My President is Black...

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But, if you were a black person and didn't want anyone to care about the color your skin or to look at you any different just because of the color of your skin, then why would you tell everyone that you had a BLACK President?

Why bring attention to something that you don't want people to notice?[/SIZE]

I guess that people who act this way do not want to be judged by the color in negative meaning, but at the same time they won't mind to be judged in positive meaning.

In other words, according to those people, you should not notice color if you want to say something bad about it, but if you have a lot of respect and admiration to express - you are welcome!
you can't notice when you want to critisize, but you are welcome to notice if you are about to chant the praises. it's some kinda race-based vanity. And yes, in fact this is the same racism they were fighting with.

As for me, I think it sucks, and I do not like this attitude. It should be some coherence in approach, or it becomes a pure double-standart.


Closed Account
PS: as for your question about his dad and mom... the answer is simple enough: black genes are dominant, so even when mother is white, the kid is not 50% white and 50% black. In fact he is black for much more than a half, due to the dominant genes of black people. just biology, no politics.

i find that so hard to believe,surely half cast which they are,why choose to say iam black??[/QUOTE]

The last time I heard such phrases was in the 80s. There's no such thing as "black genes" the same as "white genes." Europeans share more genes with "black" Africans than with Australian "Abos." There's no "dominant gene" because there's no separation in the gene pool. Wake up!

Get a grip, please. There's no black or white. If you DO find a distinction please report it: white people are as dead as black people.

If that's too difficult to grasp, try the "Out of Africa" method, where only air travel will help one distinguish between perceived races.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I guess that people who act this way do not want to be judged by the color in negative meaning, but at the same time they won't mind to be judged in positive meaning.

In other words, according to those people, you should not notice color if you want to say something bad about it, but if you have a lot of respect and admiration to express - you are welcome!
you can't notice when you want to critisize, but you are welcome to notice if you are about to chant the praises. it's some kinda race-based vanity. And yes, in fact this is the same racism they were fighting with.

Exactly. It's bullshit. Like I said before, it ultimately doesn't effect me and I don't care, but it's still bullshit.

ME: Wow, there's a lot of good black runningbacks in the NFL.
BLACK GUY: You're God damned right there are!
ME: Why is that?
BLACK GUY: Because black people know how to play football!

ME: Wow, there's a lot of homeless black people where I live. Why is that?
BLACK GUY: Man, that's some racist shit.

Dear Jay-Z and other cliche, overly excited black celebrities,

Barack Obama's mom is white and his dad is black. So, how does that make him 100% black? Shouldn't he be 50% black and 50% white?

If his dad was white and his mom was black, would he still be 100% black or would he then become 100% white?

What's the criteria for being black, as opposed to white, or even a mix?


I'm just saying...



PS - Tiger Woods is also not 100% black. Just thought I'd let you know.

I think a good example is Derek Jeter. I mean you look at Jeter, and he does not look black, he has more of a white complection, and doesn't have alot of features of black individuals. It's interesting because you never hear of him being mixed, and he is certainly never called black. He favors his white half much more than the black. I have to wonder, now I'm a huge Obama fan, so dont get me wrong, but if Obama favored his white half more, would he still be called the first black president?


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Get a grip, please. There's no black or white. If you DO find a distinction please report it: white people are as dead as black people.

It's almost comical that you actually think there's no black or white. If there wasn't, we would all be the same exact skin color.

Let me stand next to Eddie Murphy and then try telling me that there's no black or white.

I think a good example is Derek Jeter. I mean you look at Jeter, and he does not look black, he has more of a white complection, and doesn't have alot of features of black individuals. It's interesting because you never hear of him being mixed, and he is certainly never called black. He favors his white half much more than the black. I have to wonder, now I'm a huge Obama fan, so dont get me wrong, but if Obama favored his white half more, would he still be called the first black president?

That's a really good example. You also raise a good question about Obama favoring his "white side". Honestly, I have no idea how people would look at him; white or black.

