My President is Black...

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I get a kick out of people like you; so upset that there is a distinct difference in the races, and it is so obvious. And please spare me the "whites came from Africa" rhetoric, because that is a bullshit myth that is propagated by the MSM for their little agenda.

And I get a kick out of people like you; folks that are either too ignorant or lazy to pick up a book and read about science, anthropology, etc before spouting out some shit like this. Folks who think that anything they personally disagree with (or refuse to learn about) must be a 'bullshit myth' pushed by someone or something they don't like.
I get a kick out of people like you; so upset that there is a distinct difference in the races, and it is so obvious. And please spare me the "whites came from Africa" rhetoric, because that is a bullshit myth that is propagated by the MSM for their little agenda.

The myth is actually teached in biological anthropology classes. It's based on another scientifical myth called DNA.

I guess it's a complot and all the foundings were intoduced in there respective sites by the MSM and financed by Al-Quaida... :dunno:

You know, I've been asking this same question for a while now. Ironically, however, I think Obama did a pretty good job of answering it in his Inaugural Address:

This is the meaning of our liberty and our creed — why men and women and children of every race and every faith can join in celebration across this magnificent Mall, and why a man whose father less than sixty years ago might not have been served at a local restaurant can now stand before you to take a most sacred oath.

I think, deep down, that's our criteria: if you would have been discriminated against 60 years ago, you're black. This has some pretty serious implications, though. It basically means that we'll never even hope to get past racial politics until there's no one left to remember widespread, legalized segregation. How long will that take? Another 60 years? Are we really only halfway there?

While i was reading the posts in this thread, that's exactly the quote from Obama that came into my mind.

As someone already mentionned, i think it was important to underline the historical progression of the racial outcome in USA. From slavery to equality.

Outside of rational thoughts, i think that Obama and the medias insisting on his black heritage, just symbolise the simple fact that everything is accessible now for any american citizen regardless of his racial heritage.

Races exists. But it doesnt make anyone superior or inferior: it's just a biological fact. Or a cultural fact even.

A black president is just showing that the old racial discriminations, prejudices, are no longer significant: with a black president, who can now pretend that equal chances for people is a myth?

It's something. It's significant. And yes, it involves thinking in racial terms but... free of all the shit that have slowly disapear in people's mind about racial superiority/inferiority.

We can't deny that someone is black but we no longer see it as a flaw, as a superiority or as anything else than a different color. As humans come in all sizes, forms and colors...

If the symbol of a black president could be strong enough, significant enough to break the obsolete bipolarised black/white opposition, it might become the final step that was required to no longer wish to be equals but be equals.

Who gives a shit about percentages???? Just run the fucking country right.

That's exactly what should happend now that the historical outcome of a black president was celebrated.

Who cares about the color? Black or white, we only want a competent president, arent we?

:2 cents:
Drop the race shit. Why categorise a person who can synthesize the most polarised arguments into a colour?

Wake up.

Race does NOT exist.

Draw your distinctions in vane/vein. It never works, unless you put a brainwashed kid on an inter-continental flight.

It most certainly DOES exist. I have to draft seperate testing procedures for African Americans, Asian Americans, and European Americans whenever we're studying immune response in humans.

There are hundreds of differences in human racial groups, everything from skull structure, number of sweat producing glands, to position of the vagina along the pelvis.

The whole "race does not exist" meme is a total fabrication.

wait a minute? back to the drop the race shit comment... why? why drop it? why not openly discuss the one and only reason the man was elected? seems as perfectly a good subject as any on the subject these days.......

First of all the man ,OBAMA ,calls himself BLACK & that should be worth something.:dunno:

Probably realized he was black when he visited the first White teenage girl as a young man & got that look. He would have been a slave just as darker Blacks like Wesley Snipes/ Michael Jordan,etc....

Obama knows he would have been hosed,lynched,beaten ,rode the rear of the bus,been turned away from White establisments/schools, just as quickly as Jay Z /Jeezy or whomever else.

Obama could have & did walk any Black neighborhoood without the residents batting an eye. Obama is actually darker than many Blacks like Rev. Wright/Farrakan, etc... but I don't see any Whites questioning their Race.

The man has been nothing ,but respectful to his White mother, grandmother,grandfather,etc... ,but he knows how he is viewed & how he views himself in this society. If no one had ever seen his mother,heard of his mother & met him on the street he would be a Black man plain & simple.

I would have to find the article ,but I believe it is something like 85% or more of mixed race kids feel more accepted by Blacks than Whites.

That's why whites will inevitably go extinct. All those white babes you see on the first page of, well... they won't be around in a couple hundred years. Measures need to be taken.

Since you do not believe the Out Of Africa theory, could you tell us what's your explanation of the origin of the races.

I'm not going to dig for you. Run a search or two. But if you believe everything you read in your liberal college textbooks (propaganda), you are a misguided individual. Shit, I just read the other day that the Iroquois are responsible for all of Ben Franklin brilliance. Nice, the way they indoctrinate lemmings in higher education today, eh?

And I get a kick out of people like you; folks that are either too ignorant or lazy to pick up a book and read about science, anthropology, etc before spouting out some shit like this. Folks who think that anything they personally disagree with (or refuse to learn about) must be a 'bullshit myth' pushed by someone or something they don't like.

