Michael Vick Indicted


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
Well, I disagree with that.
Surely you realize that if businesses ran things 'as they see fit' that the World would probably be far worse off then it currently is.

If the NFL can prove that for Vick to remain playing will cause a decrease in revenues then I agree he should be suspended.

If they cannot, I disagree.

I think they will suspend him. And they will probably do it on moral grounds. Which I think is none of their business.

Many disagree with me. So what else is new? :)

I don't think the NFL will have to do anything to Michael Vick to destroy his playing career....he's already done a pretty good job of that himself. I predict he'll get a year in the slammer and then get an additional year's suspension from playing in the NFL (for illegal gambling.....not for being sent to prison). After that, he'll be a 30 year-old overrated QB whose skills will have diminished and who likely will be treated as a pariah by most NFL teams when they give consideration to signing him. Throngs of PETA fanatics picketing out in front of the stadium? I don't think any NFL owner wants or should have to risk that just so Vick can enjoy the luxury of resuming his lucrative NFL career.

Fuck Michael Vick. He had it made and he fucked it up. He deserves whatever he gets. If he was that worried about his career he should have thought about it before he decided to start fighting and torturing dogs.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
The only thing I don't really like about the media coverage is how he is always addressed as "Falcon's quarterback Michael Vick". Why do they have to bring the Falcons into it? They had absolutely nothing to do with it. I understand that most people already know he plays for the Falcons, but there is no need to keep an attachment between Vick and the franchise he plays for.

If I was arrested for the same thing, they wouldn't introduce me by naming my employer first. They would just say my name.


Vick is going to plead guilty, which means people will forget about this in a year or two. I won't miss him, that's for sure.


I don't think the NFL will have to do anything to Michael Vick to destroy his playing career....he's already done a pretty good job of that himself. I predict he'll get a year in the slammer and then get an additional year's suspension from playing in the NFL (for illegal gambling.....not for being sent to prison). After that, he'll be a 30 year-old overrated QB whose skills will have diminished and who likely will be treated as a pariah by most NFL teams when they give consideration to signing him. Throngs of PETA fanatics picketing out in front of the stadium? I don't think any NFL owner wants or should have to risk that just so Vick can enjoy the luxury of resuming his lucrative NFL career.
Sounds like you saw that segment on Vick on the NFL halftime report with Bob Costas last night as well.

I agree about the suspension and all. But not the pariah. He will come out of jail and do interviews where he cries and tells how unhappy he was and how horrible he feels for what he did and that he was either depressed or a drunk or a drug addict or something. And he will be a born again Christian and donate his time to charity and look like a changed man.
And most of America will forgive him. And that will be that.

Whether he will mean it or not remains to be seen. But his handlers will undoubtedly tell him that is how he should handle it when he gets out of jail.

Fuck Michael Vick. He had it made and he fucked it up. He deserves whatever he gets. If he was that worried about his career he should have thought about it before he decided to start fighting and torturing dogs.
Well, everyone deserves what they get. And I still think outside of whatever revenue losses he causes the NFL: it is none of their business what he does off of the field.
And unlike many of you people, I am not prepared to convict him until he is actually convicted (though it appears he is - but that is not for me to decide). Who cares what his 'buddies' say. Almost anyone will say almost anything to get out of jailtime - especially in America.
But if he did torture and drown dogs then the guy has very strong emotional problems and I hope he is put somewhere will he will not be able to hurt others - be it animals or humans - anymore.

And, for the record, I am no fan of his (or any other athlete for that matter - even though I watch ALLOT of sports).
If in 2 years he is 30 and eligible to play again I think no doubt he will get the chance.Won't be in Atlanta probably but he is a very gifted athlete and as distasteful as what he did was he will be allowed a second chance.At 30 he will just be at the age most QB's are hitting thier prime.People who have done violent acts on humans have been given 2nd chances by the NFL and some team looking for a QB will definatly give Vick a shot.
Pardon my anger up front here, but I'm gonna just give my piece here.

I can't believe he did this. He fucking did it. I was wondering all throughout this process how I would react if he was actually convicted, and I never really came up with anything. But now that he's admitted it, I find that I'm nothing short of furious. I'm no PETA member for sure (far from it), but I cannot come up with any fucking way someone could do this.

