Hiliary 2020
Call me what you want. I wear my tin foil hat with pride because I see clearly what this GOV is doing to us.
Like I said you can believe it, I don't.
At least at this point. If I'm wrong I will admit it no prob.
They say 100 people in a club got shot by one guy.
Ok Where is the video footage? Everybody has a damn cell phone and they love to use them. 300 or so people all with video cameras in their hands.
There should be tons of that flooding peoples social media crap almost immediately.
Or some crime scene footage will possibly do. Maybe security footage. Those clubs do have security cameras right?
All I have seen so far is this woman acting, crying without tears.
A guy in an American flag shirt being interviewed saying he he was splattered with blood , crawled on the floor which should have been covered in blood then plugged up a gunshot wound in his friends back with his bandana who was bleeding like crazy then carried him out. Yet this guy had not a speck of blood on him.
Also footage of people with supposed gunshot wounds all in their right leg for some reason looking calm as can be being carried down the street where the cops and ambulances are hundreds of feet away. Not a speck of blood to be seen.
100+ people shot with an AR-15. Do you realize how much blood that would be? Everybody there would be covered in it.
Think about it. Crowded packed club, AR 15 being shot into 300 or so people=Bloodbath.
I've seen bar fights where everybody is covered in blood.
If more evidence comes out maybe I'll bite.
Right now I'm not. It's too soon to be 100% sure.
Right now it looks like another Sandy Hook.
And that woman is acting and reading from a script. Talking about banning assualt weapons.
She doesn't know if her son is dead so what the hell is she doing on the street, unless its a blue screen, fake crying and talking about banning guns instead of at a police station or morgue?
I hope this one is the one that wakes people up. Most of these mass shootings the past few years are Government PSYOP events designed to terrorize us then restrict and control us even more. Sometimes they kill people like in Belgium and Norway, sometimes the whole thing is fake like in Conneticut.
If you think this GOV doesn't or hasn't killed it's own people in false flag events to further an agenda like invasions or gun laws , think again.
Like I said you can believe it, I don't.
At least at this point. If I'm wrong I will admit it no prob.
They say 100 people in a club got shot by one guy.
Ok Where is the video footage? Everybody has a damn cell phone and they love to use them. 300 or so people all with video cameras in their hands.
There should be tons of that flooding peoples social media crap almost immediately.
Or some crime scene footage will possibly do. Maybe security footage. Those clubs do have security cameras right?
All I have seen so far is this woman acting, crying without tears.
A guy in an American flag shirt being interviewed saying he he was splattered with blood , crawled on the floor which should have been covered in blood then plugged up a gunshot wound in his friends back with his bandana who was bleeding like crazy then carried him out. Yet this guy had not a speck of blood on him.
Also footage of people with supposed gunshot wounds all in their right leg for some reason looking calm as can be being carried down the street where the cops and ambulances are hundreds of feet away. Not a speck of blood to be seen.
100+ people shot with an AR-15. Do you realize how much blood that would be? Everybody there would be covered in it.
Think about it. Crowded packed club, AR 15 being shot into 300 or so people=Bloodbath.
I've seen bar fights where everybody is covered in blood.
If more evidence comes out maybe I'll bite.
Right now I'm not. It's too soon to be 100% sure.
Right now it looks like another Sandy Hook.
And that woman is acting and reading from a script. Talking about banning assualt weapons.
She doesn't know if her son is dead so what the hell is she doing on the street, unless its a blue screen, fake crying and talking about banning guns instead of at a police station or morgue?
I hope this one is the one that wakes people up. Most of these mass shootings the past few years are Government PSYOP events designed to terrorize us then restrict and control us even more. Sometimes they kill people like in Belgium and Norway, sometimes the whole thing is fake like in Conneticut.
If you think this GOV doesn't or hasn't killed it's own people in false flag events to further an agenda like invasions or gun laws , think again.