My President is Black...

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No not at all I was actually being generous. I meet so many racist black people while generally white people dont really seem to care anymore

It certainly was kind of you to be so "generous". So if you were to take the gloves off just how much more racist do you actually believe blacks are?

And if I might be so bold, most people's subjective experiences within the (relatively) tiny framework of their existence are extremely poor barometers of the the actual state of things in the greater world. Yet that rarely prevents them from making gross and frequently wildly innacurate generalizations.

Never seen so many ignorant posts in one thread. :dunno:

It's a real doozy, isn't it? And I have a feeling we haven't begun to see the worst of it just yet....
It certainly was kind of you to be so "generous". So if you were to take the gloves off just how much more racist do you actually believe blacks are?

And if I might be so bold, most people's subjective experiences within the (relatively) tiny framework of their existence are extremely poor barometers of the the actual state of things in the greater world. Yet that rarely prevents them from making gross and frequently wildly innacurate generalizations.

It's a real doozy, isn't it? And I have a feeling we haven't begun to see the worst of it just yet....

Listen I am not trying to get in a flame war or anything but in my personal experience I run into a lot more racist black people. Thats not saying that I am right or wrong just what I personally see.

Yes some white people might in their head look down on black people but black people put so much public emphases on skin color.

Can I generally respect a black person? No I cant because how how they act but if you take a perfectly respectable person like Obama or some of my black friends who dont walk around with so much hate or a "gangster" attitude sure I can respect them just as much as the next person.

All of this is my opinion and I am sorry if it differs from yours but what type of world would this be if we all always thought alike.. Pretty boring
Obama didn't even swear on a Bible

The swearing in does not require a Bible.

He requested, and was permitted to use, Abraham Lincoln's personal Bible the day prior, at the formal inauguration.

But regardless, I'm sure this complete non-event will have conspiracy fuckwits stroking their collective tin foil hard ons. This one's right up there with his alleged non-citizenship :rolleyes:

I'm thinking this theory that he's a muslim may in fact be correct.

Once she finished "America The Beautiful" Aretha Franklin really should have sung "Chain Of Fools" to honor all the 'he's a muslim' crackpots.
Exactly. It's bullshit. Like I said before, it ultimately doesn't effect me and I don't care, but it's still bullshit.

ME: Wow, there's a lot of good black runningbacks in the NFL.
BLACK GUY: You're God damned right there are!
ME: Why is that?
BLACK GUY: Because black people know how to play football!

ME: Wow, there's a lot of homeless black people where I live. Why is that?
BLACK GUY: Man, that's some racist shit.


WTF are you talking about?

Did you actually read the shit you just posted?

Worst post ever!!! :ban:


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Tiger Woods is barely even black. In fact he's more WHITE than black if you want to break it down. He looks THAI, but most people are too lazy to even find Thailand on the map.

His Mother is 50% Issa Thai, 25% Chinese and 25% Dutch.\

His Father was: 50% Black (of indeterminite white and native american ancestry), 25% Native American and 25% Chinese.

Tiger is 25% Thai, 25% Chinese 25% Black 12.5% Native American and 12.5 Dutch.

*I* realize this. Realizing that leads to the fact that many.. many people dont. If he looks black, he is. Simple and *realistic*. I can argue your point all day long as can you, it will get us nowhere. Tiger and Obama are black. That's the point. Go argue with a backwoods republican if you want an argument. Lemme know how those cuts heal.
Excuse me? Please enlighten us as to how his race was the one and only reason he was elected.

ok lets do this then. people have been sayin since 3 years ago, which for those of you who are slow (person i quoted above.... hint hint....) was a year into Bush's second term, that the next president would be a woman or a black person. its been everywhere. for some reason i couldnt turn on my tv and not hear it. so right there we set ourselves up for failure.

now historically speaking, black men have been allowed the privledge to vote for longer than white women have. its not racist. its a fact. so if you take in into perspective, it was undoubtable that a black male would be president before a white woman.

