Mccain Voted With Bush 90% of the Time!

Laugh now. Cry later. :tongue:

If anyone would actually research things and not just believe everything they hear this world would be better off. But, an American who reads is rare these days.
Research is much more than reading or more like skimming one or two sites.

But, most people are content with getting drunk and getting "laid".
The quickest way to lose your country and be turned into a slave

Have you indulged in the films Zeitgeist, and Zeitgeist Addendum?

I agree with everything you say, and draw some of your references to those movies. Sadly, there's so many people who believe it's all just a conspiracy.

Oh well.


WEW said:
most people are content with getting drunk and getting "laid".
The quickest way to lose your country and be turned into a slave
WEW, you're too rational, logical and clear thinking, godam it ! :nono: :D Please Continue !! ;)
Ahhhh, remember the days when we actually believed in our own individual eternal immortality ?
I do. :p

Now -

Re: Mccain Voted With Bush 90% of the Time!
Right, and bush is a very very left leaning republikan :dunno: Aside from his anti stem cell research and pro life stance, he fits in with the democratic party very nicely, thank you very much. Somebody has to play the part of false conservative prophet ! it's no wonder why these two, mccain and Idiot vote 90 % alike.

While all of that's going on . . if obama is elected, the stock market will tank and remain that way. It's already happening in anticipation of a potential obama victory.
If obama is elected, interest rates will skyrocket just as they did under the karter administration.
obama IS karter's second term. :(


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
Here's some things of interest. ;)

Allow me to be a surgeon of journalism and dissect your references...

According to that link, the "article" they got their information from originated here at Newsmax. In the article at Newsmax, it says...

The lawsuit, filed by former Pennsylvania Deputy Attorney General Philip J. Berg — a self-avowed supporter of Hillary Clinton — alleges that Barack Obama was born in Kenya and is thus “ineligible” to run for president of the United States. It demands that Obama’s lawyers produce a copy of his original birth certificate to prove that he is a natural-born U.S. citizen.

Berg's suit and allegations have set off a wave of Internet buzz and rumors...

1) A die-hard Hillary Clinton supporter, making outrageous claims against the man who ran against her? IMAGINE THAT!!!
2) RUMORS!!! NEXT!!!

That URL is from which is a completely unreliable resource. It's almost as bad as Wikipedia. Not to mention, the word "RUMORS" is in the URL itself. But, for argument's sake, let's assume that it is credible for a second. According to the "information" found on that link, it says...

Most of this is has yet to be proven but in his lawsuit, Berg alleges:

· That Obama was not born in Hawaii, as he claims, but was actually born in Kenya, his father’s homeland.

· That Obama’s mother was in Kenya in the late stages of her pregnancy and airlines at the time would not let her fly back to Hawaii at such an advanced time of pregnancy.

Most of it has yet to be proven? Hmm, wouldn't that contradict what you're trying to say? :dunno: NEXT!!!

The URL to that link clearly shows how biased it's information is going to be and completely eliminates any possibility that it might even be remotely credible. The phrase "news-of-interest-to-white-people" is found in that URL. I'm sure whatever gems of information that are found on that page are completely factual. PFFFFFFTT, yeah right. NEXT!!!

Nowhere in that "article" does it even mention Barack Obama's citizenship. NEXT!!!

Again, nowhere in that "article" does it even mention Barack Obama's citizenship.

So, once again...what kind of credible sources have you conducted your so-called "research" with, in which it clearly states, as a fact, that Barack Obama is not a citizen of the United States of America?
Even if Obama isn't of original American citizenship, shouldn't everyone be more worried about how the country is going to be run rather than where the person was born?

Honestly, who is satisfied with the way Bush runs America?

Would you want another Bush-ite running the country?

Do you really believe Obama isn't American?

Hmm, some things to ponder.


"Even if Obama isn't of original American citizenship, shouldn't everyone
be more worried about how the country is going to be run rather than where the person was born?
NO ! One must follow the other, the one must first conform to the law before the other even gets started . . guess what ? They started and there's no stopping them 'cause the politician's are in fear of riots . . but I'm not ! Honesty and conformity First !

Let me ask you, are the MSM lying or are they just dumb?

Neither. they are compensated to hush with the overflow of obama's questionable foreign campaign contributions. *over $100 million last month !! Thank you Saudis, Thank You - Mahmoud
A-mad- jihad, T.Y. Hamas, T.Y. - Mummar kadaffy T.Y. Chavez . . mugabe etc. ad nauseam :p :D :tongue:

Will E Worm

WEW, you're too rational, logical and clear thinking, godam it ! :nono: :D Please Continue !! ;)
Ahhhh, remember the days when we actually believed in our own individual eternal immortality ?
I do. :p

Thanks, I for one still believe in this country as it was originally intended to run and that is under the Supreme Law of the Constitution, Bill of Rights, Declaration of Independence, and the preamble to the Constitution.

