWARS?

Every time Alex "creating-hysteria-to-fatten-his-wallet" Jones gets a zit on his whoring ass it's a PSYOPS manipulation.

Hey Alex, whatever happened to that Jade Helm thingie you were pissing your pants and wheezing about for months on end??

Also notice Hillary jumped on the gun control right away.

Noticed The Donald did too.
OMG! I guess that makes him part of this grand conspiracy too :eek: :eek: