Nazi-Arabs attacked America


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Automatic rifle sales have been illegal since 1986, asshat. Background checks are done at gun shows. Stop perpetuating the false narrative.

If the guns in question were illegal, they would not be in so many hands.

And you don't want to tell me that the USA have a full background check strategie and applies them to every way weapons are to be purchased.

You know better, so don't waste my time, idiot.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
If the guns in question were illegal, they would not be in so many hands.

And you don't want to tell me that the USA have a full background check strategie and applies them to every way weapons are to be purchased.

You know better, so don't waste my time, idiot.

I think he's got you on a semantic technicality, Supa. An AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle, not an automatic rifle. Significant difference since you have to pull the trigger to fire each round with a semi whereas an automatic weapon (like the AR-15's military counterpart, the M-16) shoots continuous rounds with a single trigger pull. At least that the way it was explained to me at my local gun store where I bought my wife's .38 pistol. However, the joke regarding this difference is illustrated by the fact that you can turn an AR-15 into a virtual automatic weapon by outfitting it with a bump stock that rapidly and repeatedly pulls the trigger, allowing numerous rounds to to be fired very quickly.

You can easily buy one online toady and have it delivered right to your door!


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
I think he's got you on a semantic technicality, Supa. An AR-15 is a semi-automatic rifle, not an automatic rifle. ...

I am aware of such possibilities. I am just not into semantics on this issue. Maybe because life and mass death is not something I am as used to as you americans, where the next mass shooting is just around the corner, and it's just a little sniff, sniff, how sad, on you go until the nect bodies hit the ground. And so on.

It's not about semantics, and it's like talking to complete idiots when I am talking to people like Ace. Maybe he would change if a couple of family members where in a mall, a church, a club, where the next massacre takes place? I even doubt THAT.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
IF my family were to be under the threat you wrote of, I would at least be able to protect them myself instead of waiting for a police response.


Hiliary 2020
Are you for procedures that check out the buyer's mental and criminal background before ANY gun sale can happen?

Are you against the sale of weapons like machine guns for normal citizens,?

Do you think that people who are on the FBI watchlist should have no possibility to get any gun?

Are you against the absolutely free and background-heck-free accessability for guns and heavy weapons on gun shows and the internt?

Meesterperfect, if you do not answer these questions, you are as good as the people who finance ISIS, basically, because the lives and safety of your fellow citzens mean close to nothing to you. You are, consequently, fine with all the mass urders and terror around.

Well the people who arm ISIS or whatever name the GOV gives them today is the US GOV itself.
If anyone can't see that by now they are either not paying attention, believing the fake news, or just in a state of denial.
We are ISIS, period.

1- Yes but I believe that is already the case.
2-No I am not.
3- Absoloutely not. That is what the last video is about. This is DHS talking about taking guns from and/or denying citizens the right to bear arms and/or protect themselves and/or their families or anybody else for that matter.
This is not DHS's job. If they hand it over to them to decide they can choose whoever they want to deny the Right, for any reason they want.
Patriot Act. They don't need probable cause anymore.
And The FBI can put anybody they want on a watchlist.
You can go to a doctor to get xanex to help you sleep and your on a watch list.
I'm probably on a watch list. You might be too.

4- I'm not sure if that question applys but if so yes I am against that. I don't know the laws in every state but I do believe THe GOV and the fake news make it seems that anyone, anywhere can just legally get a gun much more easier than is actually the case.

But here I am debating gun control over this.
Don't you people see this is FAKE just like almost all the mass shootings and bombing since 9/11 have been?
Are you just reading headlines or getting all your info from the fake news?
Look at it. Look at them all. They are not real. These are drills portrayed as the real thing to emotionally terrorize us, take away our rights and herd us like cattle.

Why do you people need no proof at all that these things are real but disregard tons of proof that they are fake?

I don't likeAlex Jones btw, he is what you call controlled opposition.

See these companies, they specialize in exactly this kind of stuff.Right down to the Crisis actors and the fake blood.

Crisis Cast. Jesus X-Mas Their site even lists G4S as a "Client and Assosiate. That is the same business this guy worked for.
What are the odds??????

Here are more
Need more?
I am trying to help you people. Please do some research, ask some questions.
This is serious stuff.


Hiliary 2020
Ok this guy, the movie actor supposedly carried a big rifle, a handgun and an explosive device and what must have been hundreds of rounds of ammo on a warm Florida night into a club unnoticed. He then held 300+ people at bay plus the entire Orlando police force, Swat teams and snipers for over 3 hours before shooting 100+ people, that is about 1 in 3, and supposedly some multiple times.
While he was doing this he managed to use a phone to call 9/11 and many TV stations and Pledge his allegence to ISIS and Hezbollah which by the way are 2 different things and pretty much enemies of each other.

This is the official story so far, not my story. You still believing this shit?

So now Orlando Police are refusing to release this 911 call.
911 calls are open records.
Why refuse to release it?
Wouldn't that possibly shut people like me up?
Unless of course this 911 call doesn't exist or if it does it is not him.