wierd how this exact scenario came up in this years race. the traditional white man with ample experience, the white woman, and the token black male. since america was pushing for change for the last 3 years in this direction, thank you for comin white male, but the deck was already stacked against you.....

leaving us the white woman and the black male....

well we only had one black male running and so far with historys one and only precedent, we are lead to believe that a black male trumps a white female, so the end result..........

well, we are living it. anybody of proper skin tone could have won this year, he just happened to be the one who decided to run. congrats! you got a welfare seat in the white house.

on a side note..... im suprised we didnt have a black female run this year as well..... coulda killed both birds with one stone... but society is in no way ready for that yet............

do i agree with it? (it being the fact that race matters)
no. not at all. my personal preference is to take both or all parties, place them side by side faceless, and take my pick based on written merit alone, but not everyone shares my logic on that one. to some people all you have to do is walk in the door with the right face and you have the job.
ok lets do this then. people have been sayin since 3 years ago, which for those of you who are slow (person i quoted above.... hint hint....)

That's hilarious coming from the person who thought the pledge of allegiance originated with the founding fathers; that it originally included the words "under god"; that our coinage always included the phrase "in god we trust"; and that we were founded as a Christian nation. Seriously usmc, the more you post the more it concerns me that if you're the norm our armed forces are disturbingly unaware of some of the basic concepts they're defending.

As for your post above, it's so full of illogical, nonsensical gibberish I don't even see the point in addressing it, beyond making note of a couple of things:

1) It was a very risky endeavor to choose a woman or a black man as a candidate in what has always been primarily a partiarchal nation of moderate to conservative values; a nation with a lengthy history of racial and gender discrimination; a nation that had twice running elected a white, conservative, born again Christian.

2) Aside from John Edwards the Democratic Party was without highly viable white candidates to contest Hilary and Obama for the nomination.

3) What really drives you appears to be revealed in the following sentences, which I will simply repost without comment as I believe they speak volumes on their own:

anybody of proper skin tone could have won this year, he just happened to be the one who decided to run.

congrats! you got a welfare seat in the white house.
grats dude! you were able to "censor quote" me in order to make me seem racist and bigoted. good for you. next time add in the part where i mention that i dont give a shit about race or any of that and i made my choice on merit alone. wierd how you magically left that out. good on you!

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
I am just finishing up the entrance process for a federal job and had to submit to a background investigation. Now if I had put down that one of my associates was a known terrorist and that my pastor was preaching stuff that would make a radical imam proud I would be out of luck when they adjudicate me.

My point is that the American people are stupid to have fallen in love with this guy's image. In the past if anything like that had popped up it would have ended a politician's career, now it seems like a badge of honor to have an asshole in your corner. To his credit, he did distance himself from the mess but the whole thing makes the "monkey business" scandal look relatively tame. To have this guy rammed down our throats as the best possible candidate by a media so determined to affect change just makes my blood boil.
grats dude! you were able to "censor quote" me in order to make me seem racist and bigoted.

I did nothing of the kind. Those are your words, unexpurgated. All I did was underline three of them for emphasis. If you want to try and explain how they somehow harmonize with an enlightened, on-merit-alone philosophy then by all means go for it.
you took what i was saying completely out of context.

just the same as this

my quote is "i hate ******s is a horrible and 100% unprovoked thing for anyone to say under any circumstance"

your version is: "usmc071984 said 'i hate ******s'"

see where there might be a difference there?

by itself, yes its condemning. but added with the entire statement, and you, my friend, turn into the jackass here by trying to lead people to believe i said something entirely different that what i meant.

p.s. to all the moderators here, i hope to god that my example there didnt break any rules. please keep in mind, it was just an example to make a point!
I am just finishing up the entrance process for a federal job and had to submit to a background investigation. Now if I had put down that one of my associates was a known terrorist

Errrr. There's a problem here. Well a couple, actually. For one, Ayers hasn't been a "known terrorist" for 3 and half decades. He's a professor of education at a fully accredited american university who lives a completely conventional lifestyle. Had Obama been associated with him when he WAS a terrorist that would be a huge concern, but as anyone can see, including John McCain, who stated he didn't care about a "washed up terroirst", that isn't the case.

and that my pastor was preaching stuff that would make a radical imam proud I would be out of luck when they adjudicate me.

