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Aldo(?) aka. the complaining dude, was the guy at the Hydra station that Kate knocked out when he was guarding the building that Karl was being held at in season 3.

ugh.. I'm pretty sure that no one killed Alpert?
Cindy the Flight Attendant's presence is the only Others marker within the Temple People that I'm aware. The unknown complainer guy that got shot by Claire divulged a connection to Kate, which means he was brought to the island, okay, than how was he brought?

It's hard to believe that Ben wouldn't know about Temple people if they are all Others...

New Locke Guy/Smoke Monster Locke killed Richard Alpert in last week's ep, right?

The complainer guy was actually in season 3 when Kate, Sawyer and Alex were trying to break out Alex's boyfriend out of the psych tourture he was in. He was out front guarding the building and Kate knocked him out with a gun.

Ben referenced the temple in both seasons 3 and 4 calling it a "last refuge" for their people

Richard wasn't killed just knocked out by smokeyLocke which I'm guessing he's gonna use Richard for negotiations or as bait


Hiliary 2020
ok episode, i suppose the main questions would be whats to become of poor sayid, he's either gotta die again or become "dark".
unless the poison is only to kill whatevers inside him, but i doubt it considering the japanese guys reaction when jack put it in his mouth.

what will happen if sawyer doesnt return to the temple?
ithink this episode had alot of little clues like the baseball and others(gotta watch it again)

claire? i think maybe she was killed by the freighter people in season 5, or was that 4? yeah 4.
when sawyer pulled her from the rubble she was already dead and "claimed".
but that would indicate that christian was claimed too.

and ethan goodspeed? now thats definite proof that things in the sideways timeline are off, he was on the island on sept 22 2004.

also this claire adoption thing, remember the phsycic?, there was thought that he may have set up the trip to la for her, and that the people who were to adopt the baby didnt even exist, still may be true, i dont know with this wacky sideways timeline.


Hiliary 2020
I like how they've been hinting at "ISLAND VIRUS" lately. It appears that Claire has "ISLAND VIRUS" and is insane now. Sayid is the next to become insane. Hurley dropping the Zombie cue wasn't just a joke, I think it's going to be a real issue.

If Jakob came back in the body of Sayid, why isn't he more forthcoming as 'New Locke Guy' apparently is? I assume that 'New Locke Guy' hates humanity, wants to rid the entire island of all humans and "go home" wherever that is?

I think Meester is right in that the events that are happening now that "the plane" landed don't seem to exactly be what would've could've happened if there was no crash. It seems like it's basically a RE/BOOT but not simply back in time, but also back from a specific starting point.

I think a lot the "emotions" seem off. Did anyone really think Sawyer really gave a shit about Juliet? I'm finding it hard to believe he'd be moping around the old commune, digging up some ring only to throw in the water? Why? Just to feel sorry for himself or "cleanse" himself? :sleep: Was Kate crying because Sawyer basically said he wasn't interested in her? Did she run after him to be with him? She seemed like she had no other reason to go after Sawyer unless she's decided she cared for him more than Jack all this time.

I also think Jack will not make it off the island alive. He's becoming a Martyr figure all of a sudden. Just like Sawyer, what reason does Jack have to ever leave the island? He doesn't have much of a life waiting for him back in LA...
i think he loved her, but yeah why did kate split to be with him?
all good points tits

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That's true. If they are the Others, then who are the people on the beach with Richard? Weren't we led to believe that they are the Others? If the Others at the Temple are preparing to go to war, then wouldn't they want to get in touch with the rest of thier people, especially Richard?

Shit, maybe they aren't even in the same time line. We assumed that Sun and Frank were in 2007 and now the 77 Dharma folks and O6 are too... but we won't really know until they meet up again.

I'll have to rewatch the episode, but didn't the Beach Others see the flare/rocket that the Temple Others fired into the air? Like I said, maybe I'm not remembering the scene correctly, but I thought they saw it.

