I never questioned that the removal of Saddam is a positive thing. But there´s a slight flaw in your glorifiying image of the US: Removing Saddam was never a proclaimed reason for that war. It was just a side effect that came in handy to make the war morally untouchable. The reasons for that war was a. connections to Al Quaeda and b. weapons of mass destruction. Both reasons turned out to be false assumptions.
Well, guess what, the 9/11 report does state a connection as does the upcoming Senate report. In fact, in the upcoming Senate report, it documents how Saddam trained Al Quaeda on chemical weapons.In regards to WDM, they have found shells of Sarin. Ohh, right, that not enough evidence for you and your doubters.
Next time you walk into your kids room and find a pipe, roach clip, papers, maybe some foil......................are you going to believe that he/she got rid of all of the contraband and is just keeping around the tools?
I read through this thread and all I read is hatred. NO MATTER WHAT GEORGE BUSH DOES YOU WILL HATE HIM. When he craps in the morning, you will hate him for using too much toilet paper. When he gives his next speech, you will hate him for having a flag on his lapel. Get over it.
You are not going to convince me, georges, DS, et al to switch to your beliefs. You and foxfilm can put up one million websites to visit and it will be filled with the same crap that the one million websites that we put up will have.
So everyone, take a deep breath and lighten the f*** up. Go drink a beer, kick the cat and piss on the seat.
(Bilbo, this rant is not directed at you despite I started with your quote.).