I get a kick out of people like you; so upset that there is a distinct difference in the races, and it is so obvious. And please spare me the "whites came from Africa" rhetoric, because that is a bullshit myth that is propagated by the MSM for their little agenda.
myth is actually teached in biological anthropology classes. It's based on another scientifical
myth called DNA.
I guess it's a complot and all the foundings were intoduced in there respective sites by the MSM and financed by Al-Quaida... :dunno:
You know, I've been asking this same question for a while now. Ironically, however, I think Obama did a pretty good job of answering it in his Inaugural Address:
This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed — why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent Mall, and why a man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath.
I think, deep down, that's our criteria: if you would have been discriminated against 60 years ago, you're black. This has some pretty serious implications, though. It basically means that we'll never even hope to get past racial politics until there's no one left to remember widespread, legalized segregation. How long will that take? Another 60 years? Are we really only halfway there?
While i was reading the posts in this thread, that's exactly the quote from Obama that came into my mind.
As someone already mentionned, i think it was important to underline the historical progression of the
racial outcome in USA. From slavery to equality.
Outside of rational thoughts, i think that Obama and the medias insisting on his
black heritage, just symbolise the simple fact that everything is accessible now for any american citizen
regardless of his racial heritage.
Races exists. But it doesnt make anyone superior or inferior: it's just a biological fact. Or a cultural fact even.
black president is just showing that the old racial discriminations, prejudices, are no longer significant: with a
black president, who can now pretend that equal chances for people is a myth?
It's something. It's significant. And yes, it involves thinking in
racial terms but... free of all the shit that have slowly disapear in people's mind about racial superiority/inferiority.
We can't deny that someone is
black but we no longer see it as a flaw, as a superiority or as anything else than a different color. As humans come in all sizes, forms and colors...
If the symbol of a
black president could be strong enough, significant enough to break the obsolete bipolarised black/white opposition, it might become the final step that was required to no longer
wish to be equals but
be equals.
Who gives a shit about percentages???? Just run the fucking country right.
That's exactly what should happend now that the historical outcome of a
black president was celebrated.
Who cares about the color? Black or white, we only want a
competent president, arent we?
:2 cents: