
I'm pretty sure that Ben did say Jack was on the list. That it it could be christian is a speculation though. Somebody mentioned that to me earlier, I had forgotten to bring it up.

Seems that Hurley X luck theory has been pretty much shot down. Oh well, it wasn't my theory. We'll find out soon enough.

good scoop on next week's episode DJ.:thumbsup:
After reading everyone's stuff...I gotta rewatch Season 3 which was when I thought the show began to take a turn for the worse. Clearly there's shit in Season 3 that is paying off now, finally.

Blackbull: are you satisfied with the answer Smoke Locke gave to Sawyer about why they are on Jacob's list? Anyone can answer this question actually. Did all those crossed out numbers and names imply that Jacob used a trial and error method of selecting his new protectors? That seems a bit halfass for Jacob to pick randoms and see if they'll survive the island? But that might be the only answer we get as to "why these people" :dunno: We also have to believe this information from a character, Smoke Locke, who hasn't been established as a reliable character yet.

When I saw the scale with the white and black rock I immediately flashed to Adam and Eve in the cave with the two stones for some reason.

I thought this was a solid episode. I think my problem with it was Smoke Locke's treatment of Richard. He knocked him out, kidnapped him, hoisted him up into a tree and then only let him go? That didn't seem effective for this late in the show. We don't need to have the Lost writers doing grande things anymore with little payoff.
He also said in "LA X" that he won the lottery to a guy on the plane who recognized him as the owner of Mr. Cluck's and that's how he got to own the business.

The guy on the plane was Arzt, right? The science teacher who blew himself up back in Season 2 when he led a group to get dynamite out of the hull of the Black Rock.
srsly? there was a polar bear because they were being kept in the Dharma Initiative's Hydra Station on the second island.

If that didn't make sense to you, turn back now.
It's also been speculated that Smokey really did just want to leave the Island and was imprisoned there by Jacob, which was why he wanted to kill him.

I don't judge the credibility of these ideas, I just pass along what I hear because I figured it might be interesting to someone.

I think that what SM told Sawyer may have been partly true and also part lies. If we can believe what Ben said he's the protector of the Island, not Jacob. I also wonder why if Jacob did not intend for Kate to be a candidate, then why did he bring her to the Island? And what about Claire, she wasn't visited by Jacob, so why was she even there?

I think his purpose for knocking out and tying up Richard was to say: You have the choice to join me. But now you know that I can hurt you and you don't want to go against me.

Contrary to what the Others think, it would seem his first order of business is not to attack them. For now, at least.
PS. Where the hell are Rose and Bernard? I really like them and it was lame that they waited until practically the end of the season last time to fill us in on where they had been during all the time traveling hubbub.

PPS. sorry about all the posts in a row.
If we can believe what Ben said he's the protector of the Island, not Jacob
You know you should never believe anything Ben says.

Although I think Ben should watch out for Illana. She has shown that she knows more about the rules of the island than anybody. Ben has to know, that she would know, that MiB couldn't have directly killed Jacob.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
When I saw the scale with the white and black rock I immediately flashed to Adam and Eve in the cave with the two stones for some reason.

Same here.

I thought this was a solid episode. I think my problem with it was Smoke Locke's treatment of Richard. He knocked him out, kidnapped him, hoisted him up into a tree and then only let him go? That didn't seem effective for this late in the show. We don't need to have the Lost writers doing grande things anymore with little payoff.

Before "Baby Jacob" ("Teen Aaron" or whoever the kid was) showed up, I think Richard was mere seconds away from being a dead man. After he told Smokey/Locke that he wasn't going to join his band, I think only the timely appearance of that kid saved Ricardus. Illana said that Smokey/Locke was recruiting. So he must need some help to do whatever it is that he wants to do.

And this just crossed my mind: Jack and Sawyer have never really been on the same page. Now with Sawyer hanging with Smokey, it'll be interesting to see if those two have one final go at one another near the end... and one or both get taken out by the other.

The guy on the plane was Arzt, right? The science teacher who blew himself up back in Season 2 when he led a group to get dynamite out of the hull of the Black Rock.

Yeah, that was him! Glad to see ol' Arzt again. Also, that was flaming arrow "Frogurt" at the cab stand at the airport. Right when Kate was about to hijack the cab... he's the one who told her that the line formed behind him. Good to see some of the minor characters popping up here & there. One more long look at Shannon and I'm good.
One more long look at Shannon and I'm good.

I will offer up a King's ransom for THAT!!!

Yeah, we will have to see about this Jack vs Sawyer showdown. They might be aligning it that way. The only potential land mine to that is if Sawyer truly did reveal to Kate that he's not into her. Kate coming (err cumming it's freeones) in between them I thought would play out a bit differently. She kind of Heisman'd Jack to go chase after Sawyer. He Heisman's her. Is she going to come/cum crawling back to Jack? Hmmm........