Not the Patriot Act, which is a subversive document. That will lead us into Socialism and then into totalitarianism. Then people will look back and see that the people like me who were trying to help them wake up were right.

But, then it will be far too late, and I'll be dead.

Even if Obama isn't of original American citizenship, shouldn't everyone be more worried about how the country is going to be run rather than where the person was born?
NO ! One must follow the other, the one must first conform to the law before the other even gets started . . guess what ? They started and there's no stopping them 'cause the politician's are in fear of riots . . but I'm not ! Honesty and conformity First !

The Constitution states that anyone who runs for the Presidency has to be a natural born citizen. There is no way around this unless they lie. Which Obama clearly is lying and subverting the truth.
He refused to show up to court to clear his name on the charges he isn't a citizen.
That should tell you something about Obama. He's a liar and a Socialist.

If they keep lying there won't only be riots, there will be a Civil War in this country.

Will E Worm

To repeat again...

Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit or show in court to clear his name. That should tell you something is not right and he is lying.

He is a Socialist, like his mother was. He said, "We should spread the wealth around".

Through these organizations, Obama hoped that "more and more people will begin to feel their story is somehow part of this larger story of how we're going to reshape America in a way that is less mean-spirited and more generous."

Obama's Web site proclaims, "Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity." Then how is it that Chicago ACORN leader Toni Foulkes sang Obama's praises for his work for ACORN in his article, "Case Study: Chicago — The Barack Obama Campaign," which appeared in Social Policy magazine in 2004?

Obama has deep ties to Socialist. One of which is Saul Alinsky.

Saul Alinsky is the late Chicago socialist and street agitator who is considered the father of community organizing.

Obama calls his Alinskyite experience "the best education I ever had."

Things just don't happen by "accident". They are planned and orchestrated long in advance.

Just take a look at the Georgia Guidestones. The plan is found written on them.

Their construction was paid for by a man using the pseudonym R.C.Christian.

The pseudonym is for Rose Cross (Rosicrucian) Christian Rosenkreuz, founder of the Rosicrucian Order (Order of the Rose Cross),
Carl Louis F. Grasshoff aka Max Heindel Founder of the Rosicrucian Fellowship.

(R.C.Christian, Christian Rose Cross)

By using this name, although he may not believe so, he is telling the world, that what he is doing is a ‘Christian’ act. He is in fact not a Christian, but part of the Order of the Rose Cross.
An organization that is in no way Christian. Never has been.

Rituals are carried out at this lonely spot. The 5 x 19ft standing stones with 1 capstone, all weighing more than 100 tons, aligned with the solstices and equinoxes create a cathedral among the trees. One stone is pierced at eye level to align with the North star, and a slit in the capstone creates a calendar as sunlight beams through at noon to show the day of the year.

They are sun worshippers.
They believe the end justifies the means, even if they have to lie to achieve their goals.

Hidden Knowledge

Think about this. George Bush said, "Don't believe "wild Conspiracy Theories".
We all know what a liar he is.

George Bush SR said, "To this generation, a New World Order".

It doesn't matter what organization they belong to, Freemasonry, Rose Cross (Rosicrucian), Bohemian Club,
Cap and Gown, Skull and Bones, and so on. They are all the same organization working for the same agenda. No matter what they have to do to achieve their agenda.

They use different names to cover their tracks and trick the masses as they call us.

They even put their agendas in books. They know most people will not under cover their agendas because people will not read those books. Most people just want to be entertained and never question any thing they are told. They just go along to get along.

Keep turning a blind eye and keep watching television as your country is taken from you, one right after another. Until one day you wake up in a one world totalitarian society with no individual right or property rights.
Where the government will watch you every second of every day.
And, if you question them you will be hauled off to an internment camp never to be heard from again.

Have a nice day. :wave2:
Thanks Will.

What I was trying to say is, who gives a shit who runs the country anymore? We should not worry about it as it doesn't matter.

This applies in every country! Who the hell cares? Why should singular entities decide how things are run?

Everyone should make educated decisions for everyone. Everyone should support eachother and offer improvement. Everyone should forget monetaryism and all this materialistic bullshit that blinds us. Everyone should WAKE THE FUCK UP.

We don't need government. We need eachother.
Its weird how I started this thread, and was talking about how basically Mccain wants to be the next Bush, literally. But instead, I keep seeing false accusations about Obama in here!

