To repeat again...
Obama Refuses to Answer Birth Certificate Lawsuit or show in court to clear his name. That should tell you something is not right and he is lying.
He is a Socialist, like his mother was. He said, "We should spread the wealth around".
Through these organizations, Obama hoped that "more and more people will begin to feel their story is somehow part of this larger story of how we're going to reshape America in a way that is less mean-spirited and more generous."
Obama's Web site proclaims, "Barack was never an ACORN trainer and never worked for ACORN in any other capacity." Then how is it that Chicago ACORN leader Toni Foulkes sang Obama's praises for his work for ACORN in his article, "Case Study: Chicago — The Barack Obama Campaign," which appeared in Social Policy magazine in 2004?
Obama has deep ties to Socialist. One of which is Saul Alinsky.
Saul Alinsky is the late Chicago socialist and street agitator who is considered the father of community organizing.
Obama calls his Alinskyite experience "the best education I ever had."
Things just don't happen by "accident". They are planned and orchestrated long in advance.
Just take a look at the Georgia Guidestones. The plan is found written on them.
Their construction was paid for by a man using the pseudonym R.C.Christian.
The pseudonym is for Rose Cross (Rosicrucian) Christian Rosenkreuz, founder of the Rosicrucian Order (Order of the Rose Cross),
Carl Louis F. Grasshoff aka Max Heindel Founder of the Rosicrucian Fellowship.
(R.C.Christian, Christian Rose Cross)
By using this name, although he may not believe so, he is telling the world, that what he is doing is a ‘Christian’ act. He is in fact not a Christian, but part of the Order of the Rose Cross.
An organization that is in no way Christian. Never has been.
Rituals are carried out at this lonely spot. The 5 x 19ft standing stones with 1 capstone, all weighing more than 100 tons, aligned with the solstices and equinoxes create a cathedral among the trees. One stone is pierced at eye level to align with the North star, and a slit in the capstone creates a calendar as sunlight beams through at noon to show the day of the year.
They are sun worshippers.
They believe the end justifies the means, even if they have to lie to achieve their goals.
Hidden Knowledge
Think about this. George Bush said, "Don't believe "wild Conspiracy Theories".
We all know what a liar he is.
George Bush SR said, "To this generation, a New World Order".
It doesn't matter what organization they belong to, Freemasonry, Rose Cross (Rosicrucian), Bohemian Club,
Cap and Gown, Skull and Bones, and so on. They are all the same organization working for the same agenda. No matter what they have to do to achieve their agenda.
They use different names to cover their tracks and trick the masses as they call us.
They even put their agendas in books. They know most people will not under cover their agendas because people will not read those books. Most people just want to be entertained and never question any thing they are told. They just go along to get along.
Keep turning a blind eye and keep watching television as your country is taken from you, one right after another. Until one day you wake up in a one world totalitarian society with no individual right or property rights.
Where the government will watch you every second of every day.
And, if you question them you will be hauled off to an internment camp never to be heard from again.
Have a nice day. :wave2: