
Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
(sorry but Rose and Bernard as Adam and Eve would SUCK!!!!!!!! :thefinger ;) )

Yeah, I can't believe Adam and Eve will be Rose and Bernard... it's too apparent.

Here's one (completely) out of leftfield: Adam & Eve = Zack & Emma. How? Why? I haven't developed my theory that far yet. All I have are names. :rolleyes: Will E. Worm is going to help me fill in the blanks. :D
Or the people in the cave are just some random people that have no relevance to the story and will never be revealed. I have a feeling that we are going to get a lot of things that were never intended to mean anything and put there just so the writer's could laugh at the dumbass fanboys (us) endlessly pouring over them for clues.:(
Agreed. :bowdown: Tonight was on a different level. IT. FUCKING. ROCKED.

Man, Sayid really can't catch a fucking break in life...whichever lives we see for him, eh? His girlie (Nadia?) looked so damn hot in that red top...wow.

"There is a growing darkness in your heart..." (need to go find the precise quote) not only works as a great zinger for skeptics or critics...but it actually was a thematic line tonight...

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Damn! Sayid killed Dogen. He was shaping up to be one of the best characters of the series, and just when we got to learn more about him he's gone. It's like Eko all over again. :2 cents:
I think the show is basicaly about the battle between Jacob and the Smoke Monster.

It's kinda similiar to Star Wars. When the first 3 movies came out, everybody assumed it was about Luke Skywalker, The Empire, and Han Solo.

When the prequels came out, we learned that the whole saga was actually about Anakin Skywalker/Darth, Vader, everything else was just a subplot.

I have noticed that this season, the events in the Los Angeles scenes and the events on the Island seem to go along.

In the LA sequences, it is obvious that the characters never met Jacob, which means Jacob never got involved in their lives to manipulate things to get them to the island. This theory became obvious with Sayid meeting the loanshark. That guy originally was a mercenary for Widmore. It is obvious that Widmore, Desmond and Rousseau never made it to the island. It also means Farady's mother never made it to the island too.

I think the series will drag out to the series finale in May without revealing anything. Everything will some how twist together in the series finale.

If you recall from the first season, the producers and writers claimed the entire show was explained in the 2 hour series pilot. I mentioned this a few times in earlier threads in this post. And this season seems to prove it.

I think somehow the story will revert back to the pilot and the last scene will be Jack waking up on the island after the crash.

I will be a pissed off mofo if that happens.

What you just described, Blackbull, about the ending coming full circle would prove that the series was "connected" to Flann O'Brien's "The Third Policeman" a book written in 1967 which was referenced in the show. I think the book was seen in Desmond's lair within the Swan Hatch in Season 2.

I read this book because it was referenced on Lost. I read it back when the theory was that they were all in Purgatory. That theory was dismissed publicly by Lindleloff and Cuse.

But, the "coming full circle ending" would connect to that novel directly. If you want to read a strange novel, read that one.
I thought this episode was boring and nothing happened, except that SM killed a bunch of people in the last five minutes. Oh and in X Nadia is not dead.... yet(since she didn't die in universe Y until after 2005). Big deal.

The only thing that I liked was when Sayid killed Dogan and hippie.
Hold on. We have Temple Others wiped out. We have a small collection of Jacob's Followers (Sun, Hurley, Jack, Ben, Richard?, Illeana, Hairy Airplane Guy, Miles) versus a larger collection of Smoky Locke Followers.

It looks like we will be seeing the last of Benjamin Linus next week.

Jacob has apparently contacted someone to come find the island (Widmore maybe?).

I think they've introduced new stuff which we overlook because the New Los Angeles Stuff is so interesting but completely disconnected from the island (at this point)...

Enjoy the ride!
the New Los Angeles Stuff is so interesting

That's debatable.

Hold on. We have Temple Others wiped out. We have a small collection of Jacob's Followers (Sun, Hurley, Jack, Ben, Richard?, Illeana, Hairy Airplane Guy, Miles) versus a larger collection of Smoky Locke Followers.

Also debatable. Sayid is really the only person that is following SM, and it seemed to me that he just did it because he was pissed off at the Others. Sawyer didn't seem to be in line with him, so much as agnostic about the whole situation. None of them really signed up to wage war against Jacob's people and especially the other Survivors.

Jacob has apparently contacted someone to come find the island (Widmore maybe?).

Apparently the name at 108 degree of the Light House is "Wallace". Feel free to speculate about that, or not. The general opinion seems to be that it's either going to be Widmore or Desmond. I'd lean towards Desi.
That's debatable.

Also debatable. Sayid is really the only person that is following SM, and it seemed to me that he just did it because he was pissed off at the Others. Sawyer didn't seem to be in line with him, so much as agnostic about the whole situation. None of them really signed up to wage war against Jacob's people and especially the other Survivors.

Apparently the name at 108 degree of the Light House is "Wallace". Feel free to speculate about that, or not. The general opinion seems to be that it's either going to be Widmore or Desmond. I'd lean towards Desi.

