LOL @ Keith Olbermann...


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I hope Comcast does away with the whole leftist garbage at NBC.

Wow....really? What next, Mr. T....some book burnings perhaps? :dunno::facepalm: And just when you almost had me convinced that your "I am a centrist" claim might have a bit of validity. would silence any opinion from a viewpoint with which you find great disagreement? That's completely contrary to a very basic tenet upon which this nation was founded. Surely, you don't really mean that, do you?

Olbermann is just the liberal flip side of Sean Hannity (or Limbaugh). In his world, anything conservative or republican is inherently wrong. I don't agree with him at all in that regard but he absolutely has the right to say it and those who choose to watch him have the right to do so as well. The same thing could be said in reverse about Hannity/Limbaugh et al as it applies to anything liberal or democratic.

If someone doesn't care for the message that Olbermann (or any other commentator for that matter) delivers, exercise your right to make the choice not to listen to it. However, to deny someone who does agree with that message the right to hear it or Olbermann's right to present it is just plain wrong. It's really that simple.
If someone doesn't care for the message that Olbermann (or any other commentator for that matter) delivers, exercise your right to make the choice not to listen to it. However, to deny someone who does agree with that message the right to hear it or Olbermann's right to present it is just plain wrong. It's really that simple.

And just when you almost had me convinced that your "I am a centrist" claim might have a bit of validity.

It had 'a bit of validity'??:surprise::surprise:

About as much 'validity' as Jeffery Dahmer claiming he was a vegetarian.:rofl2:

You know these guys are G:clown:pers through and through (not even conservatives)...who stand for one thing, G:clown:per politics.

There is no line of malarkey they are unwilling to level idiocy beneath them and no tenet of the Constitution they are unwilling to part ways with if it furthers the cause of G:clown:per politics.
Wow....really? What next, Mr. T....some book burnings perhaps? :dunno::facepalm: And just when you almost had me convinced that your "I am a centrist" claim might have a bit of validity. would silence any opinion from a viewpoint with which you find great disagreement? That's completely contrary to a very basic tenet upon which this nation was founded. Surely, you don't really mean that, do you?

Olbermann is just the liberal flip side of Sean Hannity (or Limbaugh). In his world, anything conservative or republican is inherently wrong. I don't agree with him at all in that regard but he absolutely has the right to say it and those who choose to watch him have the right to do so as well. The same thing could be said in reverse about Hannity/Limbaugh et al as it applies to anything liberal or democratic.

If someone doesn't care for the message that Olbermann (or any other commentator for that matter) delivers, exercise your right to make the choice not to listen to it. However, to deny someone who does agree with that message the right to hear it or Olbermann's right to present it is just plain wrong. It's really that simple.

I don't listen to Hannity or Limbaugh.
NBC used to be tops with John Chancellor or Brinkley for Nightly news. I remember seeing them when I was a kid.
What is NBC now? Crap like all the other stations spewing their leftist bs.
Yes I do hope Olbermann, Madcow, Matthews are taken off the air. Give me unbiased news or gtfo.
Fox is in a place of it's own as the only right of center station.
Here's the difference- I can't stand Fox News and want them to stop lying. Conservatives hate MSNBC and want them shut down. Can you see the difference there? Subtle as a hammer.

It is apparent to see that Fox News wants to shutdown any major contender such as MSNBC, NPR, etc. because they have a much higher standard of integrity, credibility, standards and ethics than the bozos who get paid to lie to know-nothing pain killer addicted Fox viewers
Olbermann is a self-righteous douchebag blow hard .... just like Rachel Maddow, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and practically 99% of the mainstream media.

And for that matter 90+% of 'alternative media' as well.

There is no "left wing" or "right wing" bias in media. The fact that this thread despite lasting so many pages traded insults along such lines, is proof positive.

There is however and "Statist" Vs "Liberty" bias in media.

The vast majority of characters support "Government" in some way, shape or form - be they "liberal" or "conservative". Each one of them 'cherry pick' from the Constitution as it pleases them.

"liberals" support 'free speech' except 'hate speech'... while "conservatives" 'hate government spending' except when it comes to 'war, empire and nation-building' (to give just a couple examples. There's TONS more).

The fact that both "sides" are 'sides of the same coin' - i.e. enabling government while diminishing liberty - seems lost on them.

It's a sad day for America and for Liberty... for the "people" know not what they scorn ... and what they may thus ultimately lose...

Hopefully I'm wrong. Maybe folks have come to their senses.
I hope Liberty is making a comeback...

yours in liberty,
I don't listen to Hannity or Limbaugh.
NBC used to be tops with John Chancellor or Brinkley for Nightly news. I remember seeing them when I was a kid.
Your confusing and most likely purposefully conflating 2 different things. Reporting news and political commentary.

