Nothing in this link: says anything about muslims.
Nothing in this link: says anything about muslims.
This link: says that migrants (which are not always muslims) have a problem under standing gender equality,which many swedish men has too,and men all over the world,by the way.
From the juridicum link: Suspect profile
• Virtually all were male, with a single female in relation to a sexual coercion offence.
• As with other countries suspects were, on average, older than victims, with very few under the age of 21.
• Suspects were more ethically diverse, with around a third non-nationals.
• A substantially lower proportion had consumed alcohol prior to the assault, compared to both other countries and victims.
• Eleven percent had been previously accused of criminal offences, and 7 had been convicted. Sweden was one of the few countries where none of these were sexual offences.
Nothing about muslims there either. We have lots of foreigners that are non muslims.
This link: says that most crimes in Sweden are committed by swedes.