Michael Vick Indicted

Actually I believe it's Georgia that is looking to press charges, and I think all three of the felonies he's pressed with come with heavier penalties in Georgia than in Virginia. ESPN I think it was said that he could face 15 additional years just in the state of Georgia.

And I'm happy about it.

And I can tell you from indicting several people on federal charges, that no matter what Georgia, Virginia, or Rhode Island even would do to him- the feds require that 85% of a sentence actually be served behind bars. So if he's pleading guilty to federal charges, he's doing time.

Now, stack that up with the state charges, and :thumbsup:

Real justice would be him, in a room, naked, with about half a dozen pit bulls that haven't eaten in a couple of weeks.

Let's see that speed, Michael!

Actually I believe it's Georgia that is looking to press charges, and I think all three of the felonies he's pressed with come with heavier penalties in Georgia than in Virginia. ESPN I think it was said that he could face 15 additional years just in the state of Georgia.

And I'm happy about it.
You may be right but I assumed the charges were going to be filed in Virginia since that is where His property is and where the crimes took place.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
You may be right but I assumed the charges were going to be filed in Virginia since that is where His property is and where the crimes took place.

Correct. The state of Virginia is considering state charges against him. See this link:


Note this statement:

"In entering the plea bargain with the federal prosecutors, Vick is entering into a deal with the United States and not the State of Virginia. It's perfectly constitutional for the State of Virginia to prosecute him even after he has pled guilty to federal dogfighting charges."

Interestingly, he can be charged and tried on violations of Virginia state statutes and not be subjected to double-jeopardy. This could mean additional jail time for Vick once he has served his time on the federal charges.

From same link:

"Although at first glance it might seem like double jeopardy, which is prohibited by the Constitution, this is not double jeopardy. Double jeopardy only applies when the same government prosecutes you twice for the same crime."

This is what is generally referred to as being in serious DEEP SHIT.


Closed Account
I really didn't think anything the man could say or do could turn my stomach anymore than he already has. Guess what? I was wrong.

He just had a live interview and in the same manner as most criminals only sooner than most, he has proclaimed he FOUND JESUS! Asked forgiveness and yadda yadda yadda... I have always hated the way people in jail claim this, then get out and pick up where they left off.

While I'm not a religious freak, I do believe on God. In my eyes to try to "use" him for your gain (mind games with people) is a horrible act to me. Of course God will forgive him I know.:dunno: It doesn't however make his attempt to feather his cap by using him (name dropping) any less contemptible than his crimes in my eyes. Just my :2 cents:

What he meant to say is that his hispanic cellmate Jesus was going to find him in the showers.


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Re: Michael Vick Reinstated

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has conditionally reinstated Michael Vick to allow any NFL team to sign him. Goodell maintains the right to make a judgment regarding full reinstatement after week six of the upcoming season.


Now, the big question is....who, if anyone, will have the cujones to sign him? Instead, will he be blackballed and perhaps have to go to the CFL or the newly-formed UFL??? Could you root for a team that had him as their quarterback?
Re: Michael Vick Reinstated

NFL commissioner Roger Goodell has conditionally reinstated Michael Vick to allow any NFL team to sign him. Goodell maintains the right to make a judgment regarding full reinstatement after week six of the upcoming season.


Now, the big question is....who, if anyone, will have the cujones to sign him? Instead, will he be blackballed and perhaps have to go to the CFL or the newly-formed UFL??? Could you root for a team that had him as their quarterback?
It will be interesting indeed to see if he gets signed.