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I Think It's Great

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
Are the admins working on a plan to attract and retain more OCSM's? IMO, way too much focus has been placed on the presence of the disruptive, scraggly-faced attention whore, who has tried to make himself the center of attention since the day he arrived. And we (myself included) have played his game. And yet, ten of him wouldn't be worth as much to the health of this board as one good OCSM. If I'm wrong about that, please show me where and how I'm wrong. In the roughly three years that I've been here, the number of OCSM's who regularly post in Talk has dwindled to just about nothing. And I'm not blaming "Old Whiskers" for them leaving. He's just contributed to the atmosphere, that some OCSM's have openly spoken about, that's caused them to leave. As the board rules have been loosened, the number of OCSM's posting in Talk has gone down. Maybe that's just a correlation and there's no causation... I don't know. But one thing that will attract guys to a party or to a message board is the presence of girls. I don't know much, but I do know that. I'm fine with the current mods. I think they do a good job. IMO, the issue is what they're allowed to do these days. Some people have the belief that we're entitled to "freedom of speech" here. Uh, no we are not! This is a site owned by a privately owned business, based in a foreign country. There is no right to freedom of speech on this or any other privately owned website.

So, how about a plan to encourage OCSM's to come in and stay? :dunno:


I actually remember the whole GSB incident clearly since, oddly enough, it was the first big incident I experienced as a member of the mod team. See, I can look back on it and not be biased in describing what happened, unlike you, because you're remembering all of this from memory and you're describing it in a way to make it sound like you were unjustly banned while I'm sitting here re-reading over your posts and the posts in the mod section. Fact of the matter is, you were banned because you broke the rules at the time. Put as many coats of paint on that as you'd like, but you constantly toed the line, you antagonized the mods and called for one to be replaced cause you thought his style of modding (ironically enough, his responsible style of modding) was bullshit, and then you bait another member (who just so happens to be a person you dislike and a mod), and when you got caught for it you immediately claimed to be the victim. Anyone who has read the Board FAQ will also tell you it takes 15 infraction points to be permanently banned. So... if you were permanently banned with a small infraction, it means you had previous infractions. I didn't label you a trouble maker, but I did say you had a history that came back to bite you, which it did, and no amount of whining will change that it was your fault the you caught the attention of the mods in the first place and dried up any support you might have had.

And just to point it out: No, you weren't immediately banned by georges. Why the hell say that when you're arguing with someone who can look that up? You posted at 03:30, georges asked for opinions at 3:40 and you got banned nine hours later, which is plenty of time for other mod's opinions. And I'll also call you out on this: I'm sure you still have them, so show me a PM that warns members not to quarrell with a mod who isn't someone you don't like; aka not GSB or georges. Prove to everyone that you took the time to form a mature opinion on the mods and didn't just get sand in your vagina because people you didn't like became mods and you got banned for saying rude things to them that you got away with before they became mods. Cause that's what your post sounds like, dude; you're a kid who got yelled at on the playground by a teacher and now you're trying to revision the entire thing to make it sound like you weren't breaking the rules and you were unfairly punished.

And to asnwer your question: Yeah, I would be reading this two years ago. Know why? Because the same way you try to claim I am painting you as a troublemaker, at the same time you're painting me as the guy who banned you for insulting him, which is just stupid. And yeah, I'm going to sound like I'm tooting my own horn but you can ask the majority of people on this site if I do that and they'll tell you that I never have, just the same as you can ask them about 80% of the mod team and get the same result. You sit here claiming everyone of the mods acted like georges did when he banned you (by the way, if you'll recall I said last post I didn't agree with georges banning you himself) and that's an opinion that comes from bias and ignorance, and you know that as well as I do. That's the fucking problem: the opinions that you've been trumpeting around the board as fact ever since the rules chance are nothing but a blanket opinion that you created from interaction with mods you dislike that you use for all mods because you have no clue how the mods who weren't on the forefront of your mind interacted with the board. Do you really think that Petra would have allowed a system to continue for years where ten members were given magnifying glasses, parked in front of an anthill and given free reign over everybody else? No. We had rules and guidelines - both official and unofficial - that we obeyed, created and followed, and your entire opinion of the mod team is based on the few times someone made a wrong call - a call which was always and immediately overtuned by Petra if she did not agree with it. It's alright to have that opinion, and hell, to even post about it, but if you know that it is stupid then expect people to call you out on it, which is what I'm doing. Simply, your opinion is made up of the same complete and utter bullshit as half of the posts in the politics section, only with less numbers and it isn't made up of links to the Huffington Post. Unless you have proof that I - or DOA, or Supa, or Nikki, or P+DD, or pitino, or sp00ner, or M12 or any of the mods you have never interacted with before - would have banned you without reading this if the rules never changed, stop posting bullshit.

