Hiliary 2020
Liberals don't try to exclude anyone. All I'm saying is that according to conservative principles you shouldn't be trolling a porn forum. I would rather you realize how ridiculous conservatives are and enjoy life instead of subscribing to an ideology that takes the joy out of life. It's a shame you don't understand how fucked up conservative thinking really is. If you're claiming you want "smaller government, less spending" blahblah etc you need to think about the record deficits run up by republicans. Bottom line is the conservatives are selling you a fake bill of goods.
conservatism: to conserve.
the principle is spend less therefore tax less therefore people can keep more of the money they earn therefore better quality of life for those who work for it.
smaller government, more freedom.
also less change, if it aint broke dont fix it mentality.
see youre combining conservative thinking and the republican party as one.
just because someone is conservative doesn't make them republican.
and people are not just one or the other.
people can be liberal about some things and conservative about others.
you obviously dislike the republican party so you automatically think the democratic party are the good guys.
what you don't realize yet in your life is that when all is said and done both parties are 1 in the same.
both don't give a flying fuck about you or me, youre just a 9 digit number.
Is it a REAL PhD or is it a crackerjack "internet" degree? I have to call into question the validity of this alleged degree....:elaugh:
I guess some little colleges hand out degrees for silly things like Real Estate, P.E. etc.
If it's an EdD, well, that makes me wonder about your "Centrism" :rofl:
Oh, are a piece of work :hatsoff:
now thats not right tits.
you don't know if trident has a degree or not.
youre just baiting.
What you are mising is that what I am saying is that it really is and aways has been the people without sexual inhibitions have been overwhelmingly the more progressive parts of society who are seen to be lacking morals by the more traditional call it conservative members of society.
Free love ,the sexual revolution,etc etc etc were not common among the more conservative leaning parts of society in the 60s now were they?
No in fact those people were violently opposed to all that open sexuality.To claim anything else is ridiculous.
And to this day the vast majority of conservatives are people,who think a lot of such things like porn and other forms of open sexuality need to be curtailed ,they usually claim its for the good of the children.
Now I know some here would like to have it both ways, enjoy this liberal value of open sexuality but still cling to narrow mindedness in other areas.I was just calling those people out on the hypocracy of such a POV and it obviously hit a nerve.
I will say this, there is something I find much more silly here then conservative members, and just plain funny as to how people rationalize things to themselves is the several right leaning OCSMs we have.Thats just nuts,don't these people realize the right wants them obliterated from the public square? Apparently not.
oh boy, now i'm scared.
conservatives want to obliterate.
lets see, free love, the sexual revolution,
you mean fucking whover you want?
internet porn.
who's trying to stop these things?
are you fear mongering friday?
like i said above, people can be conservative in one way and liberal in another a vice versa.
i'm sure theres a lot of very liberal people with very conservative views regarding sex.
and vice versa.
its not as black and white as you make it out to be.