Its weird how I started this thread, and was talking about how basically Mccain wants to be the next Bush

I mean it's obvious. Just by the fact it's the same party with the same people that brought you Bush Jr., how can people actually believe the entire system is going to change from the inside when the goal of the last 8 years has been to deceive and manipulate public opinion. :dunno:

You are going to hear all the old promises, (Reagan claimed he would balance the budget, mocked those who doubted then changed his rhetoric to it might take a little longer than he thought), so what's new? He did that while breaking records building up the military payroll, as has Bush 2 as McCain has said he will do, while making claims to end an unjust war in VICTORY? How do you do that? Especially if you are a Vietnam vet, you should have seen the corruption leading to that fiasco and it's similarity to Iraq.
Well from the look of things Bush is so into the private market and expanding goverment that it sems like he's prepping things for Obama. So it seems like B.O. is actually Bush jr instead of McCain who wants to freeze spending.
Well from the look of things Bush is so into the private market and expanding goverment that it sems like he's prepping things for Obama. So it seems like B.O. is actually Bush jr instead of McCain who wants to freeze spending.

The point was brought out in the first debate which was clear to me, you can't stop all gov't spending as there are programs that need financial support, such as infrastructure maintenance. However McCain also made clear he wanted to continue to fund the military at the current $12B a month, so he has no intention of stopping all gov't spending, including the biggest drain in history.
The point was brought out in the first debate which was clear to me, you can't stop all gov't spending as there are programs that need financial support, such as infrastructure maintenance. However McCain also made clear he wanted to continue to fund the military at the current $12B a month, so he has no intention of stopping all gov't spending, including the biggest drain in history.

The $12B a month is just the cost of Iraq qhich actually is not even part of the normal defense budget which is over 500 billion a year.A freeze is a bad idea.As Obama said some programs like like 15 billion a year subsidy given to insurance companies involved in medicare should be eliminated entirely while some programs like infrastructure improvements must be increased.The only thing McCain says are not subject to freeze is defense spending which is the most wastefull blackhole unaccountable spending in the budget which IMO is just maintained to make a few rich.It should not only not be increased but cut dramatically.We spend more on defense then almost the rest of the world combined.I think it really buys us almost nothing and it's support is only maintained by fearmongering and appeals to base emotions like nationalism and patriotism.All we really need is some amount of nukes and that will deter anyone from ever attacking us.The same thing that detered a war with the soviet union will deter anyone else.The only reason to have such a large military is to try to impose our will(imperialism) on others and that in the modern world even with a huge military seems to not work IMO.Vietnam and Iraq and Afganistan are prime examples of that.All the technology and force in the world will never defeat people willing to fight to the bitter end for their country and what they beleive in.This was the lesson of Vietnam but within a few decades we seemingly have forgotten that lesson.
I saw the PBS program "the choice 2008" on the roads the two candidates have taken to the election last night again and it really is a remarkable show.It shows how each of them Obama and McCain got where they are now.You can't watch it and not come away with a lot more admiration for who Obama is and how he really is much more centrist then many perceive him to be and how McCain after 2000 just sold himself out to the right wing base of the republican party in oder to gain the nomination in 2008.But I know PBS is part of the liberal media which is in the bag for Obama.:rolleyes:
I might have to try to find some clips of it as I know a 2 hour program might be a bit much to ask the experts on the the right to sit through.But if they did and kept an open mind I think most of the anti-Obama nonsense you hear here might disapear.:dunno:


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
To repeat again...

Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit or show in court to clear his name. That should tell you something is not right and he is lying.

Since you're so sure that he's not a legal US citizen, show us the proof. Make it a fact and not just internet rumor heresay.

He is a Socialist, like his mother was. He said, "We should spread the wealth around".

Obama has deep ties to Socialist. One of which is Saul Alinsky.

Just because you know someone that does something wrong or are close with someone who does something wrong, doesn't mean you are going to act the same way. What a flawed mentality.

I drink quite a bit, but that doesn't mean all of my friends are alcoholics or preach a pro-alcohol lifestyle to the world.

I was friends with the kid who I sat next to in my sophomore year English class and he ended up MURDERING somebody by shooting them in the face, point blank range. Does that mean I'm a crazy, psychopathic murderer too?'s a flawed mentality that is used as a last resort, in order to try and make somebody look bad.

Things just don't happen by "accident". They are planned and orchestrated long in advance...

...They are sun worshippers.
They believe the end justifies the means, even if they have to lie to achieve their goals.

Hidden Knowledge

How are the Sun Worshippers, in any way, shape or form, connected to Barack Obama?

Think about this. George Bush said, "Don't believe "wild Conspiracy Theories".
We all know what a liar he is.

George Bush SR said, "To this generation, a New World Order".

It doesn't matter what organization they belong to, Freemasonry, Rose Cross (Rosicrucian), Bohemian Club,
Cap and Gown, Skull and Bones, and so on. They are all the same organization working for the same agenda. No matter what they have to do to achieve their agenda.

