A quick trip down history shows that those two states, among others, have crossed Israeli borders far more -- from day 1 through the last few years. Yes, I agree the state of Israel shouldn't have been founded where it exists today. But taking that aspect out of the argument, it's laughable to label Israel an "aggreesor" given it has been attacked, repeatedly, with all the nations around it -- sans Egypt -- with a foreign policy calling for its destruction.all i can say is that many of the americans here doesn´t know nothing about international politics...they talk about international Law like if it was the same than USA law... Israel has right to defend itself??? ..and how about syria and lebannon invaded by Israel several times??????
About the only time Israel was directly guilty of unprovoked agression was when it basically allied with the UK and France in 1956 to address the Egyptian nationalization of the Suez. The US quickly put an end to that by threating to destroy the UK's economy (this was before the US was giving any assistance to Israel, which wasn't until a change in US policy during and after the 1973 war).
Point of view. You can demonize each side in the conflict all you want, it doesn't solve the problem of the fact that people need to live together. It's that type of rhetoric that results in the hatred continuing.how about palestinians recluded in ghettos and with no citizen rights even when they live in Israel?????
No offense, but 42 nations joined the US-led coalition in the 2003 war. But even back in 1991, they called it "American Unilateralism" as well. People laugh at me when I tell them it was Margret Thatcher who convinced H. Bush to build the coalition, as the US had no interest in kicking Iraq out of Kuwait (and, arguably, didn't prevent the aggression by publicly stating we had no defense agreement with Kuwait before the invation).International politics are much more complex than american politics...and the rest of the world doesnt think our country is the only one who can solve the world problems without cooperation of nobody... UNILATERALISM is not the way..but many american politics(and citizens) ignore this
So, in the end, I guess "American Unilateralism" is defined by ... the French? Talk about the blind following the blind!
Argumentative. Look up the funding the US provides to the UN and why some organizations are not directly funded by the US for reasons not left to the US.PS-you know the debt USA has with UNO? ... USA administration doesn´t believes in UNO so they don´t pay to mantain it...