What's really intriguing (to me anyway) is this question of whether Jacob or Flocke/Smokey/Man in Black/Esau is the "good guy" (and which is the "bad guy"). Both seem to be manipulators of mortal humans. It's just that one seems to believe that we can do somethng besides fight and destroy (Jacob, of course) and the other believes that we can't. And interestingly, Fake Locke reminded Ben that he did indeed have free will (a choice, as Jacob put it). I was pretty well set on the notion that Jacob was the "good guy" and Fake Locke was the "bad guy", but the more I've thought about it, maybe not. If they're BOTH just playing a game with humans, who is to say which "team" is good or bad, as long as they follow (whatever) rules that are in place? :confused:

Damn, this is great television!!! It makes you use your head as something other than just a hat rack! :lovecoupl

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That Japanese guy is awesome. Best new character of this season. :2 cents:

Absolutely! He reminds me of that old joke about German doctors though: "Zee operation vaz a success... but zee patient died." I guess he gets the job done though (whatever the job is supposed to be).

That's another reason I can't figure out the Others. They seem like Jacobs people. But since it's by Jacob's influence that people tend to show up on the island in the first place, why does he allow the Others (if they're really his peeps) to abuse and kill them along the way? That almost seems to fit in more with Fake Locke/Man in Black's view of humanity. :confused::confused::confused:
I have to admit that I like Jin a lot now. I thought it was a good effort, but ultimately limiting, to have him be a non-english speaker on the show. I did like how Sun kept her english-speaking silent from him. I'm down with that. Jin's back story was also interesting.

Having him be able to actually communicate and say meaningful stuff now, is a good thing for the show.

I also like Miles. He used to be too obnoxious for me to really care about him. Now, he seems to be playing a kind of "disgruntled genius" character. He and Hurley are comparable characters. Most people disregard them both on first impression and they don't get credit for anything even though their information and efforts are important. They both have ghost communication abilities but Hurley's ability is more important/powerful than Miles's. Miles has this "if only they would listen to me, we wouldn't be in this mess" kind of attitude which seems funny now.

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
Absolutely! He reminds me of that old joke about German doctors though: "Zee operation vaz a success... but zee patient died." I guess he gets the job done though (whatever the job is supposed to be).

That's another reason I can't figure out the Others. They seem like Jacobs people. But since it's by Jacob's influence that people tend to show up on the island in the first place, why does he allow the Others (if they're really his peeps) to abuse and kill them along the way? That almost seems to fit in more with Fake Locke/Man in Black's view of humanity. :confused::confused::confused:

It's funny cos it's been so long since Ben was introduced as the Other's leader that I don't even think of him as an Other anymore.


Lost at Birth
I have to admit that I like Jin a lot now. I thought it was a good effort, but ultimately limiting, to have him be a non-english speaker on the show. I did like how Sun kept her english-speaking silent from him. I'm down with that. Jin's back story was also interesting.

Having him be able to actually communicate and say meaningful stuff now, is a good thing for the show.

I also like Miles. He used to be too obnoxious for me to really care about him. Now, he seems to be playing a kind of "disgruntled genius" character. He and Hurley are comparable characters. Most people disregard them both on first impression and they don't get credit for anything even though their information and efforts are important. They both have ghost communication abilities but Hurley's ability is more important/powerful than Miles's. Miles has this "if only they would listen to me, we wouldn't be in this mess" kind of attitude which seems funny now.

yeah i'm liking miles more as well. ever since they gave him a personality he's been quite funny. did you catch what he said last episode when he and hurley left Jack to speak with Sayid? "We'll just be over in the food court..." lol, i laughed out loud at that one.
Since they learned that Jacob was killed (not necessarily dead) the Temple Others are preparing for war, but against whom? The implication was that it's against the black smoke, but it's unclear what exactly their relationship is to Jacob and Essau.

Dharma built the sonic fence to repel the black smoke and we did see the Others (or at least Juliet on her own) use it for that purpose. But they lived for at least 40 years in the jungle and never seemed to have any problem with being attacked by it. We also know that they didn't shy away from summoning it to attack other people on the Island. After all, the Others wanted to keep people away from the Island, which was what Essau/ smokey wanted, not Jacob.

And the smoke monster comes from/manifests in the Temple and that is where Rousseau's team was "infected", so that would seem to not be a very good place to fortify against it.

The Others claimed to have been led by Jacob, but no one (or at least not Ben while he was leader or anyone else expect possibly Richard) has ever seen or spoken to him. Jacob's cabin was also circled with ash, which we saw is used as a barrier against the smoke monster. I still assert that Jacob was always inside the statue of Tawaret and that it was smokey who was in the cabin pretending to be him and leading the Others.

