Nazi-Arabs attacked America


Hiliary 2020
Call me what you want. I wear my tin foil hat with pride because I see clearly what this GOV is doing to us.

Like I said you can believe it, I don't.
At least at this point. If I'm wrong I will admit it no prob.
They say 100 people in a club got shot by one guy.
Ok Where is the video footage? Everybody has a damn cell phone and they love to use them. 300 or so people all with video cameras in their hands.
There should be tons of that flooding peoples social media crap almost immediately.
Or some crime scene footage will possibly do. Maybe security footage. Those clubs do have security cameras right?

All I have seen so far is this woman acting, crying without tears.
A guy in an American flag shirt being interviewed saying he he was splattered with blood , crawled on the floor which should have been covered in blood then plugged up a gunshot wound in his friends back with his bandana who was bleeding like crazy then carried him out. Yet this guy had not a speck of blood on him.
Also footage of people with supposed gunshot wounds all in their right leg for some reason looking calm as can be being carried down the street where the cops and ambulances are hundreds of feet away. Not a speck of blood to be seen.
100+ people shot with an AR-15. Do you realize how much blood that would be? Everybody there would be covered in it.
Think about it. Crowded packed club, AR 15 being shot into 300 or so people=Bloodbath.
I've seen bar fights where everybody is covered in blood.

If more evidence comes out maybe I'll bite.
Right now I'm not. It's too soon to be 100% sure.
Right now it looks like another Sandy Hook.

And that woman is acting and reading from a script. Talking about banning assualt weapons.
She doesn't know if her son is dead so what the hell is she doing on the street, unless its a blue screen, fake crying and talking about banning guns instead of at a police station or morgue?

I hope this one is the one that wakes people up. Most of these mass shootings the past few years are Government PSYOP events designed to terrorize us then restrict and control us even more. Sometimes they kill people like in Belgium and Norway, sometimes the whole thing is fake like in Conneticut.
If you think this GOV doesn't or hasn't killed it's own people in false flag events to further an agenda like invasions or gun laws , think again.


Closed Account
He was a naturally-born American citizen regardless of what his heritage was so you most certainly know nothing about which you speak. To identify this fucking asshole as anything else (other than an ISIS disciple and a full-scale member of the lunatic fringe who just happened to be a naturally-born American) is simply inaccurate.

That heart truly goes out to the victims and their families and friends. This war we fight against this type of random terror is virtually impossible to defeat. If you examine the majority of the most recent mass shooting events in the USA (Sandy Hook, Charleston, Aurora) you'll find they have nothing in common other than the fact that the perp was a fucking whacko regardless of his alleged motivation. How this mother fucker gained legal access to an AR-15 is what I want to know. Second-amendment adherent (which I am) or NRA fanatatic (which I am most definitely NOT), the system by which an individual may legally and so easily acquire such a weapon is deeply flawed.

The New York Times seems to agree with you:

The New York Times - How they got their guns

My condolences and thoughts go out to the victims and their family

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
As a christians, you should be happy about this : 50 dead sodomites, that's good news for christians. Because that's what God wants :
I'm so glad to have given up this religious mumbo-jumbo BS.

No. Fuck you, fuckball. You're the asshole who went to mass after the Paris attacks and had every sap wishing you well and telling you to stay safe. You hypocritical cocksucker. Eat the biggest bag of dicks you can get your hands on.

And for the record, dickface. Catholic doctrine clearly states that homosexuals are to be treated the same as any other person. That is, cunt, that if someone is unmarried they should remain celibate in accordance to our teachings. The same as single heterosexual Catholics.

I have my own struggles with some church teachings, but this is not one of them. You cock chugging fuckwit.


Bad news Ace. I agree with your last two posts.

I'm more or less up to date on this, but I've been working so maybe I'm light on the volume of coverage that others have been able to watch. But it seems to me at this preliminary point that this was just some extremely insane individual who had his excuse like a Confederate Flag is another person's excuse.

And sorry to jump topic, but this is the politics section. Trump did his usual snap-judgement tapdance for all the world to see, and as usual; he was wrong. Jeez Louise, it's one thing to be constantly stepping on your own dick, it really is something else to hurry to the next stomp/sharp pain. Meet the one guy who takes a horrific incident like this, and from a thousand miles away (or whatever), makes it even worse in the first five minutes.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
No. Fuck you, fuckball. You're the asshole who went to mass after the Paris attacks and had every sap wishing you well and telling you to stay safe. You hypocritical cocksucker. Eat the biggest bag of dicks you can get your hands on.

And for the record, dickface. Catholic doctrine clearly states that homosexuals are to be treated the same as any other person. That is, cunt, that if someone is unmarried they should remain celibate in accordance to our teachings. The same as single heterosexual Catholics.

I have my own struggles with some church teachings, but this is not one of them. You cock chugging fuckwit.

Go print out both Johans and your post from this porn forum, go to your local catholic priest and ask who's right.
I'm already not buying this.
Whether or not people got killed I don't know yet.
But this looks like another false flag GOV PSYOP trick to get our guns.
This woman standing in an empty street crying with no tears is an ACTOR.
She's reading off a cue card too.
And the second she said "assualt weapons" I knew it fer sure.
You can believe it, I dont.

I want to see security footage as to how one person killed 50+ people and thats not counting how many he wounded.
I want to see more "witnesses" and see if theyre full of shit too.
And if you want to send money here you go. They already got 1.2+ million in 15 hours.
I just hope this doesn't hurt the Sandy Hook parents hand out pages too much.

