What is wrong with Sun? and no one is crazier than Blueballs.
eh, Asian/Black chicks dont appeal to me too much, never have. im more of a Latina/White girl kinda guy. what can i say.
and i know no ones crazier, thats why i said "as crazy"
What is wrong with Sun? and no one is crazier than Blueballs.
eh, Asian/Black chicks dont appeal to me too much, never have. im more of a Latina/White girl kinda guy. what can i say.
and i know no ones crazier, thats why i said "as crazy"
The implication is that it traveled Desmond to Universe X, and retaining his full memories of Universe Y, which is why he tried to kill Locke and helped Hurley to resolve the two universes.
I don't think he tried to kill Locke. I think he tried to injure Locke so that he can be reunited with Jack at the hospital.
I actually liked this episode a lot. Desmond gets thrown down the well (which I believe he knew it was going to happen) and Locke gets ran over. I'm sorry but I just laughed at that because it looked so horrible to run down a handicapped guy
This episode was great and found it awesome that Jack and "Locke" are stuck with each other now. It will create some great moments, I imagine. But this episode really set up things for the future (I guess like every episode this season). I thought Jin's an Sun's reunion would be a little more dramatic for being separated for two seasons.
Oh and anyone else wanna see Zoe get killed? I'm getting annoyed by this girl
Oh and anyone else wanna see Zoe get killed? I'm getting annoyed by this girl
Yeah. She's way annoying. I do like how it appears Widmore played Sawyer hook/line/sinker. Let's not all start crediting Sawyer with being a genius Machiavelli...he's really a 2-bit con artist, not a master double agent type...
I agree with DJ too, the Sun-Jin reunion was very.......ordinary :dunno: Hell, I even forgot Jin was hanging out with Widmore's crew. I wish their reunion was more connected to something going on on the island.
The "LA storyline" is really awesome. Bravo to the writers. I wish we had this kind of parallel story writing all along...
Did Sayid really shoot Desmond? I thought the promo leading up this week implied there was a gunflash pointed "downward" and Des was looking up at Sayid, but what I saw of the episode...I didn't see any gunflash from Sayid anywhere :dunno:
How hot did Ilana look in that business suit. :hit:
Yeah, she did look hot. I would hit that too.
Sawyer had some pretty good 1-liners in this episode too. He was ripping on Lapidis pretty good :rofl: The Burt Reynolds joke was hilarious...
The implication is that it traveled Desmond to Universe X, and retaining his full memories of Universe Y, which is why he tried to kill Locke and helped Hurley to resolve the two universes.