They use different names to cover their tracks and trick the masses as they call us.

They even put their agendas in books. They know most people will not under cover their agendas because people will not read those books. Most people just want to be entertained and never question any thing they are told. They just go along to get along.

Keep turning a blind eye and keep watching television as your country is taken from you, one right after another. Until one day you wake up in a one world totalitarian society with no individual right or property rights.
Where the government will watch you every second of every day.
And, if you question them you will be hauled off to an internment camp never to be heard from again.

Have a nice day. :wave2:

I saw this movie. What was it...Conspiracy Theory, with Mel Gibson? Yeah, I've seen this one. :rolleyes:
The $12B a month is just the cost of Iraq qhich actually is not even part of the normal defense budget which is over 500 billion a year.A freeze is a bad idea.As Obama said some programs like like 15 billion a year subsidy given to insurance companies involved in medicare should be eliminated entirely while some programs like infrastructure improvements must be increased.The only thing McCain says are not subject to freeze is defense spending which is the most wastefull blackhole unaccountable spending in the budget which IMO is just maintained to make a few rich.It should not only not be increased but cut dramatically.We spend more on defense then almost the rest of the world combined.I think it really buys us almost nothing and it's support is only maintained by fearmongering and appeals to base emotions like nationalism and patriotism.All we really need is some amount of nukes and that will deter anyone from ever attacking us.The same thing that detered a war with the soviet union will deter anyone else.The only reason to have such a large military is to try to impose our will(imperialism) on others and that in the modern world even with a huge military seems to not work IMO.Vietnam and Iraq and Afganistan are prime examples of that.All the technology and force in the world will never defeat people willing to fight to the bitter end for their country and what they beleive in.This was the lesson of Vietnam but within a few decades we seemingly have forgotten that lesson.
I saw the PBS program "the choice 2008" on the roads the two candidates have taken to the election last night again and it really is a remarkable show.It shows how each of them Obama and McCain got where they are now.You can't watch it and not come away with a lot more admiration for who Obama is and how he really is much more centrist then many perceive him to be and how McCain after 2000 just sold himself out to the right wing base of the republican party in oder to gain the nomination in 2008.But I know PBS is part of the liberal media which is in the bag for Obama.:rolleyes:
I might have to try to find some clips of it as I know a 2 hour program might be a bit much to ask the experts on the the right to sit through.But if they did and kept an open mind I think most of the anti-Obama nonsense you hear here might disapear.:dunno:

Yes, I agree, and have been saying here that the only reason to dump even more into the military hardware budget, (that has to be used up to make room for new orders), is to print as much money as they need here and take a f-u mentality which is what a lot of the recent rallys seem to be doing. McCain has clearly copied from Obama's more popular campaign in his presentation and walked a fine line from just a short while ago about not revealing how many houses he owns. It's the old commercial, why buy a car that looks like a Camry, (fill in blank), performs like a Camry when you can buy the real thing. Romney supporting McCain is an even bigger flip flopper and before he toned down his ads, made it very clear he wanted an even bigger military when it's clear this one is way out of hand. Well, you know who is going to be taxed to death to pay for that? Not big corporations as they are in line for further cuts, but it will be on the backs of the little guy. That is the direction of the republican party, more military as he says he wants, and I can't imagine anyone believing McCain is going to reduced that monkey on our backs and do what Obama has been saying from the beginning he would, no matter how much he modifies his completely opposite approach from 2000 to just a few months ago.

This is a movie you had to see the beginning of, and I feel a lot of people just tuned in, and bought whatever easy explaination, i.e. Obama is a Muslim, arab, socialist, etc. without any clue to what McCain was saying when first elected.
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Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Their construction was paid for by a man using the pseudonym R.C.Christian.

The pseudonym is for Rose Cross (Rosicrucian) Christian Rosenkreuz, founder of the Rosicrucian Order (Order of the Rose Cross),
Carl Louis F. Grasshoff aka Max Heindel Founder of the Rosicrucian Fellowship.

(R.C.Christian, Christian Rose Cross)


holy fuck - is there some connection to the knight's templar too?
what about socialist aliens :rolleyes:

come on mate,
some of us try to enjoy a bit of informed political debate on these here boards

Will E Worm

Even if he was born in Africa as opposed to Hawaii - isn't he an automatic citizen anyway through his mother? That would make this whole thing rather moot.

McCain wasn't born in the US. :dunno:

McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936 So, that qualifies him. Because the area was occupied by the US, at the time. So, they say.
I really don't care for either party.


holy fuck - is there some connection to the knight's templar too?
what about socialist aliens :rolleyes:

If you actually knew what you were talking about maybe your opinion would matter.
Now go do your research.