If it was a false flag operation organised by the Government, the communist who's been occupying illegitimately the White House for nearly 8 years would have targeted christians, not gays...
No. Fuck you, fuckball. You're the asshole who went to mass after the Paris attacks and had every sap wishing you well and telling you to stay safe. You hypocritical cocksucker. Eat the biggest bag of dicks you can get your hands on.

And for the record, dickface. Catholic doctrine clearly states that homosexuals are to be treated the same as any other person. That is, cunt, that if someone is unmarried they should remain celibate in accordance to our teachings. The same as single heterosexual Catholics.

I have my own struggles with some church teachings, but this is not one of them. You cock chugging fuckwit.
That's exactly what Pope Francis says and that's one of the reason why US christians (including the Catholic League) hate him. And, as i showed you, it doesn't match with what the bible says, both in the Old and the New Testament the bible says that gays should be put to death.


Hiliary 2020
If it was a false flag operation organised by the Government, the communist who's been occupying illegitimately the White House for nearly 8 years would have targeted christians, not gays...

No Johan, Obama has nothing to do with these things other than be a mouthpeice after the fact.
This stuff is CIA/FBI/FEMA coordinated.
There is already connections and news coming out that this guy and his father were CIA and FBI connected.

The media puts out so much so much mis information and conflicting reports that it's hard to sift through whats true or not.
That's part of the game.
Anyway there is also talk of other people being involved and there seems to be a media blackout on witness reports. There should be literally hundreds all over the news and the web.
Instead we get tweets up the ying yang.
On ABC on witness said there was another person holding the door shut but as soon as he said that they cut the feed.
There is also talk that this guy was much more involved with the FBI then just being investigated. They may have surveilled him for months. Maybe even much more than just surveiled him.
The question of how he got these weapons if he was under such investigation is a big mystery too.

Still a lot more to find out.
One big thing I feel is video. Everybody there has a video camera on their person and people love to film everything these days.
Plus the club must have had security cameras.
I want to know where this stuff is.
And blood. over a hundred people shot by a AR 15 in a crowded place. By the numbers they gave that is like 1 out of 3 people got shot. Almost everbody would be covered in blood.

At least you are the only one here that is not in complete denial that there is a very strong possibilty this is a false flag psyop instead of instantly condemning Muslims and talking about gun control which is exactly how they want people to react. Pavlovian dogs.
Good for you.

2.6 million on this one so far. Not bad.


Hiliary 2020
No. Fuck you, fuckball. You're the asshole who went to mass after the Paris attacks and had every sap wishing you well and telling you to stay safe. You hypocritical cocksucker. Eat the biggest bag of dicks you can get your hands on.

And for the record, dickface. Catholic doctrine clearly states that homosexuals are to be treated the same as any other person. That is, cunt, that if someone is unmarried they should remain celibate in accordance to our teachings. The same as single heterosexual Catholics.

I have my own struggles with some church teachings, but this is not one of them. You cock chugging fuckwit.

Who needs meds now?
You come here to argue and call people names?
You think that's normal behavior?


Hiliary 2020
ABC news finds a witness. It must be tough finding witnesses because there were only 300 or so people there.

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No Johan, Obama has nothing to do with these things other than be a mouthpeice after the fact.
This stuff is CIA/FBI/FEMA coordinated.
There is already connections and news coming out that this guy and his father were CIA and FBI connected.

The media puts out so much so much mis information and conflicting reports that it's hard to sift through whats true or not.
That's part of the game.
Anyway there is also talk of other people being involved and there seems to be a media blackout on witness reports. There should be literally hundreds all over the news and the web.
Instead we get tweets up the ying yang.
On ABC on witness said there was another person holding the door shut but as soon as he said that they cut the feed.
There is also talk that this guy was much more involved with the FBI then just being investigated. They may have surveilled him for months. Maybe even much more than just surveiled him.
The question of how he got these weapons if he was under such investigation is a big mystery too.

Still a lot more to find out.
One big thing I feel is video. Everybody there has a video camera on their person and people love to film everything these days.
Plus the club must have had security cameras.
I want to know where this stuff is.
And blood. over a hundred people shot by a AR 15 in a crowded place. By the numbers they gave that is like 1 out of 3 people got shot. Almost everbody would be covered in blood.

Then if you havec access to informations that we don't have, bring that to us, post the links to these informations that medias are put out. If you want people to take this kind of stuff seriously, you gotta give the materials, profs, hints... You can't expect people to trust your with this kind of stuff if you don't give 'em something that would indicate that what you said is not entirely made up.

At least you are the only one here that is not in complete denial that there is a very strong possibilty this is a false flag psyop instead of instantly condemning Muslims and talking about gun control which is exactly how they want people to react. Pavlovian dogs.
Good for you.
Actually, I am on of those you call "Pavlovian dogs". My remark about Obama was ironic.
Pastor Steven Anderson's glad that there's 50 gays were killed, sorry that the shooter couldn't kill more of them

As a human being, he's a piece of shit.
As a religious person, he's a good God-loving christian who actually care about what the bnible says about gays and how to treat them.
Johan, have you ever once posted the shit some islamic imam has gone on about on any number of issues?

No, you have a hard on for followers of muhhamad (what, are they just exotic to you?)

This has always puzzled me (it hasn't really), but why is there seemingly such a love affair between the left and islam? Islam is antithetical to everything the left purportes to stand for (can we start with the treatment of women?). And yet, there's outright advocacy or at the very least, feigned indifference from the left when it comes to islam. But not so with christianity. The left doesn't have a problem with islam because it hates christianity more. Common enemies.


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Johan, you should not drive yourself into such madness.

This isn't even funny anymore, you just embarass yourself.
to the disaffected islamic yahoos around the world who are swearing allegiance to IS during this holy month of ramadan, I say: rumble, young man, rumble.