No, I just don't believe all the lies that the communist put in text books today. That's your fault if you don't question history.

It most certainly DOES exist. I have to draft seperate testing procedures for African Americans, Asian Americans, and European Americans whenever we're studying immune response in humans.

There are hundreds of differences in human racial groups, everything from skull structure, number of sweat producing glands, to position of the vagina along the pelvis.

The whole "race does not exist" meme is a total fabrication.


Thank you! If you could provide some links for some of the lemmings that post on here, please do. :wave:
wait a minute? back to the drop the race shit comment... why? why drop it? why not openly discuss the one and only reason the man was elected? seems as perfectly a good subject as any on the subject these days.......

Because liberals are anti-free speech. I said nothing racist, just beliefs that I have, and they call me some racist scum. Ever notice how liberals are the most intolerant people in the world? It's because it's true. They can't handle the truth. I'm all for civil discussion.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Obama referred to himself as a "mutt" so I don't think race is of any significance as far as he is concerned. It's about time too....obviously, race is irrelevant when it comes to judging individuals. If Jay Z or whoever the fuck wants to make an issue out of it. who the fuck cares?

We are all of the same race.....the human race.
Because liberals are anti-free speech. I said nothing racist, just beliefs that I have, and they call me some racist scum. Ever notice how liberals are the most intolerant people in the world? It's because it's true. They can't handle the truth. I'm all for civil discussion.

When right-wingers and left-wingers are throwing mud at each other on such blatant biased bases, it's not civil. It's childish.

:2 cents:
This argument is 9/10ths white as everyone else doesnt care. While you're busy talking about this shit.. a black man is running the country. Why involve science, law or alcohol ::downs some gin:: when.. ahem.. when it doesnt even matter, now?

Granted.. yes.. it's absolutely human to want an easy explanation, a classification to put someone in and just forget it. Fuck that. This black guy, this white girl.. that half'n'half kid.. whatever. A black guy has success. So did Tiger woods. Doesnt mean the PGA tour is going to go ghetto. Doesnt mean the NHL is next. Doesnt mean shit. Stop being so.. predictable and just accept it!

Tiger Woods is barely even black. In fact he's more WHITE than black if you want to break it down. He looks THAI, but most people are too lazy to even find Thailand on the map.

His Mother is 50% Issa Thai, 25% Chinese and 25% Dutch.\

His Father was: 50% Black (of indeterminite white and native american ancestry), 25% Native American and 25% Chinese.

Tiger is 25% Thai, 25% Chinese 25% Black 12.5% Native American and 12.5 Dutch.
Because liberals are anti-free speech. I said nothing racist, just beliefs that I have, and they call me some racist scum. Ever notice how liberals are the most intolerant people in the world? It's because it's true. They can't handle the truth. I'm all for civil discussion.

I may not agree with what you say, sir, but I will stand aside and let you die to defend your right to say it.:thumbsup:
Dear Jay-Z and other cliche, overly excited black celebrities,

Barack Obama's mom is white and his dad is black. So, how does that make him 100% black? Shouldn't he be 50% black and 50% white?

If his dad was white and his mom was black, would he still be 100% black or would he then become 100% white?

What's the criteria for being black, as opposed to white, or even a mix?


I'm just saying...



PS - Tiger Woods is also not 100% black. Just thought I'd let you know.

Well, maybe it's because you treat us all the same fucking way!

I'm half black and white, but was raised by white parents, but never in my life have I've ever felt white. I've lived in Oklahoma, Colorado, and Wyoming, but have always felt more comfrotable with black people because they accepted me. I've been called the "N word" plenty of times, but did they care what race I was? Maybe I should have worn a sign saying "50% black, 50% white", maybe I would have been treated differently. Maybe, I should have told my first crush's father; "Im really white!".

Were all the same because we get treated the same. Im half white... but no one seems to care. They look at my face and my name and think; "BLACK MAN!". Just imagine seeing "Barack Obama" on a job application!

Does that answer your question!?
I cant Stand all this race bullshit. These days blacks are 100x more racist then whites or any other race. How about we all shut up and lets see what this guy can do and stop staring at his skin


what the fuck you lookin at?
I cant Stand all this race bullshit. These days blacks are 100x more racist then whites or any other race. How about we all shut up and lets see what this guy can do and stop staring at his skin


I wonder how long this thread will go before its closed?
wait a minute? back to the drop the race shit comment... why? why drop it? why not openly discuss the one and only reason the man was elected?

Excuse me? Please enlighten us as to how his race was the one and only reason he was elected.

These days blacks are 100x more racist then whites or any other race.

Exaggerating for effect Simplex?

That's why whites will inevitably go extinct.

If that turns out to be the case, so what?

All those white babes you see on the first page of, well... they won't be around in a couple hundred years. Measures need to be taken.

What kind of measures?
Excuse me? Please enlighten us as to how his race was the one and only reason he was elected.

Exaggerating for effect Simplex?

If that turns out to be the case, so what?

What kind of measures?

No not at all I was actually being generous. I meet so many racist black people while generally white people dont really seem to care anymore
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