But, if you were a black person and didn't want anyone to care about the color your skin or to look at you any different just because of the color of your skin, then why would you tell everyone that you had a BLACK President?
Why bring attention to something that you don't want people to notice?[/SIZE]
PS: as for your question about his dad and mom... the answer is simple enough: black genes are dominant, so even when mother is white, the kid is not 50% white and 50% black. In fact he is black for much more than a half, due to the dominant genes of black people. just biology, no politics.
I guess that people who act this way do not want to be judged by the color in negative meaning, but at the same time they won't mind to be judged in positive meaning.
In other words, according to those people, you should not notice color if you want to say something bad about it, but if you have a lot of respect and admiration to express - you are welcome!
you can't notice when you want to critisize, but you are welcome to notice if you are about to chant the praises. it's some kinda race-based vanity. And yes, in fact this is the same racism they were fighting with.
Dear Jay-Z and other cliche, overly excited black celebrities,
Barack Obama's mom is white and his dad is black. So, how does that make him 100% black? Shouldn't he be 50% black and 50% white?
If his dad was white and his mom was black, would he still be 100% black or would he then become 100% white?
What's the criteria for being black, as opposed to white, or even a mix?
I'm just saying...
PS - Tiger Woods is also not 100% black. Just thought I'd let you know.
Get a grip, please. There's no black or white. If you DO find a distinction please report it: white people are as dead as black people.
I think a good example is Derek Jeter. I mean you look at Jeter, and he does not look black, he has more of a white complection, and doesn't have alot of features of black individuals. It's interesting because you never hear of him being mixed, and he is certainly never called black. He favors his white half much more than the black. I have to wonder, now I'm a huge Obama fan, so dont get me wrong, but if Obama favored his white half more, would he still be called the first black president?
i find that so hard to believe,surely half cast which they are,why choose to say iam black??
For example, if a person has one allele for blood type A and one for blood type O, that person will always have blood type A. For a person to have blood type O, both their alleles must be O (recessive).
i find that so hard to believe,surely half cast which they are,why choose to say iam black??
The last time I heard such phrases was in the 80s. There's no such thing as "black genes" the same as "white genes." Europeans share more genes with "black" Africans than with Australian "Abos." There's no "dominant gene" because there's no separation in the gene pool. Wake up!
Get a grip, please. There's no black or white. If you DO find a distinction please report it: white people are as dead as black people.
If that's too difficult to grasp, try the "Out of Africa" method, where only air travel will help one distinguish between perceived races.
but if Obama favored his white half more, would he still be called the first black president?
There's no "dominant gene" because there's no separation in the gene pool. Wake up!
Skin color is an excellent example of genetic control at work. Skin color depends on the degree of melanin found in skin cells. The amount of melanin is pre-determined by the genetic blueprint of some genes in each cell. To be exact, there are two genes that control the production of melanin, each of which has a dominant and recessive expression.
Dear Jay-Z and other cliche, overly excited black celebrities,
Barack Obama's mom is white and his dad is black. So, how does that make him 100% black? Shouldn't he be 50% black and 50% white?
If his dad was white and his mom was black, would he still be 100% black or would he then become 100% white?
What's the criteria for being black, as opposed to white, or even a mix?
I'm just saying...
PS - Tiger Woods is also not 100% black. Just thought I'd let you know.
Barack Obama's mom is white and his dad is black. So, how does that make him 100% black? Shouldn't he be 50% black and 50% white?
If his dad was white and his mom was black, would he still be 100% black or would he then become 100% white?
What's the criteria for being black, as opposed to white, or even a mix?
OH fucking christ! This is gonna be a long fuck 4 years probably 8 if I gotta hear how he's "Americas first black president" every fucking day!!! I don't give a shit he's black. He's only half black anyway. Drop it and lets move on. He the president, just like any other.
Dear Jay-Z and other cliche, overly excited black celebrities,
Barack Obama's mom is white and his dad is black. So, how does that make him 100% black? Shouldn't he be 50% black and 50% white?
If his dad was white and his mom was black, would he still be 100% black or would he then become 100% white?
What's the criteria for being black, as opposed to white, or even a mix?
I'm just saying...
PS - Tiger Woods is also not 100% black. Just thought I'd let you know.
I get a kick out of people like you; so upset that there is a distinct difference in the races, and it is so obvious. And please spare me the "whites came from Africa" rhetoric, because that is a bullshit myth that is propagated by the MSM for their little agenda.