We have a mother on a green screen set fake crying and reading cue cards.
We have some bozo with a stupid hat telling an unbelievable story of blood and gore in the most non chalant way. yet no blood.
We have video of people with fake right leg injurys being carried 500 ft away from the club going towards the club.
Even video of these Injured being put down and standing right up.
We have Luis Burbano, a professional actor telling his fake story with no emotion.
We have no blood, no bodies.
We have craigs lists adds crisis actors and 75 security guards for "event" in Orlando days before.....paying cash.
What place in Orlando needs 75 security people?
Even Omar himself has been in movies.

This is not how people act immediately after witnessing pure carnage or have had someone they love brutally murdered.
Look at the Sandy Hook parents too. Laughing and smiling the next day.
It's not real. We are being tricked and manipulated.
Do some research.


Hiliary 2020
I'm gonna lay low for a while after this one. I realize I am over posting on this thread.
Just trying to shake some sense into at least one person.

Here she is, no tears crying mom from 3 days ago with anderson cooper (who by the way came to CNN directly from the CIA and is not a journalist, it's even on his wikipedia page).
So I guess no tears finally got confirmation that her only child is dead and has gone through the 12 stages in record time. Brutally murdered too.

She's not at a funeral home though arranging services or with friends and loved ones trying to cope. She's at a tv studio. She also did other interviews the same day touting guess what? Yes Gun Control!
OK just somebody answer me this- how is she conducting this interview with a smile on her face the entire time? (just like the Sandy Hook parents were).
Wouldn't most people be so distraught and anguished and in such incredible pain that they could hardly function if at all?
Ever know anybody that lost a child? Were they laughing and smiling right afterwards with a gleem in their eye or were they a damn basketcase?
Can somebody please explain this to me.
If not then explain to me how anybody could be so
ld be so stupid as to believe any of this?


Retired Mod
Bronze Member

1- Yes but I believe that is already the case.
2-No I am not.
3- Absoloutely not. That is what the last video is about. This is DHS talking about taking guns from and/or denying citizens the right to bear arms and/or protect themselves and/or their families or anybody else for that matter.
This is not DHS's job. If they hand it over to them to decide they can choose whoever they want to deny the Right, for any reason they want.
Patriot Act. They don't need probable cause anymore.
And The FBI can put anybody they want on a watchlist.
You can go to a doctor to get xanex to help you sleep and your on a watch list.
I'm probably on a watch list. You Might be too.

4- I'm not sure if that question applys but if so yes I am against that. I don't know the laws in every state but I do believe THe GOV and the fake news make it seems that anyone, anywhere can just legally get a gun much more easier than is actually the case.


Okay, those answers tell us enough. You are crazy. Being not against the sale of weapons like machine guns alone makes you a nutjob.

And Answer 3 puts you in on the club that is into Jade Helms shit and such.

I believe you better are on some watchlist, because you could become a serious danger to other people and yourself, soon.


Hiliary 2020
Okay, those answers tell us enough. You are crazy. Being not against the sale of weapons like machine guns alone makes you a nutjob.

And Answer 3 puts you in on the club that is into Jade Helms shit and such.

I believe you better are on some watchlist, because you could become a serious danger to other people and yourself, soon.

First of all I am not a danger to anybody. Every thing I write here is anti violence and anti war including this thread.
I believe in the 2nd amendment.
As far as DHS deciding who can or can't own a fire-arm I am definitely against that.
They have a license to do whatever they want without any probable cause. They can come to your house, take you to jail without even informing anybody. And you can be locked up indefinitely without any just cause.
It's the Patriot act. And it does happen.

Give them the power to decide who can and can't own firearms is the exact equivilent of that soup nazi scene from Seinfeld.
No gun for you.

I'm crazy and dangerous because I believe in the 2nd amendment and that there should be a legal protocol as to why a person would be denied the right and not handed over to DHS who follows no protocol due to the Patriot Act.

And if you choose to believe the official story of this so far fine. But if you do then it looks like this system you back is a complete failure.
According to what they are telling us the man was under the radar of the FBI for years.
He was under investigation for a long time and interviewed several times.
He Mosque was under investigation but they were told to back off.
He was a licensed security agent with permits to carry and purchase.
And he was in a Gun Free Zone!!!!!!!!

Looks like the system you support is an complete failure. That is if you buy the lies they are telling you.
I'm leading you to water and shoving your face in it. If you won't drink I guess I can't make you.
You are completely brainwashed to the extant you can't see what is right in front of you.
Believing this stuff is real and ignoring the obvious is only going to make these events keep happening.

Again somebody show me some blood. Somebody show me a body. Somebody show me some real emotion.
Show me some video. Show me something that doesn't indicate this is not what I say it is.
I'm not even saying people weren't killed either but if they were then where is the proof.
I've asked a dozen legitimate questions and nobody has explained away one of them.

You are right I might need help. I am trying to show about 10 people who I don't even know that they are being lied to and minipulated. And despite being insulted repeatedly I am still trying.
You are right. I must be nuts.
After reading this thread, you can easily get an impression that America is an extremely dangerous country.

Even tourists are afraid to go to Florida which was a well known and safe vacation spot in the old days!