PS. I like Miles now too, although I hated him at first. He's the new Charlie, except not annoying.


Hiliary 2020
at this moment there are 2 groups of others, one at the statue, one at the temple.
it is kinda messed up that we havnt seen or heard of the japanese guy or the hippy guy (names lennon) up until this point.
to be exact darhma was there from the early 70's until probably december 92 when the purge happened, on bens birthday, according to dead horace and the flashback.
however kelvin (cool dude he was) was there until 2004 when desmond bashed his head apart plus the food drops...that i cant figure out.
i can speculate that the others let him live just to push the button, and they probably recruited kelvin under a darhma cover.

kate: ive now decided i dont like her.
she kills her stepfather because he was a jerk.
you cant do that shit. first degree murder.

she got her friend killed alhough that wasnt totally her fault

she played both jack and sawyer on the island.
she totally ruined her and jacks thing by keeping secrets from him and acting suspicious.
then she uses him for sex when she feels bad.

now she leaves the group to chase sawyer even after he said dont and the hippy told her how important it is to bring him back, but she never intended to do that, didnt even ask why.
shes bad.

miles is cool, i gotta find out what he heard from dead sayid, if anything.
miles knows somethings not right
When I said "they lived for at least 40 years in the jungle", I meant the Others.

Kate killed her dad because he beat her mom and she wouldn't leave him. When the Marshal asked "Did he ever.." she said that "No, He never laid a hand on me" meaning that he didn't hit her, but the implication was that the question was going to be about sexual assault. I think that he did molest her because he was hitting on her (flirting) and she killed him as soon as she found out that he was her biological father and not her step father as she had previously thought.
So what did people think of tonight's episode? I thought it was a major step up from last week's. Anyone notice Kate's name absent from the wall? Who do you think the little boy on the island is? I'm guessing either young Jacob or Aaron. I dunno, but am very excited for next week
I agree with you about the boy. We already knew that Kate wouldn't be on the wall, back in season three Ben told her that she wasn't on Jacob's list. As to why...

I'm glad to see sawyer back to his old ways, emo sawyer was no good. I'm liking evilocke more and more.

While it was good that Locke came to accept his life for what it is and that will no doubt bring him happiness that he did not get in universe Y, seeing him lose his faith was heartbreaking.

One thing that really confused me though was when Helen talked about the wedding mentioned inviting her mom and Locke's dad. Are we to believe that Locke has a relationship with his father in universe X and how does that connect with him being paralyzed?

Another interesting fact brought to my attention is that universe X Hurley never said that he won the lottery. He was recognized just for being the owner of Mr. Cluck's Chicken, and he originally did not own Locke's box company. Maybe that is why he had such good luck: he never played the numbers or won the lottery, but got lucky investing his money on the market.

Next week is a Jack episode, but according to TV guide we'll see "the Dharma Light House station, which hasn't been seen before." Although I think they may just be confusing it with the Lamp Post station seen in season five. They also confirm that the black smoke is evilocke as well as the ghostly incarnations of Christian, Yemi and Alex (Duh!). They also "break" the theory that Richard was a captive on the Black Rock.:sleep:

Damon enigmatically says that they've got something up their sleeve with the "flash sideways" and that "you'll have to wait until the end of the season to figure it all out" confirming that it is more than just as simple "what if".

Wikipedia cited the producers as claiming the two universes would be resolved "1/3 of the way through the season" but TV guide has announced a few episode summaries that contradict that, putting it off until at least half way through the season.

March 9th will be a Ben episode, the 23rd will be the long awaited Richard origin, and finishing off the month with a universe X view of Sun and Jin.
Good episode.

The last part with the Smoke Monster (SM) and Sawyer had a lot of twists. You have to watch it multiple times.

The first thing to remember is the SM did not tell Sawyer everything and some of the info was the truth, some of it was a lie or partial truth in order to accomplish his goals.

When they first went into the cave, he came to the scale and threw the white rock out, he made the comment it was a inside joke. The question is was this a inside joke between he and Jacob, or was it the writers giving us a clue that the the references thru-out the series with black/white mean nothing?

He then shows Sawyer the names/numbers. There was a shitload of names with numbers all over the place. I did spot a name with the number 313 next to it. Which tells us this has been going on for a long time. The SM tells Sawyer that the purpose for being there is to find replacements to care for the island. He later tells Sawyer that the island means nothing and all of this is a waste of time.