Let me toss this one out there:
Would you all "hit that" with Ileana?

She seems a bit of a physical resemblance to Ana Lucia (who I would totally hit)..:thefinger
This show has brought on so many questions, it boggles the mind. They show commercials saying no more questions, and every new episode has brought more questions!

It' impossible for them to answer everything before the end of May.

I think that scene in last week's episode between Locke/Smoke monster and Sawyer pretty muched summed up the series to some degree.

I hope I'am wrong. Can't wait for tonight.
Last night didnt reveal much.

The debut of Jack's son could have been skipped, that storyline should have been introduced like 3 seasons ago during the flashbacks.

They should have went more in-depth on the lighthouse and Jacob. Curious to know whose name was on the 180 degre mark.

Only good thing about the show was when they were showing nexts week preview at the end and splicing up the scenes. they announced some major questions will be answered, just have to wait and see.

I think Jack's son is a pretty big bombshell, only in that I guess we have to truly believe that the "present LA" scenes (flashforwards?) are to be taken as WHAT IF THE ISLAND NEVER EXISTED? :dunno: We keep seeing Others show up in roles that seem to imply that they now have "real lives" in LA, too (who knew! :rolleyes:)

One thing that bothers me is this whole nobody answering direct questions. Somebody FINALLY asks a good question and....CUT TO NEW SCENE :mad: or the person answers with a new question :mad: Yes it was the hallmark of the show from S1-S5, but c'mon..cut it out Demon and Curse. Stop that shit.

The revelation of Jack's son would've been more interesting to me if they had an actual scene and conversation. It was basically same ol, same ol (new interesting person ignoring Lostie :mad:).

Seeing Shannon's inhaler and the cave w/Adam and Eve was pretty cool. Sad. But cool. I totally forget that Jack and Hurley were in the cave when Ethan was discovered. That scene with Hurley and Jack and Sayid was one of the great moments in the show, imo...

I guess the Lighthouse really wasn't needed. I agree with blackbull---who was at 180 degrees? Widmore?

Is Charles Widmore Jacob's Savior?
Jack having a son seemed really irrelevant. Nothing really happened in that episode other than Jack and Hurley left the Temple. Meh.

I'm not a fan of quickly thrown out explanations, but I do think that the overall pace of the story needs to be moving along faster.


Hiliary 2020
great posts^^^^^^^^^
my randon jumbled thoughts.
jacks son can be important in the shape of things, heres why.
in the original timeline jack has no kid.
in the sideways timeline hes got a fifteen or 16 year old kid.
that means julie smashing the bomb has an effect at least as early as around 1990.
ben and ethan living nice respectable no hanging charlie or shooting locke in the gut lives?
interesting, did they leave the island at a young age? maybe in 77?

we also now know smokey/mib is not christian, or can assume it logically bcause claire said she talks to them both.
is claire a killer because of the infection or just island fever (isolation).?

locke/mib's scene with sawyer said alot, maybe jacob is just playing with peoples lives.
or hes being made to do so by someone/thing.
a candidate to replace him? kindalike desmond was to kelvin?

but yeah, just more and more questions, dont know how they are going to wrap this up in a way that wont piss off everyone, but i have faith
I'm starting to wonder if the cave that smokey took Sawyer to is actually not Jacob's but smokey's and the Lighthouse is Jacob's area. On lostpedia.com it showed some numbers were different and Kate was on the list at 51 and not crossed out

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Right now I don't have a clue as to where this show is going, but I like all the episodes so far. I want to see Sawyer turn bad and fight Jack and also want to see Eko return. Still think the best thing about this new season is Dogen who is shaping up to be this season's Eko IMO.


Lost at Birth
jack's appendix scar could be significant. makes me wonder if the statestide characters are just snowglobe type characters that need to join up with their real-time characters on the island. jack's son may be there just to show jack that father-son alienation runs in the family and maybe christian is waiting in the wings to reunite with jack once he gets the lesson?

i dont know, i'm probably way off but so far, the stateside doubles dont really interest me like the island doubles. meanwhile i'm still in the dark on juliette's dying thought "it worked" because seemingly it didnt. more questions keep popping up. i'm hoping they don't just throw together a bunch of anticlimatic answers on the last episode but rather let a lot of questions start to unfold throughout the remainder of the season. if they do some "lady or the tiger" ending like the sopranos then i'm gonna be really dissappointed.

oh and i agree with calpoon, give us an update on Rose and Bernard!

finally, poor claire, i guess that side of the island doesnt have a good hair salon nearby.