Wasnt the name of "Wallace" the dead black dude they found in a hot air balloon in the jungle like 4 seasons ago? This was about the same time they found the pallet full of food.

Wasnt the name of "Wallace" the dead black dude they found in a hot air balloon in the jungle like 4 seasons ago? This was about the same time they found the pallet full of food.


Nope, his name was actually Henry Gale the one Ben used when they had him locked up in the hatch
Apparently the name at 108 degree of the Light House is "Wallace". Feel free to speculate about that, or not. The general opinion seems to be that it's either going to be Widmore or Desmond. I'd lean towards Desi.

I will guess that it's Widmore, but I'd rather it be Desmond. Would it/could it be Michael and Walt?

Michael isn't dead is he?
I doubt it's Widmore.

It could be the DHARMA people, last year ABC had some promo sites with DHARMA having a new logo and doing some recruiting. Smoky may need the DHARMA people to help him get off the island with whatever technology they use to get on and off the island.

Remember, DHARMA used a submarine to get on and off the island, but they drugged people in the process. They might have discovered some type of gateway, and Smoky wants to use it to get off.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I enjoyed this episode. It was very action packed. It's sort of an inside joke between me and a pal of mine, but I was hoping that it would be revealed that Dogen's dagger had some special significance... like it was the dagger that Marcus Brutus used to lay the final blow to Julius Caesar or something. Yeah, I'm still holding out (faint) hope for that late Roman Republic/Egyptian connection. :rolleyes:

And last night's episode further confirmed the lack of good/bad in the overall premise. Both Jacob and Smokey just use people as pawns. Ben saying several seasons ago, "we're the good guys" was just sick irony, IMO. There are no good guys. Both Ben and Dogen have worked for the supposed good guy (Jacob), yet have no problems passing judgment on others. And both of them are themselves murderers of the unlucky and unfortunate, and kidnappers of children. I guess "right" and "good" are in the eye of the beholder... sort of like in real life.

No matter what reality he is in, Sayid is going to be Sayid. I think what Dogen saw as a growing darkness within was just Sayid's nature. From the day he casually snapped that chicken's neck as a little boy, the darkness within Sayid was just naturally there, not something brought on by his "bath" in the temple spring... course that might have made it worse or stronger (just a guess). Dogen was a really interesting character. Too bad about his early exit. But I had a feeling that Sayid only takes one ass kicking from a person... and then his revenge is swift & deadly.

And even though Richard wasn't seen (I like ol' Ricardus), I was happy to see extra attention being paid to Sayid (and Nadia). Other than Mr. Eko, Sayid is the character who's very had to fully comprehend. I think he wants to be a good person, but that's just not who he is. As soon as the moment of decision arises, he pulls out the knife. Sayid's theme song could easily be Sympathy For the Devil.

Yeah, I really enjoyed this episode. I could go on & on babbling. Great writing by the Lost team. These guys are something else. :thumbsup:

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
In the LA sequences, it is obvious that the characters never met Jacob, which means Jacob never got involved in their lives to manipulate things to get them to the island.

I'm with you, except for Locke. I mean, he's still in the wheelchair. But now that I think about it, as best I can recall, didn't Locke say something pleasant about his father early on this season? So maybe his dad didn't shove him out the window and maybe Jacob never revived him after the fall.

It's also interesting that even though Hurley has won the lottery, he doesnt' seem to be cursed by bad luck any longer. He seems like a pretty together guy in the LAX reality. I wonder if in this alternate reality if he won the lottery with THE numbers or some other numbers??? :confused:

Dogen's not on the island. Ben's not on the island. The castaways aren't on the island. In the words of Charlie, "what is this place?!"
It seems evident that universe X is not the result of the detonation of the H-bomb. At worst the explosion would have killed everyone on the Island, and at best it simply neutralized the magnetic field at the Swan site. Neither of those things would have resulted in the kind of events we are seeing now.

In the original time line the result of The Incident was just to create the fail safe button to be pushed, which did lead to the crash of 815, but otherwise did not effect the other people that were already on the Island. If the Incident had not have happened it wouldn't have totally changed the lives of Widmore and by proxy Desmond, and kid Ben and Ethan, as they are in universe X.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Random thought...

So far the writers have done a more than decent job of reaching back and pulling moments from the past forward. Live Together, Die Alone is replaying on ABC NY now. I wonder if Desmond will get the chance to read Our Mutual Friend by Charles Dickens? He avoided taking it into military prison with him so it would be the last thing he'd ever read.


Hiliary 2020
i'm at a loss for words at this point.
really have no idea where its going.
locke/mrx/mib/flocke does or is evil for sure.
he kills people at will., hes killed alot of people
the last scene where he ,sayid and claire were walking away looked pretty evil to me.
i'm actually worried about kate with these 3 killing machines, plus bens mia.

but at this point i'm done speculating, just gonna sit back and enjoy.