What did you think when Condoleezza Rice was appointed? A "black" representing USA in international politics area. C'mon! This is just a higher degree place in government. :)
i find that so hard to believe,surely half cast which they are,why choose to say iam black??

Well, I already tried to explain it: because of the biological laws... I am speaking of race without any political/disrimination/good-or-bad subtext. Just as about any other things that depend from genes...

Quote from wikipedia (you can read about genetics if you want to know more and understand how it works):
For example, if a person has one allele for blood type A and one for blood type O, that person will always have blood type A. For a person to have blood type O, both their alleles must be O (recessive).

It is the basic example of dominant (in this example - A) and recessive (O) shit.
Of course, you can say that your blood type is "A+O", cuz one of your parents had type "O", but it is nonsense from the bilogical point of view.

Of course, race is more complicated thing than this example, there are many properties, not just the simple changing of the color of the skin, but the truth is that in general "white genes" are recessive to "black genes" (if try to put it simple).

No wonder that even in the first generation of kids from mixed couples, kids look much more like black people than white people. And their kids would be even more close to "pure black" instance.

Though, of course, everybody can call himself how he wants, purple, yellow or green. But it is more about emotions, political point of view, freedom of speech or any other things that has nothing to do with science.
i find that so hard to believe,surely half cast which they are,why choose to say iam black??

The last time I heard such phrases was in the 80s. There's no such thing as "black genes" the same as "white genes." Europeans share more genes with "black" Africans than with Australian "Abos." There's no "dominant gene" because there's no separation in the gene pool. Wake up!

Get a grip, please. There's no black or white. If you DO find a distinction please report it: white people are as dead as black people.

If that's too difficult to grasp, try the "Out of Africa" method, where only air travel will help one distinguish between perceived races.

I get a kick out of people like you; so upset that there is a distinct difference in the races, and it is so obvious. And please spare me the "whites came from Africa" rhetoric, because that is a bullshit myth that is propagated by the MSM for their little agenda.
but if Obama favored his white half more, would he still be called the first black president?

well he's still "blacker" than any of them. Although it would be kind of funny if next year time a guy ran under the platform of "The real first black president."

I think it's fair for Obama to make that claim, since people have asked him about it. I think that everyone else has made far of a bigger deal about the race issues than he himself has. I would imagine that he grew up predominantly around black people and is more in touch with that side of his history and culture. I said before that personal identity is the most important factor in how you view someone, not lineage or really any other objective quality.

Just personally speaking, on my mother's side my grandfather is of Irish decent, and my grandmother is half English half German. On my father's side my grandfather is of English decent and my grandmother immigrated from Germany. I consider myself to be of German ancestry because I am closest with my paternal grandmother and her family, and I have never even met my paternal grandfather or am close with any other relatives from the other sides- although if you wanted to look at it genealogically, I'd probably be more English than German.
There's no "dominant gene" because there's no separation in the gene pool. Wake up!

Especially for you:

Skin color is an excellent example of genetic control at work. Skin color depends on the degree of melanin found in skin cells. The amount of melanin is pre-determined by the genetic blueprint of some genes in each cell. To be exact, there are two genes that control the production of melanin, each of which has a dominant and recessive expression.

Does that makes sense? If there are dominant and recessive expressions, and there are two parents, how do you think what will their child most likely inherit?

from biology-online

Well, if you do not trust that resource, you can find it information in any other place... I remember this facts since my school ages, we had lessons of biology with brief explanations of how it works. Strange to meet people who argue with fundamental things :dunno:


Closed Account
Dear Jay-Z and other cliche, overly excited black celebrities,

Barack Obama's mom is white and his dad is black. So, how does that make him 100% black? Shouldn't he be 50% black and 50% white?

If his dad was white and his mom was black, would he still be 100% black or would he then become 100% white?

What's the criteria for being black, as opposed to white, or even a mix?


I'm just saying...



PS - Tiger Woods is also not 100% black. Just thought I'd let you know.