@meesterperfect - what the fuck happened to you?

eric2136 called, he wants his hat back.

Just don't end up on the news, please. People will come around. Just don't do anything rash.
America is a land of incredible diversity and it is that acceptance of diversity that that been a driving force in the fact that we are the greatest nation on earth.
But didn't this event just prove that isn't the case?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
@meesterperfect - what the fuck happened to you?

eric2136 called, he wants his hat back.

Just don't end up on the news, please. People will come around. Just don't do anything rash.

Lieutenant Commander Potatoe? He can be the executive officer of the Potatoe Squad.


Hiliary 2020
@meesterperfect - what the fuck happened to you?

eric2136 called, he wants his hat back.

Just don't end up on the news, please. People will come around. Just don't do anything rash.

Thank you for not calling be bad awful names that make my feelings hurt.
That's a very refreshing change of pace. Very refreshing indeed.
I don't know eric2345 but I'm probably very different to him.
And don't worry. I won't do anything rash. I hope I haven't given the impression I might. I'm all about Peace.
In fact if I had 3 daughters I would probably have named them Peace Love and Hope. The 4th I would call Forgiveness after my grandmother.

What happened to me you ask?
Well to make a long story short, It all started when.........Wait! This just in. More breaking news on this horrible tragedy.

Gunshot victim Patience Carter leaves trauma surgery and speaks to Press. She wrote a poem too.
What a remarkable recovery! You Go Girl.

You might remember 20 year old Patience as a presenter for Fox News.

Or from her music video "Make A Dollar".

Seems like Lil Patience will be making more than just a dollar now. Just look at those contrbutions rolling in.
Whao Nelly! Not even Jim and Tammy Faye can keep up.
Keep it coming folks!

And this just in about the GunMans father.
Seems he hosts a talk show. Enjoys visiting the State Department and Congress in Washington DC as well as other political offices and conferences in the Capital. He has even declared that he is running for PREZ of Afghanistan. Good Luck Seddique! And keep those letters to President Obama coming.

Sure are a lot of witnesses, murderers and relatives with acting experience involved in this.
I'm just posting what the media and the GOV is telling us so far and what a little bit of google searches show. I couldn't make this up if I tried.

And this just in. Seems while Omar was busy holding 300 people hostage and keeping the entire Orlando Police Force plus County and State police and SWAT and snipers at bay for 3 hours while shooting people, some multiple times and taking their cell phones so they couldn't film what was happening and release it to the public on any form of social media as proof this really did happen while Simultaniously calling 911 and TV stations to praise Allah and ISIS and Hezbollah and also sending text messages to his wife he also had time to make posts on his facebook account during this tragic tragic EVENT.
I'd say Ol' Omar has taken multi-tasking to a whole new level!
I wonder why they would release his facebook posts during the event but not the 911 and tv stations calls?
Oh well, I'm sure they have a perfectly good explanation.


Hiliary 2020
Lieutenant Commander Potatoe? He can be the executive officer of the Potatoe Squad.

Dear Mr. Boobtoucher,
You of all people who clearly supports the 2nd Amendment and is a self decribed Gun Nut and all around nice guy should be able to see clearly that this is all about passing laws to bypass the 2nd Amendment of the United States Constitution and put it in the hands of The United States Division of Homeland Security or DHS for short.
And as you know the DHS adheres to the Patriot Act which due process particuarly the part about Probable Cause means nothing.
Any of us can be put on a watchlist or a no fly zone. We may all be on a watch list just for being on this website for all we know.
Anybody can be put on a watchlist at any time for any thing.
Some have said I should be on a watchlist. Well then so should they because they have assosiated with me here on cyberspace.
The end game here is bypassing the 2nd before Obama leaves office. The DHS head has recently been saying, "I thought Sandy Hook would do it but it didn't" as he did in the video I posted in this thread already. Watch it.
Here is Ubama saying on June 1st at 4:00 in that if you are on a no fly list you should be banned from buying a gun (or have your guns taken away). Again that bypasses the current protocol of all US States and puts it in the hands of the DHS.
And Jebus H Christ Cat Stevens is on a no fly list. A guy that sings about Love and Peace.
Norah Jones father. Might as well put her on a no fly list too. The woman must be dangerous.

Here is Hillary playing her role. Talking about the same thing. If you are on a "watchlist" bye bye guns.
And this coming from a person who is currently under investigation for High Treason and possible Espionage!!!!!
And who knows damn well just who funds and arms ISIS.
12:45 in

Anybody can be put on a watchlist. Might as well throw the 2nd in the shredder with the rest of her emails.
This is the end game here. A gun grab nothing more. They have already chipped the 2nd down to a twig. They can't do anymore without repealing it all together and they know they can't do that. That along with the millions of dollars people are tricked into giving is the motive behind these EVENTS that you people just won't see for what they really are. And they won't stop with AR-15's that's for sure.
Which leads me to the real question. Why do they want an unarmed society? What are they planning?
And if anybody thinks this is being done in the name of public safety you Sir (or Ma'am) are a damn fool!
C'mon people wake the fuck up.