Though I question sometimes what you know, I know you know the difference and I'm sure you know it when you see it.

A shining, perfect example of how G:clown:pers intentionally conflate easily confused issues for the purpose of misleading those who are willing accomplices in being mislead.
What is NBC now?
What is NBC now? They are a news company who employs among others, reporters, anchors, and commentators. Like all other cable net. news...including Fox...We all know both have commentators..but Fox gets away with having their 'news' reported with a bias by it's anchors and reporters.
Crap like all the other stations spewing their leftist bs.
Yes I do hope Olbermann, Madcow, Matthews are taken off the air. Give me unbiased news or gtfo.
Fox is in a place of it's own as the only right of center station.

"Unbiased news"?? Those people are not MSNBC's reporters or news anchors. They are political commentators. Further you decry a network for not giving you unbiased news and make no mention of Fox as the leader of the pack???:1orglaugh

You say Fox is merely right of center..well explain to me why for Olbermann, Maddow and Mathews...Fox has Palin, Huckabee, Hume, Hannity, Beck, O'Reilly, Gingrich and Santorum.

We all know (or should know) the slight of hand Fox plays. They invite "both" sides...but for different reasons. When G:clown:pers are 'invited' on a's in almost every cases to give their side and are coddled like hatchlings in a nest. When Demos are 'invited' as guests it is in every case to defend their side and are hounded like a fox by hound.

I mean, I get it...that's what entertains their fans. MSNBC has commentators who entertain their fans...they're just far more accurate and don't seem to be hell bent on bending the truth like Fox is. Fox doesn't miss a trick though...if they want to mislead people on how many zombies attended some rally...just dummy up some file footage, etc. They'll take the chance and risk being's not like the zombies who watch them for political entertainment are going to hold them to account for bamboozling them. Again, they're willing accomplices in their ignorance.:o


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Bronze Member
Olbermann is a self-righteous douchebag blow hard .... just like Rachel Maddow, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and practically 99% of the mainstream media.

All of those are mainstream media to you?


We would have to look for a looooong time to find guys more right-wing as Limbaugh an dHannity - whereas Olbermann ans Maddow are rather left of center.

Say, if they are mainstream, who is far right and far left to you?


Three lullabies in an ancient tongue
I don't listen to Hannity or Limbaugh.
NBC used to be tops with John Chancellor or Brinkley for Nightly news. I remember seeing them when I was a kid.
What is NBC now? Crap like all the other stations spewing their leftist bs.
Yes I do hope Olbermann, Madcow, Matthews are taken off the air. Give me unbiased news or gtfo.
Fox is in a place of it's own as the only right of center station.

Not to pile on what 'Mega said but if your don't listen to Hannity or Limbaugh and you only want "unbiased news", then why would you not be lobbying for them to be removed from the air as well? :confused:

Keeping subjective viewpoints that differ from your own from being broadcast on the airwaves is what you are in favor of? Wow. That just makes such an incredibly anti-American statement as to be downright frightening. "Agree with me or shut the fuck up"??? Jawohl, Herr Kommandant!! :rolleyes: My God....:facepalm:

All of those are mainstream media to you?


We would have to look for a looooong time to find guys more right-wing as Limbaugh an dHannity - whereas Olbermann ans Maddow are rather left of center.

Say, if they are mainstream, who is far right and far left to you?

I'd agree with this except your assertion that Olbermann and Maddow are "rather left of center". They are way left of center.
I have a Doctorate dimwits.:hatsoff:

I just saw this comment, and I felt like responding.

I have two doctorates and a D.M.A. (so three doctorates). In February I'm going to be awarded an honorary doctorate from a school in California.

Does that make my opinion worth more than yours?

Take your degrees, write them in short form, roll up the paper really tightly, then stick them deeply into your ass. I know people who are just shy of mentally handicapped who have been awarded doctorates. Letters behind your name mean absolutely nothing with regards to how smart you are.

Am I petty for bringing this up so long afterwards? Maybe so. My education>your education (in number of degrees awarded). Yet you seem to think I'm an idiot. So if my degrees mean nothing to the quality of my posts, neither do yours. Additionally, there are people here who have their high school diplomas only who are more introspective than you are. Are they idiots? No. They reflect on things and think them through. You, with your splendid degrees, make 100% predictable posts full of crap and material you are simply regurgitating.


this has been my :2 cents:. I can't wait for the negative rep from Trident. When he gives it to me, I positive rep him and say something positive.