This contradicts Ben saying the smoke monster is a security system.

He also says the numbers mean nothing and that Jacob just liked numbers. This contradicts the meaning of the numbers thru-out the show because the numbers were used for the computer in the Swan station. We did later find out the numbers were just some numbers DHARMA came up with for a serial number on the hatch. Whether it is a coincidence or not is unknown. This may be the writers telling us....just like the stones earlier in the scene that it means nothing and we are wasting our time dwelling on it.

Following that, I think the writers are telling us that alot of the shit we as viewers have pre-occupied ourselves with has been a waste of time and we are not looking for the answers which are probably right in our face.

Another twist is the alternate storyline showing Locke. I believe that the Locke we are seeing is The Smoke Monster. This became evident when the SM met Ben in the teacher lounge and he gave that slick smirk that the SM likes to give. Whatever his plan is it is to get close to Ben.

Following that, I believe the SM is doing the same thing as what Jacob was doing when Jacob involved hisself with the castaways in their earlier lives. The SM is probably doing the same thing for whatever goal he has. So far he has met Boone, Jack, Hurley, Rose and Ben. I suspect he will meet the other castaways in later episodes.

The small blonde kid we saw running around, I believe is not a version of Jacob, but another entity of the island we are being introduced to, he did not refer to himself as being Jacob but spoke of Jacob. It is possible we have met the kid or that the kid is a representation of the island itself. The kid may have been the "Energy" contained in the Swan station and was released when Desmond put the key in the failsafe under the Swan station.

I got to go back and watch the episode again, cuz I got some other theorys.

Firstly the theory suggested that Hurley did not win the Lottery is in correct, he did in fact win the lottery in X.

secondly, the Temple Others are the "real" others, or otherwise the same people that we have thought of as the others, not a different group of people. I forgot to say that before.

More later.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
I've enjoyed reading everybody's posts about the latest episode. It just keeps getting better. :thumbsup:

I didn't think I was going to like this alternate timeline. But so far, it's great. And seeing Ben in the teachers' lounge blew me away! Something hinky is going on. Eloise Hawking told Desmond something about course corrections a couple of seasons ago. At some point, it seems like one of these realties is going to have to go through a correction process.

And the numbers are back again! :nanner: The producers are slick! Going by what they'd said in interviews, I thought they were done talking about the numbers. Finally, a bit of insight. We don't know what they are, but we now see each one attached a name. And as Calpoon said, I also recall that Ben told Kate that she wasn't on Jacob's list. But Jacob did intervene in her life... and that seems to be why she's on the island. So I wonder why she's not on the list, but Sawyer is (both killers and liars :dunno:)?

Lovin' this show! :lovecoupl
I agree with you about the boy. We already knew that Kate wouldn't be on the wall, back in season three Ben told her that she wasn't on Jacob's list. As to why...

I'm glad to see sawyer back to his old ways, emo sawyer was no good. I'm liking evilocke more and more.

Another interesting fact brought to my attention is that universe X Hurley never said that he won the lottery. He was recognized just for being the owner of Mr. Cluck's Chicken, and he originally did not own Locke's box company. Maybe that is why he had such good luck: he never played the numbers or won the lottery, but got lucky investing his money on the market.

Next week is a Jack episode, but according to TV guide we'll see "the Dharma Light House station, which hasn't been seen before." Although I think they may just be confusing it with the Lamp Post station seen in season five. They also confirm that the black smoke is evilocke as well as the ghostly incarnations of Christian, Yemi and Alex (Duh!). They also "break" the theory that Richard was a captive on the Black Rock.:sleep:

In season three it was mentioned that Jack also wasn't on Jacob's list. So is "Shephard" on the wall actually referring to Christian?

Actually Hurley did own the box company in the original timeline. It was mentioned in season 2 I think. Hurley's in a meeting with a financial advisor and he says they bought several lucrative businesses and he mentions "some box company" then shortly after a guy goes flying by the window committing suicide. So it might not be Locke's box company but in the universe of Lost, it is more than likely where Locke worked. He also said in "LA X" that he won the lottery to a guy on the plane who recognized him as the owner of Mr. Cluck's and that's how he got to own the business.

And as far as the Dharma Light House, I'm pretty sure it is a new station because that is the title of next week's episode