Michael Vick Indicted


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Don't worry, he'll find a way to avoid getting in trouble for this. He'll be back on the football field in no time.


knows petras secret: she farted.
i dont follow football and i know this is the same guy who's always in trouble. no surprise.


i dont follow football and i know this is the same guy who's always in trouble. no surprise.

I think you might be thinking of his younger brother, Marcus.
Michael Vick hasen't been in any legal problems (that I am aware of) before these allegations/indictments.
Well, basically I won't rush to judgement, but if Michael Vick had anything to do with the cruel conditions and activities these dogs were subjected to, I think he should be punished with the harshest sentence possible. I feel animal cruelty laws are substandard in this country, so I usually feel that the harshest sentence possible is the one the criminal deserves. :mad:


knows petras secret: she farted.
I think you might be thinking of his younger brother, Marcus.
Michael Vick hasen't been in any legal problems (that I am aware of) before these allegations/indictments.

well i know for a fact they were talking about him doing something back in may. i was watching it on my honeymoon. either way, he's a big boy and should know better.
Anybody who finds this indictment to be surprising please raise your hand. Yep,nobody. Just what I figured. I'll never be able to understand why professional football and basketball players cannot keep their asses out of trouble. Are you that bored on off days? Pretty soon on the back of their football/basketball card you'll be able to see all the generic stats along with what lawyer they're represented by,how many arrests,felonies,indictments,and your garden variety suspensions they've racked up over their crimin...playing career.

If anything I think It has a lot to do with the kind of people these guys surround themselves with. The money and boredom may play a small part in it but look at baseball and hockey players. They make just as much money as other athletes yet they seem to have no problems staying out of trouble.
If Michael Vick wants to stay out of jail he should join the Bush Administration.
I think you might be thinking of his younger brother, Marcus.
Michael Vick hasen't been in any legal problems (that I am aware of) before these allegations/indictments.

There was the "Ron Mexico" incident where it seems he settled out of court because he infected some women with an STD that he conveniently didn't tell her he knew he had.

Then there is the water bottle incident where airport security found a hidden compartment in his water bottle probably used to hide drugs although he was lucky and didn't have any in there then. I think there were other minor incidents I have read about throughout the years. People that have claimed to be close to him have come out now recently and said he was also big in the dog-fighting scene for years now.

I bet Joey Harrington is doing a little dance somewhere.


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
There was the "Ron Mexico" incident where it seems he settled out of court because he infected some women with an STD that he conveniently didn't tell her he knew he had.

Then there is the water bottle incident where airport security found a hidden compartment in his water bottle probably used to hide drugs although he was lucky and didn't have any in there then. I think there were other minor incidents I have read about throughout the years. People that have claimed to be close to him have come out now recently and said he was also big in the dog-fighting scene for years now.

I bet Joey Harrington is doing a little dance somewhere.


Add the middle finger incident at his OWN FANS to the list.

I have to say, this pattern of NFL players getting into more and more trouble is really scary, seems like the new commish is going to have to enact a few more conduct laws, and FAST.
Vick was supposed to revolutionize the QB position, now he needs to worry about the "I just dropped the soap" position.

He is so bad at QB I'm surprised he wasn't with the Lions.
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