MLB Bombshell drops..the Mitchell Report


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Well, there's always make up sex.

I'll take any sex I can get. Pity sex, make up sex, financial transaction long as my weiner gets attention, I don't mind.

PS - My weiner is very, very lonely. :(
Barry Bonds is far from the greatest modern day hitter, as Roger Clemens is far from the greatest modern day pitcher.

Just out of curiosity, Chef, which pitcher and hitter do you consider the best, in modern times. Calling Barry and Roger "far" from the greatest is interesting...


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Just out of curiosity, Chef, which pitcher and hitter do you consider the best, in modern times. Calling Barry and Roger "far" from the greatest is interesting...

The best pitcher, IMO, is Greg Maddux. Cliche choice, I know...but he is one of the few pitchers to actually have success by being a good pitcher.

Modern day pitchers are mostly power pitchers who do nothing but throw the ball as hard as they can when they're on the mound. Are they effective? Sure they are, but being born with the ability to throw hard doesn't impress me. What does impress me though, is Maddux's ability to pin point the accuracy on his pitches. The man has pitched nearly 5,000 innings in his career and has walked less than a 1,000 batters, while keeping a career ERA of 3.11 (as of today). Also, Maddux has won 15+ games in 18 of his 22 seasons. His first two seasons accounted for two of the years that he didn't win 15 games and in the other 2 seasons he still managed to record 13 wins (2005) and 14 wins (this past year).

That impresses me. Maddux doesn't rely on a 100+ MPH fastball to get his opponents out. He relys on good pitching, plain and simple.

Other notables: Tom Glavine, John Smoltz, Nolan Ryan

The best hitter, IMO, is Tony Gwynn. He is by far, the greatest pure hitter to play the game in modern times. Hitting isn't just about putting up huge numbers, especially when it comes to HR's.

I'm not taking anything away from Barry Bonds, as his career BA is nearly .300 and he is good for a pretty decent amount of HR's every single year. The problem with Bonds is that he's only good at "swinging away". He can't slap a ground ball when needs to, he can't aim his hits and he certainly can't lay down a bunt when the time calls.

Tony Gwynn's career BA is .338, but that's not the most impressive thing about him. He worked magic with his bat on a daily basis. He didn't just step up to the plate and heave his bat at the ball, hoping to get a hit. Tony Gwynn hit the ball where he wanted it to go. If there was 1 out with a runner on 2nd, Gwynn would know that his job was to get the runner to 3rd base...not swing for the fences. He knew that what he had to do was either hit a deep fly ball into right field or slap a ground ball towards the right side of the infield, which would allow the runner to advance. Tony Gwynn did this with consistency. Gwynn also had over 9,000 at bats and only struck out 434 times. INSANE!!!

Other notables: Pete Rose, Kirby Puckett, Edgar Martinez
The best hitter, IMO, is Tony Gwynn. He is by far, the greatest pure hitter to play the game in modern times. Hitting isn't just about putting up huge numbers, especially when it comes to HR's.

I'm not taking anything away from Barry Bonds, as his career BA is nearly .300 and he is good for a pretty decent amount of HR's every single year. The problem with Bonds is that he's only good at "swinging away". He can't slap a ground ball when needs to, he can't aim his hits and he certainly can't lay down a bunt when the time calls.

Tony Gwynn's career BA is .338, but that's not the most impressive thing about him. He worked magic with his bat on a daily basis. He didn't just step up to the plate and heave his bat at the ball, hoping to get a hit. Tony Gwynn hit the ball where he wanted it to go. If there was 1 out with a runner on 2nd, Gwynn would know that his job was to get the runner to 3rd base...not swing for the fences. He knew that what he had to do was either hit a deep fly ball into right field or slap a ground ball towards the right side of the infield, which would allow the runner to advance. Tony Gwynn did this with consistency. Gwynn also had over 9,000 at bats and only struck out 434 times. INSANE!!!

Other notables: Pete Rose, Kirby Puckett, Edgar Martinez

I think Babe Ruth was once asked his philosophy on hitting and he said something to the effect that he tried to hit the ball as hard as he could every time he was at bat.

