No not really. How often did those whites commit violence against your person? I've seen black people do it PLENTY of times when I grew up in my black dominated town. The teachers and authority figures did NOTHING why? Because many of them approved, or made their living as part of the "racial discrimination" racket, and it would look a little odd if they used their "speaking truth to power" skills against other black people.
And as for interracial relationships, some of the most racist black men I've ever met in my life were those in relationships with White or Asian women. Especially the ones who are in relationships with white girls, "anything to hurt whitey" and all the other sick, perverse, and reptilian brained stuff that is found on the internet.
What did my multi-cult upbringing show me? That people across the world are more or less the same when it comes to tribal allegiances. Black people are the worst when they are allowed to have "power" for a little while, but only because they are the least unreconstructed. If African Americans were as deballed as whites, they'd be just as docile and pacified. And guess what, it's Happening as we speak!
With the JR Knight, Prop. 8, DL Brotha, Isiah Thomas, Obama pastor thing going on, the P.C. spotlight has been placed on black men and they are in for the same kind of treatment they used to bluegeon white men with.
Also for you personally, I don't know how "black" you look, but there's a difference between someone who looks very black, and a self-hating piece of work like Alicia Keyes, who thanks her white mama by bashing whitey and the white man in the press. Anything to fit in right??