I read about 10 pages of his indictment and I was just horrified. He fucking electrocuted dogs. He drowned them, he beat them, and he fought them. I just can't bring myself to find any sympathy for him in the rest of this process. So Congrats to Mike Vick, for officially becoming a person that I have ZERO respect for, and never will again. :2 cents:



Apparently his lawyer has staated that Vick will plead guilty.

And less then a year ago many people would have called him their hero.

How many other 'heros' have things in their closets that are as disgusting as what Vick did to these dogs?

When will the ignorant masses stop taking people as their heros simply because they are famous?

You masses want a hero? Then start acting like one and presto - you will have your hero.
Pardon my anger up front here, but I'm gonna just give my piece here.

I can't believe he did this. He fucking did it. I was wondering all throughout this process how I would react if he was actually convicted, and I never really came up with anything. But now that he's admitted it, I find that I'm nothing short of furious. I'm no PETA member for sure (far from it), but I cannot come up with any fucking way someone could do this.

I read about 10 pages of his indictment and I was just horrified. He fucking electrocuted dogs. He drowned them, he beat them, and he fought them. I just can't bring myself to find any sympathy for him in the rest of this process. So Congrats to Mike Vick, for officially becoming a person that I have ZERO respect for, and never will again. :2 cents:

For somebody that electrocuted and drowned dogs because they didn't perform up to his expectations Vick better be happy that people in society aren't going to hold him to that standard.

I'm one of the people that thinks his career is done. Even if a team bought the fact he was a changed person by the time he can come back he will be out of the NFL for years. The only professional athlete I can remember coming back after years off and being just as good as before was Michael Jordan. He will be slower, and his speed and elusiveness are his best and perhaps only asset. He wasn't a good passer. That means his career will be even more affected by age than other people let alone the time off. Keep in mind that this isn't somebody like Payton Manning going away for a few years where people might have an inkling there is still a little bit of skill left in him by that time. Most people have thought Vick was overrated years ago. If they had to do it over again Atlanta would never have given him the contract they did in the first place. Everybody realizes that and there is no way he's going to get a contract like he had before. Do you think Vick is going to take near league minimum to be a third backup when he made what he did before? That's if some team gives him a chance, which I don't think they will.
he should be deported.

I kid, I kid.

but Triumph sure has a bone to pick with this guy.

seriously though, I don't support the death penality. In the next life he will be reincarnated as a can of Alpo. This guy is a deranged psychopath and belongs in a mental institute; shock treatment is A-OK by me.

Apparently his lawyer has staated that Vick will plead guilty.

And less then a year ago many people would have called him their hero.

How many other 'heros' have things in their closets that are as disgusting as what Vick did to these dogs?

When will the ignorant masses stop taking people as their heros simply because they are famous?

You masses want a hero? Then start acting like one and presto - you will have your hero.

I agree with what you said. People search for heroes in the wrong places, but with other people that are considered "heroes" (I don't know why celebrities are considered heroes in the first place), there have been a ton of warning signs about Vick for years, even before he entered the NFL. People would have had to been blind not to see them.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Vick returned to the NFL after his prison term, only to play for the Cleveland Browns, where he would play in front of the...

DAWG POUND?!?!?!?!
Ladies and Gentlemen... ChefChiTown! He's great, isn't he? He'll be here all week.... don't forget to tip your waitress.

this guy is a sick maniac individual. what the fuck was in his twisted mind when he decided to make poor defenseless innocent dogs fight. even fans of the team should be ashamed.. thats just horrible. we should repay him by throwing him into a pit with ravenous dogs. dispicable. CNN yday was awesome. they chewed him out like crazy. WHAT A FUKKING MORON!!!
They're talking now that he's gonna face state charges in addition to federal charges. I'm glad.

Good fucking riddance.
And Virginia doesn't mess around when it comes to criminals.

Actually I believe it's Georgia that is looking to press charges, and I think all three of the felonies he's pressed with come with heavier penalties in Georgia than in Virginia. ESPN I think it was said that he could face 15 additional years just in the state of Georgia.

And I'm happy about it.