First of all the man ,OBAMA ,calls himself BLACK & that should be worth something.:dunno:

Probably realized he was black when he visited the first White teenage girl as a young man & got that look. He would have been a slave just as darker Blacks like Wesley Snipes/ Michael Jordan,etc....

Obama knows he would have been hosed,lynched,beaten ,rode the rear of the bus,been turned away from White establisments/schools, just as quickly as Jay Z /Jeezy or whomever else.

Obama could have & did walk any Black neighborhoood without the residents batting an eye. Obama is actually darker than many Blacks like Rev. Wright/Farrakan, etc... but I don't see any Whites questioning their Race.

The man has been nothing ,but respectful to his White mother, grandmother,grandfather,etc... ,but he knows how he is viewed & how he views himself in this society. If no one had ever seen his mother,heard of his mother & met him on the street he would be a Black man plain & simple.

I would have to find the article ,but I believe it is something like 85% or more of mixed race kids feel more accepted by Blacks than Whites.
Barack Obama's mom is white and his dad is black. So, how does that make him 100% black? Shouldn't he be 50% black and 50% white?

If his dad was white and his mom was black, would he still be 100% black or would he then become 100% white?

What's the criteria for being black, as opposed to white, or even a mix?

You know, I've been asking this same question for a while now. Ironically, however, I think Obama did a pretty good job of answering it in his Inaugural Address:

This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed — why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent Mall, and why a man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath.

I think, deep down, that's our criteria: if you would have been discriminated against 60 years ago, you're black. This has some pretty serious implications, though. It basically means that we'll never even hope to get past racial politics until there's no one left to remember widespread, legalized segregation. How long will that take? Another 60 years? Are we really only halfway there?


what the fuck you lookin at?
OH fucking christ! This is gonna be a long fuck 4 years probably 8 if I gotta hear how he's "Americas first black president" every fucking day!!! I don't give a shit he's black. He's only half black anyway. Drop it and lets move on. He the president, just like any other.
OH fucking christ! This is gonna be a long fuck 4 years probably 8 if I gotta hear how he's "Americas first black president" every fucking day!!! I don't give a shit he's black. He's only half black anyway. Drop it and lets move on. He the president, just like any other.

I understand teh historical context, but I agree with you! He is going to be judged on what he does to turn around the economy and how we do as a nation. No one is gonna give him a pass just because he is the first black president!


Dear Jay-Z and other cliche, overly excited black celebrities,

Barack Obama's mom is white and his dad is black. So, how does that make him 100% black? Shouldn't he be 50% black and 50% white?

If his dad was white and his mom was black, would he still be 100% black or would he then become 100% white?

What's the criteria for being black, as opposed to white, or even a mix?


I'm just saying...



PS - Tiger Woods is also not 100% black. Just thought I'd let you know.

I think it has to do with the slave days. If you were 1/8th African American blood you were black. I went to high school with a girl who was 1/8th black as in she had a black grandpa. She was totally white though.

It might just be that it's their skin color.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
This argument is 9/10ths white as everyone else doesnt care. While you're busy talking about this shit.. a black man is running the country. Why involve science, law or alcohol ::downs some gin:: when.. ahem.. when it doesnt even matter, now?

Granted.. yes.. it's absolutely human to want an easy explanation, a classification to put someone in and just forget it. Fuck that. This black guy, this white girl.. that half'n'half kid.. whatever. A black guy has success. So did Tiger woods. Doesnt mean the PGA tour is going to go ghetto. Doesnt mean the NHL is next. Doesnt mean shit. Stop being so.. predictable and just accept it!


Postal Paranoiac
Who gives a shit about percentages???? Just run the fucking country right.
I agree with maildude. I do not care if he is purple as long as he does a good job as president and I believe he will..:yesyes:
I get a kick out of people like you; so upset that there is a distinct difference in the races, and it is so obvious. And please spare me the "whites came from Africa" rhetoric, because that is a bullshit myth that is propagated by the MSM for their little agenda.

Since you do not believe the Out Of Africa theory, could you tell us what's your explanation of the origin of the races.
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