There's a problem I can see with ratting people like Tony Gwynn and Maddux as the top is that it puts style over actual performance. Shouldn't the best person be the one that does the most to help their team win not how they look doing it. It isn't figure skating where people get style points. In any case this doesn't even take into account the differences in on base percentage between them. The steroid issue aside, it's the same reason I would never put somebody like Mark Grace over Mark McGwire. I liked grace as a Cubs fan a lot. He was one of my favorite players, but there was never I time I could remember thinking, "'s a good thing we have him instead of Big Mac manning first base". The thing about it is that for most of his career Bonds was the opposite of the "swinging away" type of person. His strikeout totals are pretty low in comparison with the power he generated. His patience at the plate is the reason he got so many walks and was able to generate so many good hits throughout the years. With the exception of Ted Williams there has never been the combination of power and control that Bonds has had. In fact I think a big reason Gwynn played the way he did was that he couldn't hit the kind of power numbers other players could not that he didn't want to. If he had the ability to jack countless ones over the fence he probably would have.


I think Babe Ruth was once asked his philosophy on hitting and he said something to the effect that he tried to hit the ball as hard as he could every time he was at bat.

There's a problem I can see with ratting people like Tony Gwynn and Maddux as the top is that it puts style over actual performance. Shouldn't the best person be the one that does the most to help their team win not how they look doing it. It isn't figure skating where people get style points. In any case this doesn't even take into account the differences in on base percentage between them. The steroid issue aside, it's the same reason I would never put somebody like Mark Grace over Mark McGwire. I liked grace as a Cubs fan a lot. He was one of my favorite players, but there was never I time I could remember thinking, "'s a good thing we have him instead of Big Mac manning first base". The thing about it is that for most of his career Bonds was the opposite of the "swinging away" type of person. His strikeout totals are pretty low in comparison with the power he generated. His patience at the plate is the reason he got so many walks and was able to generate so many good hits throughout the years. With the exception of Ted Williams there has never been the combination of power and control that Bonds has had. In fact I think a big reason Gwynn played the way he did was that he couldn't hit the kind of power numbers other players could not that he didn't want to. If he had the ability to jack countless ones over the fence he probably would have.
so you wouldnt put ty cobb over dave kingman or cecil fielder?
Chef, you certainly couldn't have picked two greater "Boy Scouts" of the game. If either player surfaces as a Dope Fiend...I will burn all my baseball caps. Two quality choices...but they are far from the greatest. Given Clemens juice regimen, I believe Nolan Ryan is now unquestionably the greatest modern day pitcher.

I should've stipulated you can't pick any Cubs, Homer.....
I think Babe Ruth was once asked his philosophy on hitting and he said something to the effect that he tried to hit the ball as hard as he could every time he was at bat.

It is hard to think that the Bambino is the greatest player ever...not just the Sultan of Swat but greatest player ever...he broke in with the Sawx as a hell of a pitcher...because he was such a fat sort of defied science that he could play so well for so long and carry all that weight around..


It is hard to think that the Bambino is the greatest player ever...not just the Sultan of Swat but greatest player ever...he broke in with the Sawx as a hell of a pitcher...because he was such a fat sort of defied science that he could play so well for so long and carry all that weight around..

um, the babe wasnt a fat ass until later in his career. i wouldnt judge the babe on john goodman next time. :rofl:
um, the babe wasnt a fat ass until later in his career. i wouldnt judge the babe on john goodman next time. :rofl:

The babe became a fatass when he went to New in New York fattens everyone up...have you seen New Yorkers lately?? H-U-G-E


The babe became a fatass when he went to New in New York fattens everyone up...have you seen New Yorkers lately?? H-U-G-E

lately? no different than anywhere else in america. back then, you may have a point. imagine being bigger then the president, in an age where that didnt exist. now imagine how much he ate, drank, partied. and he still put up the numbers that he did. now imagine what his numbers would have been had he not lived that lifestyle and kept in shape. best player ever.
lately? no different than anywhere else in america. back then, you may have a point. imagine being bigger then the president, in an age where that didnt exist. now imagine how much he ate, drank, partied. and he still put up the numbers that he did. now imagine what his numbers would have been had he not lived that lifestyle and kept in shape. best player ever.

True. Also, imagine Ted Williams's numbers if he didn't go off and fight in 2 wars! It's laughable to think of pro athletes actually getting drafted and going off to fight in a war. I'm guessing not too many would do that today...:crying:


True. Also, imagine Ted Williams's numbers if he didn't go off and fight in 2 wars! It's laughable to think of pro athletes actually getting drafted and going off to fight in a war. I'm guessing not too many would do that today...:crying:

they have ten million reasons why. :1orglaugh


First, thank you titsrock for posting the list. It is interesting reading.

Second, any adult that takes professional sports (and especially the athletes) seriously enough to get the slightest bit bent out of shape over this is taking it all WAY too seriously - IMO.

This is just sports. Entertainment. A way to keep the masses occupied.

I watch and follow sports closely. But I assume that 90% of the athletes have the emotional maturity of a 12 year old. And if I was treated like a semi god from the time I was 14 like many of them are/were - I would probably be the same way.

They took steroids? So what? They were not even illegal when many of these 'athletes' took them. Just immoral.

If I believed the only way to get to the top and stay there was to take steroids - I would do it in a heart beat. I don't blame them in the slightest. If anything - I blame the idiotic fans who treat them like saviours and expect perfection from them and discard them like garbage as soon as they start sucking.

Anyone that is looking to athletes for hero's is - 99% of the time, IMO - looking in the wrong place.
Generally-speaking, McRocket...we all lead boring lives. Sports help us "get through" the day because for 99% of us, the work we do is not very significant. Our "highs" and "lows" are very mediocre. Which is why we act like vagabonds in our lives, moving from place to place, trying new jobs, etc...Sports are supposed to anchor us and give us hope. Simply "buying our way to happiness" becomes meaningless when we all realize that there will always be something more to want, something else to buy...nothing is ever permanent or meant to spent much time working to achieve anymore...basically.

So, in sum, Sports are important and with the grand scale of money in Pro (and College)...these "public" figures are "open" for criticism and praise.

Going back, specifically, to the Mitchell Report. Each day brings one or two "named names" who come out of the shadows and admit "Yup, it's true. I did DRUG X." But what annoys me TODAY is the trend in these athletes in saying "Well, I only did HGH one time for recovery"..or Brian Roberts of the Orioles just said, "I only did Roids once.."

I mean...c'mon now...I know athletes view us as "the dumb public" but c'mon now....Just how dumb do they think we are!!


^ Well, no offense. But I am 44 years old and I have been following sports closely for over 30 years. I do understand the dynamics to it.

And if people want to knock athletes? Go ahead.

But when I see people get SO worked up about it, it makes me realize that they are focusing WAY too much on sports for their happiness/entertainment.

Everytime I see someone over 30 going nuts over a bad call at a sporting event I just shake my head. They look ridiculous. Not just to me - they look ridiculous period.

'Hey idiot?', I think; 'Why not spend some of that pent up energy on your kids? Or your marriage you hate so much. Or in finding a job that you CAN stand. But I guess if you are dumb enough to spend a staggering amount of your hard earned money (that you probably are short of anyway) just to line the pockets of owners and players just to make a fool of yourself in front of the world - then I guess you are an example of another blissfully ignorant individual on the road to perpetual mediocrity.' (of course, I don't think that EVERY time - lol)

I maybe a loser. But at least I am not going out looking, sounding and acting like a semi-pathetic, huddled mass that calls into radio shows twice a year, makes some totally dumbass comment about his favourite team and why they should fire it's coach (like the rest of the world gives a fuck what he says). And then goes and grabs another beer and bag of chips to sit in front of the tv and slowly destroy every fading vestige of remote chance for the tinniest shred of happiness that he ever had while slowly turning into a fat, opinionated, unhappy tub-of-goo.