Let me ask you this: When you were growing up did you agree with everything your father (or whatever other male role models you had) believed? Or did you incorporate what they had to offer that was useful and discard the rest?

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
My point is that even though I have a clean record just associating with these types of people would disqualify me as a candidate for this particular job. When in the grand scheme of things a guy goes for a $35,000 per year job with little or no recognition and has to be so thoroughly scrutinized doesn't it make sense to hold his elected potential boss to the same standards?
you took what i was saying completely out of context.

Again, if that's the case then please simply explain to me how what I quoted makes sense within your avowed context.

What do you mean by "proper skin color"?
Why do we now have "a welfare seat in the white house"?

How are those statements indicative of you being the well-meaning, enlightened, on-merit-only kind of judge you claim your post, in it's entirity, represents?
I have to stick up for USMC here, that quote was taken out of context. Your emphasis gives the implication that the use of the word "proper skin tone" is in contradiction to Obama('s skin tone)- when what he actually said was that black is the "proper skin tone" and that Obama fits that criteria.

I'm just speaking on accuracy of representation. I mean, don't get me wrong, he's completely full of shit and this logic train has derailed long ago.

People are actually saying with a straight face that Obama's credentials wouldn't get him a job at the post office, but he's was *elected as president simply because he is black and for no other reason, other than the fact that he's a covert Muslim communist that wants to destroy America.

*not really elected, but given the title by the secret cabal of minorities that control the country (yet for some reason we've had 43 white guys. wow. what a great misdirection!) and whose plan for world domination is to give all black people welfare ( average 400 dollars a month, which is below the poverty line.)
If that turns out to be the case, so what?

But you'd care if a dog went extinct, wouldn't you? I would!

The But regardless, I'm sure this complete non-event will have conspiracy fuckwits stroking their collective tin foil hard ons. This one's right up there with his alleged non-citizenship :rolleyes:


I did't have to say it. His grandmother did. :thefinger I'll believe someone who actually has blood related to Obama before I believe you, any day.


1) It was a very risky endeavor to choose a woman or a black man as a candidate in what has always been primarily a partiarchal nation of moderate to conservative values; a nation with a lengthy history of racial and gender discrimination; a nation that had twice running elected a white, conservative, born again Christian.


So what. Do you want to re-write history? Maybe if you loathe the Founders so much and what they created is so atrocious to you, you could perhaps find another nation? preferably, Liberia?

My point is that even though I have a clean record just associating with these types of people would disqualify me as a candidate for this particular job. When in the grand scheme of things a guy goes for a $35,000 per year job with little or no recognition and has to be so thoroughly scrutinized doesn't it make sense to hold his elected potential boss to the same standards?

You make a good point. :wave2:


Closed Account
Especially for you:

Does that makes sense? If there are dominant and recessive expressions, and there are two parents, how do you think what will their child most likely inherit?

from biology-online

Well, if you do not trust that resource, you can find it information in any other place... I remember this facts since my school ages, we had lessons of biology with brief explanations of how it works. Strange to meet people who argue with fundamental things :dunno:

I just asked my wife (who just happens to be a geneticist). She basically said to take the bullshit old info and toss it out. Also, "black" genes aren't necessarily dominant more often than the white ones- apparently, black males tend to carry the dominant genes more often. (the reason is unclear)

Now, adding my own logic:
when mixing races, it is nearly always black man/white woman. Therefore, the darker skin tendencies will stay to the front. Sounds logical, but there's probably a good explanation.


Postal Paranoiac
You know we live in a racist society when White always gets to move first in chess.
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