i don't think i'd say i love guns, but I respect them, and believe they are key to maintaining a free society. Kansas went to a concealed carry law over the governor 2+ years ago. about 40,000 people had trained, last i heard. there have been cases of citizens protected both by carrying themselves and by others carrying, and NOT the increase in gun violence that is trumpted.
Kansas law lets businesses post a sticker that firearms are not allowed. I am waiting for the 1st licensed carrier obeying the law to be injured by a criminal ignoring the law... would seem to put business that have elected to not allow CONCEALED firearms (Target, Simon Malls) in legal jeopardy.
& yes, I do carry... a Bersa .45. My ex wife & sister carry the Bersa .380. As to long guns, the new Remington magazine fed hunting rifles look great, but at $1350 they're more than 2 700's, & more than proven 'black rifle' variants. I've been more interested in the advent of S&W & Bushmaster AR-15/ M4 style rifles chambered for .308.
In any case, true education is the key to preventing kids from 'accidentally' killing themselves or their friends. & the Kansas law mandates an about 4 hour course, & demonstration of proficiency with the firearm to start, & then a refresher to maintain the license... the license can be put on your driver's license or be separate... we were advised to do separate to NOT make police or clerks jumpy if they check. & for the check out we were warned NOT to group rounds, & especially NOT to do head shots, out of fear some lawyer would claim it was 'evidence of planning to shoot to kill' or some such drivel... I can assure you, if I have to draw it, I'm not playing around.
Courses ran ~120-150... Then it's about 200 more for the license & paperwork. annual range membership is only $20, & range time isn't expensive here in Kansas... just having the license doesn't make you safe... have to practice for what you hope to never have to do. Oh, & Kansas IS an agreement state with Colorado, but Nebraska & Missouri haven't realized that leaving criminals armed & refusing to allow law abiding citizens to carry hurts everyone.
I haven't elected to carry with a live round chambered... if i don't have time to rack the slide, i'd better not be showing i'm carrying... that's what Ernest Emerson & Kershaw's finest are for (but as an aside, carrying a folding blade is subject to some pretty Draconian laws that vary state to state).
talking about loving guns makes those opposed to it label us gun nuts. we won't change their minds, but there's no reason to help them paint those who choose to exercise 2nd Amendment rights as being dumb, cruel, aggressive, or dangerous.