★★Miss FreeOnes 2010 - Voting for the 2nd round has Officially started!

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I do not have tattoo's or body piercings. I have a huge dislike of needles, so I will never have either of those things done. If I was brave I would have a tattoo of a dolphin on my ankle. :thumbsup:

You look great just the way you are never change Jane :bowdown:
Awwww spreading the love thats what I like to see......thanks Antonio, i have a lot of love for you too ESPECIALLY if you share some of that lust and ice cream with me ;)


A big dose of lust chocolate cookies and icecream coming you way in the Amtonio-TGVExpress!!!...and loads of llllove......an we include some orgasms too?? eheheh..There i go being naughty again


Official Checked Star Member
Well as wierd as it sounds those first shoots are the EASIEST to remember. I mean it was actually 97 (I think) when I first shot and my very first shoot was topless for a french fashion photographer for a french magazine. Within weeks of that however Suze Randall shot me everyday for a couple of weeks straight and then from her Stephen Hicks and Hank Londoner etc. That first year or two is pretty much etched in my brain.
Nikki Nova
Vote for Nikki Nova!
Cool...Yeah, that's the one...that set appeared in the Model Directory mag over here, early 1998, which ive still got :) Ive got loads more shoots of you in other mags too...definately gonna have to get them out now & have a good look :)
Wish I could show you...bet theyd bring back memories (good ones I hope) ;)


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Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
Just for the record, Jane suffers from Aichmophobia. The complete list of phobias is pretty scary http://phobialist.com/ and might even include the fear of being ranked last in a Miss Freeones Contest.

Aichmophobia- Fear of needles or pointed objects.

I just do not like needles, I am not afraid of all pointed objects. Since I was not ranked last in the Miss Freeones contest (I finished in 88th place) nor was I worried about that, it was never a fear.

Don't try and tell other people what they are worried about. It makes you look silly. :thumbsup:
glad to see the kiss of life (or is it hand-job of life round here?) has been given to this thread, its a hell of a lot livelier and cheery than the last few days

anyhow, votes for today -
isis taylor
nina mercedez
nikki nova
mariah milano
miss hybrid


Eternally hoping to lick Briana
For what? monkey bashing? hehehe It is not my website hun, it was a shoot I did for someone else and sadly I am not sure they are even going anymore. SHame because It was fun sliding around in oil and crushing heads under my ass!


just because that one wasn't for your website, doesn't mean the next one can't be. You like sliding around in oil, crushing heads, and we like watching you sliding around in oil, crushing heads.
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