no worries. I am a registered Republican but my views have changed in in recent years. Both sides are severely flawed but the right just lost me and the left will never have me as long as they remain soft on crime. However, I cannot put my trust in anyone who would allow another person to die because they can't pay for medicine yet call themselves Christian and be all in favor of war. Simply look at the promises made by the candidates in the last election. Get rid of the EPA, get rid of the minimum wage, require women who want an abortion to get a Vaginal probe yet proclaim they want government out of our lives (<---LMFAO!!!!!!!), and the list goes on.
I see valid points in both parties, but when you look at the tremendous decline of our country and the shrinking number of people who are benefiting from what the US has to offer you have to step back and realize that big changes have to be made. The right claims its taxes and regulation and morality, yet we live in a time when our taxes are the lowest they have EVER been and fewer regulations than there have EVER been. The tea party rants that we need to return to the way of life of the 1950s when times were good and America was at it's greatest. But when you take an honest look at the 1950s it was NOT even close to that!
in 1952 the highest earners were taxed 72%
the government regulated the price of gas, the price of milk, eggs, travel, radio, schools, wages and the price of insurance and health care and countless other things that they do not regulate at all now. And yes there was a thriving middle class at that time, our economy was booming but that's because everyone had money to spend. A guy working as a telephone repairman could afford to live and pay bills and his wife could stay home and care for their kids and they could take a vacation every year AND save money for college and his daughter's wedding. The cost of living has increased over income at a rate of 96 to 1. How can that be sustainable? It can't, but if you ask Hannity or any of the others they all say that's the answer. It's fucking insane and even idiots like Glen Beck are realizing it's a dying cause. That's a scary day
A couple of points:
I can't speak on the 50's as I wasn't born then. I haven't heard anyone that I know or associate with long for the days of overt racism and denial of basic civil rights that was prevalent at that time. There is to a certain degree of those within the party that are evangelical that would like to see a return to basic family values of that era. Not saying that I agree with those sentiments but those feelings are there nevertheless. As for jobs at that time, the undeniable fact is that a man could afford to take a vacation on a phone technician's salary was because all of our jobs were not being shipped overseas or outsourced as they are now. There was more of a sense of job security at that time.
As for government interference in our lives, are you sure that those that want women that seek an abortion to undergo a vaginal probe aren't asking for that if the abortion is funded under medicaid? I can see that requirement in that instance.
Back in 2008 the mantra by those on the left was that conservatives were taking away our basic civil liberties. I don't see any change from the Obama administration in regards to civil liberties, in some instances we even have less now than under GWB.
I am not sure if you are placing the blame at the feet of Republicans or not when you say that those that can't afford medicine are hung out to dry and left to die. President Bush and republicans brought forward the prescription drug bill that are helping a lot of seniors and I know this to be a fact. As far as tax rates are concerned, it is true that tax rates were high for the highest wage earners but it was a conservative (Ronald Reagan) that lowered the rates and it resulted in the greatest peacetime expansion in US history. Although I have a real problem with Reagan's spending and GWB's for that matter.
It is not the rate of taxation that is the problem (I myself have no problem with paying more) but when the extra revenue is spent recklessly it is like giving more blood to the badly wounded patient before you close the wound.
Again I apologize for the political turn, this thread is so much more enjoyable without the petty political discussion.