MLB Bombshell drops..the Mitchell Report


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
How anyone can be shocked by this is unbelievable.

Indeed. They pushed the sport to the point where a person has to take painkillers or 'roids just to stay up-to-speed with everyone else. Either take it down a notch or say fuck it and just LET THEM ALL BEEF UP WITH THE LATEST DRUGS! Screw the purists, the game needs an infusion of greatness AKA performance enhancers.

I would like to thank everyone on this list for doing everything they could to entertain me

Damn straight. If someone decides to sacrifice everything for the sport and THEN SOME.. more power to them. There arent any classic players anymore. Babe Ruth was one in a million, but wouldnt last a minute these days.
Damn straight. If someone decides to sacrifice everything for the sport

Well that's just it though, isn't it Torre? They aren't sacrificing for the sport, they're "sacrificing" for their egos and their bankrolls. Professional athletes are mostly traveling mercenaries, with no real loyalty to team or fans, and no consideration for those who labored in an era prior to such piracy.
I think it's stupid that the MLB is the sport that is suffering from this "let's make an example" case of steroid allegations. You mean to tell me that the NFL, NBA or even the NHL doesn't have athletes that take/have taken steroids? Come on...let these guys play.

If it wasn't made so God damned public, nobody would care if a small percentage of athletes took steroids. It's common sense that it's going to happen anyway. Leave these guys alone...especially the athletes that don't even play anymore.

I think the worst part is that none of these players have been proven guilty of taking illegal steroids, yet their careers are pretty much already fucked because their names are being tarnished just so "Senator Steroids" can make a name for himself.
Other than your last sentence, to which I only half agree, I couldn't disagree more. The fallacy in your thinking is akin to a child telling his mom "...But everybody else is doing it!" Sure, the other sports may have the same skeletons in their closets, but the improprieties of other sports do not justify the indiscretions of one sport. You have to start somewhere, MLB was first to hit the cleaning dirty laundry lottery, and cleaning up one sport facilitates the momentum of cleaning elsewhere.
has the commisioner read the report yet

Will E Worm

The players were trying to post big numbers and keep their jobs so of course something like this was going to happen. Players are moved from team to team too much today.

I'm not saying they shouldn't take some of the blame.
But, the management, owners, are to blame as well as the commissioner for letting this go on unchecked as long as it has.

I can't stand Bud Selig. He needs to retire. D'OH!
I think it's funny that Chuck Knoblauch is on the list. Too bad that steroids don't help you throw to first base.


Moderator \ Jannie
Staff member
Well that's just it though, isn't it Torre? They aren't sacrificing for the sport, they're "sacrificing" for their egos and their bankrolls. Professional athletes are mostly traveling mercenaries, with no real loyalty to team or fans, and no consideration for those who labored in an era prior to such piracy.

Well that's just it, though. A sacrifice is a sacrifice, there's no doubt about that. Pushing your body to the max and suffering the consequences of steroid abuse arent things to be taken lightly.

But the sport isnt the way it is JUST because of these guys who drug-up and play like manufactured superhumans. The sport has been degenerating right alongside the rest and the players are just riding the wave. Players are traded constantly.. they have nothing to look forward to. Their bodies will be used up by the time they hit retirement, whether they've used the 'roids or not. Aches, pains, torn and scarred injuries.. bad shoulders, bad knees..

Like all jobs these days, there isnt a retirement plan. You have to try and make enough for the whole thing. If you can put your name in the history books.. isnt that worth something more, though? Isnt the mercenary attitude a symptom of the entire era? There isnt loyalty ANYWHERE in any industry, today. Not happy with your phone company/sport/Foodstuff/car/girl/TV show/pack of gum? Choose another. Endless choices and a company or person really, really has to push to make a name for itself and get ahead. Of course there isnt any loyalty to the fans or teams. Baseball isnt a sport anymore, it's a business. Dont blame the employees, blame the owners and managers.
Other than your last sentence, to which I only half agree, I couldn't disagree more. The fallacy in your thinking is akin to a child telling his mom "...But everybody else is doing it!" Sure, the other sports may have the same skeletons in their closets, but the improprieties of other sports do not justify the indiscretions of one sport. You have to start somewhere, MLB was first to hit the cleaning dirty laundry lottery, and cleaning up one sport facilitates the momentum of cleaning elsewhere.

I think part of the outcry over baseball above other sports has to do with a couple of factors. One is the fact that statistics and records in baseball are nearly worshiped by some people unlike in pretty much every other sport. If somebody breaks the record for touchdowns in football there is only a brief mention of it. The home run record in baseball or any other major record is practically counted down to the day it will happen from years or months in advance. So when people start breaking those records they tend to care more.

I think another reason is that for a long time a good number of people that played baseball in years gone by were smaller than they are today. They were smaller in football years ago also, but still nobody is surprised when some linebacker is 260 pounds and can almost run at the speeds professional sprinters do anymore or if people are big in comparison to players in the past for basketball or hockey. It's probably more surprising to see people like that in baseball now. In some ways I think baseball was perceived to involve more hand eye coordination, and the belief that most people could make it if they developed enough skill and trained hard enough or at least harder than the next person. By comparison most people know once they start to approach adulthood that they have absolutely no chance in basketball or football just by their genetic limitations.
This list only represents players that Senator Mitchell could find some evidence on. There are certainly more players on Roids and HGH but their *source* may be some other shady character. This is not final, in other words.

I do wonder why there don't seem to be any "up n coming" talent or prime talent on the list? It's Big Names on the down side or nobodies, basically. One could "speculate" that MLB is "protecting" the 25-30 yr old player (cough,cough AFraud, Pujols, Santana etc.)...

The Mitchell Report reads like the first draft of a great novel. It's fascinating reading, period!

Sports is only interesting when it's natural athletes competing. Steroids are merely the first step to a slippery-slope of Genetically-engineered, corporate-owned "super athletes" manurfactured in test tubes and laboratories.

I hope that the masses tune out Baseball as a result of this. Fans need to take back ownership of the sports they pay for.
The thing I'm surprised at is now that Roger Clemens was named on the list..ESPN and "the media" is trotting out the line "Well, there was always suspicion about him..."

That's bullshit, imo. Clemens is another big name phony who was under the noses of ESPN and "the world" all this time and they had no idea he was doing it. The media can become grating when they try to do spin control to cover their own ignorance...

ESPN hired Fernando Vina as an analyst..for crissake..he was mentioned in the Mitchell Report! I hope ESPN follows up with Vina and plays a "greatest hits" montage of Vina's comments on Bonds and Roids!!!
Eric Gange is on the list. Thats another good reason for the Red Sox to abandon him. He did terrible for them.

That ain't no shit, if steroids made Gagne a better pitcher, I'd hate to see how bad he sucked without them.

Although like KungFuDude said, over half of them weren't that great to begin with.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
I hate the whole Mitchell Report bullshit. It's complete crap and shouldn't be a public issue.

All the "fans" who are getting all upset that so-and-so took steroids and that his statistics shouldn't count, blah blah blah...they don't know what the fuck they are talking about. Steroids doesn't give you gives you more muscle, which, in the game of baseball, isn't the most important thing you need in order to be successful.

I think they should just drop this and handle each individual that is being investigated in a private manner. Don't throw these guys under the bus when they haven't even been proven to have done anything wrong.
I hate the whole Mitchell Report bullshit. It's complete crap and shouldn't be a public issue......I think they should just drop this and handle each individual that is being investigated in a private manner. Don't throw these guys under the bus when they haven't even been proven to have done anything wrong.

If it's complete crap and they haven't been proven of anything...why are various players admitting the report's true? Andy Petite is the latest player to say "Oops, I did it."

You're not a baseball player. Maybe you should refrain from claiming Roids/HGH does or doesn't help someone play baseball better. Look at the base level evidence...Clemens goes from being a .500 pitcher in his last 2 years with Boston to winning the Cy Young with Toronto and several more later. Yeah, I guess Roids don't do shit...:wtf:

The American Morale Fiber does not condone "cheaters." We, as a nation, abhor them actually. If you truly don't think this issue is wrong...move to Russia. :dunno:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Other than your last sentence, to which I only half agree, I couldn't disagree more.

Really? Because this...

You have to start somewhere, MLB was first to hit the cleaning dirty laundry lottery, and cleaning up one sport facilitates the momentum of cleaning elsewhere.

...sounds a lot like it's agreeing with this.

I think it's stupid that the MLB is the sport that is suffering from this "let's make an example" case of steroid allegations.

You're not a baseball player. Maybe you should refrain from claiming Roids/HGH does or doesn't help someone play baseball better. Look at the base level evidence...Clemens goes from being a .500 pitcher in his last 2 years with Boston to winning the Cy Young with Toronto and several more later. Yeah, I guess Roids don't do shit...:wtf:

A) I'll let you slide with your false assumption that I'm "not a baseball player", as you don't personally know me and haven't read every single post that I've ever made...

I've played baseball since I was a little kid. At the age of 14, I began getting scouted by MLB teams to play catcher. I was involved in practices with the Cincinnati Reds, Colorado Rockies and the Florida Marlins

I'm pretty sure being offered a contract with the Albuquerque Isotopes, (which is the AAA team for the Florida Marlins) means they wanted me.

B) The only thing that steroids does is give you more muscle mass.

If you're a pitcher, taking steroids doesn't give you more accuracy. Taking steroids doesn't put more spin on your curveball. Taking steroids doesn't improve your delivery technique. Taking steroids doesn't give you knowledge on what pitch to throw to certain hitters in certain situations.

If you're a batter, taking steroids doesn't give you a better chance of making contact with the ball. Taking steroids doesn't make your swing any smoother. Taking steroids doesn't give you the ability to aim your hits. Taking steroids doesn' get the point.

Baseball is one of the very few passions I have in life so I am a little biased on my opinion towards the negativity. The reason that I don't like the publicity of this investigation is because nothing has been proven. They're throwing a bunch of names out to the public in order to scare MLB players into admitting that they took steroids, which is a bullshit move, IMO. Yes, there are MLB players that have taken steroids, but that doesn't mean they should be publicly executed before anything is proven.

These players will forever have their name associated with taking steroids, even if they are never proven guilty...and that is why I think it's bullshit. It doesn't matter if these players turn out to be guilty or innocent...the negative association is going to ruin their careers.

Case in point - O.J. Simpson was never found guilty of murder, yet, to this day, people think of him as a murderer. Not a great NFL running back, but a murderer. His NFL career and what he accomplished on the football field has completely been erased in the publics mind.


I wonder how much weight that Clemens' head took on since two thou. 2000.

Size what headband ? < All we need to know ! ~
I'm still shocked Fernando Vina is on the list.

I have a couple of his game used baseball bats.

I think it's stupid that the MLB is the sport that is suffering from this "let's make an example" case of steroid allegations. You mean to tell me that the NFL, NBA or even the NHL doesn't have athletes that take/have taken steroids? Come on...let these guys play.

Rather like the Catholic Church being the only one slammed for sexual abuse.