Also, this isn't nearly as venomous of a comment as everything else, but you shouldn't gauge the smoothness of the Board by the frequency of mod recruitment. In the few times I've seen mods leave the team - before and after the change - they were never immediately followed by Petra looking for new mods. You seem to think that the new rules were put in place in response to the criticism of the mod team, which isn't true. The Board has changed from what it was two years ago. Two years ago, we had rules and that required a stricter mod team. Now that people want to have a Board more similar to other boards, where you can say whatever you want, the rules don't have to be as strict. This isn't a case of the moderators directing the admins into a certain path - if they wanted to "contain" us and keep the old rules they could have. This is a case of the admins realizing people wanted something different and changing the board - mod team included - to reflect that.

I've never been the type of mod to ban people for disagreeing with me, I made that clear in several posts on this site. Does it annoy me that you blanket mods like myself, Supa and DOA into a category with mods you clearly have never liked and therefore have a biased opinion of? Yeah, it does. You have an opinion - great, guess what, you won't be banned for it - but if it is going to be insulting to the people who have put time and effort into being impartial and fair - today and two years ago - then you can be sure I'm going to hound you for it, because I know for a fact it was never as bad as you said it was.

Now how about we agree that we have vastly, vastly different opinons on this matter so you can get back to making fun of Republicans and I can post some more ponies?

As I said before, I'm not going to get into arguments based on the fact that I like the board as it is now. I'm also not going to keep bringing up GSB because I have absolutely no problem with him or any mod. I don't have a problem with georges either. Whatever happened in the past is not only in the past, it's buried as far as I'm concerned.

For anyone that's following this dialogue (slow day?), let me make it clear that the intent of my comments on this thread relate to the environment that we used to have, not any pissing contests that have gone on between me or anyone else. Let me be clear: I-do-not-have-a-single-problem-with-any-one-mod-or-the-mods-in-general.

I do feel that I need to respond to something though: No Plasma, I don't keep my PM's. I have a small archive currently, but it is more my practice to read and delete, whatever it is. And I certainly have none from that period. But I've gotten them, I was aware that PM's of this nature were going on, and there were enough posts on threads as I described.

I seriously think that you (and others) are under the impression that I'm much more invested in this conversation, this issue and this board than I actually am. I freely admit (and if you have a tall building for me to shout from, it'll cost you, but I'm willing) that I used to get pissed, offended, whatever and that I've made posts that I'd like to take back. Again, you are wrong if you think I am still steamed about my banning. It was the best thing for me and put this place in perspective.

I stand by my overall point. It was too easy to get banned a couple years ago. The fact that it is much harder to get banned now is a good thing.

Edited Post Script - In the intervening time, I have looked for ways to be personable to GSB to make up for my previous comments toward him. Again, if I was more invested, I'd worry if the message was received or not. But I have made the effort to let bygones be bygones. On any given thread, I'll comment, agree or disagree based on what the thread is, not who is in it. This is something I do and some who look down their noses at me do not.
Edited Post Script - In the intervening time, I have looked for ways to be personable to GSB to make up for my previous comments toward him. Again, if I was more invested, I'd worry if the message was received or not. But I have made the effort to let bygones be bygones. On any given thread, I'll comment, agree or disagree based on what the thread is, not who is in it. This is something I do and some who look down their noses at me do not.

Don't bother. That guy is a total tool.

What were we talking about?