Okay, those answers tell us enough. You are crazy. Being not against the sale of weapons like machine guns alone makes you a nutjob.
And Answer 3 puts you in on the club that is into Jade Helms shit and such.
I believe you better are on some watchlist, because you could become a serious danger to other people and yourself, soon.
First of all I am not a danger to anybody. Every thing I write here is anti violence and anti war including this thread.
I believe in the 2nd amendment.
As far as DHS deciding who can or can't own a fire-arm I am definitely against that.
They have a license to do whatever they want without any probable cause. They can come to your house, take you to jail without even informing anybody. And you can be locked up indefinitely without any just cause.
It's the Patriot act. And it does happen.
Give them the power to decide who can and can't own firearms is the exact equivilent of that soup nazi scene from Seinfeld.
No gun for you.
I'm crazy and dangerous because I believe in the 2nd amendment and that there should be a legal protocol as to why a person would be denied the right and not handed over to DHS who follows no protocol due to the Patriot Act.
And if you choose to believe the official story of this so far fine. But if you do then it looks like this system you back is a complete failure.
According to what they are telling us the man was under the radar of the FBI for years.
He was under investigation for a long time and interviewed several times.
He Mosque was under investigation but they were told to back off.
He was a licensed security agent with permits to carry and purchase.
And he was in a Gun Free Zone!!!!!!!!
Looks like the system you support is an complete failure. That is if you buy the lies they are telling you.
I'm leading you to water and shoving your face in it. If you won't drink I guess I can't make you.
You are completely brainwashed to the extant you can't see what is right in front of you.
Believing this stuff is real and ignoring the obvious is only going to make these events keep happening.
Again somebody show me some blood. Somebody show me a body. Somebody show me some real emotion.
Show me some video. Show me something that doesn't indicate this is not what I say it is.
I'm not even saying people weren't killed either but if they were then where is the proof.
I've asked a dozen legitimate questions and nobody has explained away one of them.
You are right I might need help. I am trying to show about 10 people who I don't even know that they are being lied to and minipulated. And despite being insulted repeatedly I am still trying.
You are right. I must be nuts.