Hey Republicans! Tax Payers are Helping Fortune 500 Companies Pay Their Employees!


Has anybody considered the real facts that no employee (except the owner of thefranchise) makes a career working at fast food places like McDonald's? It is a job that is part time, and usually a stepping stone towards a better paying job. Most employees at fast food joints are not planning on staying there bagging french fries until they turn 65 years old.

You're right, but not as right as you think you are. McDonalds (to their credit) hires their share of retirees who need a supplemental income (or something to do), and more young adults are working there longer, because better jobs still aren't out there, or because the school system they went to sucked ass. The simple fact of the matter is that US schools are for shit and they aren't preparing their students for life in the world. So, McDonalds it is.


Official Checked Star Member
How do you KNOW that people don't make a career out of working in fast food? I have seen plenty of middle aged people working in fast food restaurants. My friends mom has been a manager at Arby's his entire life and he's almost 30. So clearly your data is inaccurate.

Also, did you know that America has 10 MILLION restaurant employees? Americans eat out more than any other country in the world.

most making the $2.13 per hour which nearly all goes to taxes. So they rely on tips which are taxed as well. (if they do it legally) 70% of the people making $2.13 hourly are women. So the person working has to rely on the public for their rent, gas, food and to care for their kids. In some cases that works out and some it doesn't. How can you legally provide a hired employee only $2.13 hourly when the minimum wage is $7.25 ? if you hire someone as a private contractor you are not permitted to regulate their hours or provide them with work materials or they are considered an employee. Did YOU know that?

Did you know that waiters in America have 3 times the poverty rate as the rest of the American workforce? They receive food stamps more than double any other working demographic in america. and by the way "the other NRA" (national restaurant association) is the 10th most powerful lobby group in America, you know the same people who coerced congress to declare pizza a vegetable (Im not kidding) and in 1996 passed into law that the national minimum wage would rise the tipped worker wage would NEVER rise above $2.13 hour!!! You don't think that's collusion?

this is the America you want to live in? Where the people who handle your food are at the bottom of the food chain and can't feed themselves and their families?

as well 90% of tipped workers don't get paid sick days. So what does that mean? Sick people are handling YOUR food because they can't afford to stay home sick! There are HUNDREDS of documented cases of waiters and kitchen workers with H1N1, typhoid, strep throat and more highly contagious diseases working in restaurants because they have to.

Perfect example: McDonalds profits went up 130% during the recession yet their employees incomes didnt go up at all.

I bet you are against subsidies right Bob? well when tax payers are paying for these multi billion dollar profitable companies employees food stamps and welfare, that i
Did this thread just go on hiatus? Mariah left us with a cliffhanger.


Official Checked Star Member
and I forgot! that cute blond girl in my recent videos? she works at Olive Garden part time and she showed me her paycheck a few weeks ago and it was for ZERO dollars after she worked 18 hours and it said "This is not a check" across it! the entire thing was taken for taxes. so she worked 18 hours and if it was slow which she said 2 nights were, she made nothing. but she was told when to be there, what to wear, when to go home and only had 1 20 minute break per shift.
We have the minimum wage in the UK which equates to $10.15/hr. The overlying problem with this is that some complete moronic retard will clearly get paid more than they should. Also because such a person is a moronic retard they'll probably be able to claim benefits as well.


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
This whole livable wage argument guarenteed to every employee doesn't hold water. If you raise the minimum from 8 to 15 then what do we do tell those who worked to make 14-16-18?
well people who aren't morons are getting paid less AND having to get government assistance.

You have to remember there are many people who have no aspirations in life. If you don't want to better yourself via education or have any self ingenuity then working for fuck all in a fast food chain you really deserve what you get.
The more the masses make, the more they spend. That increases money in the economy and income for businesses from higher sales numbers
The minimal wage for comfortable living is not the same throughout the country. This should not be a federal thing. Where I live, it is entirely possible to own a home on a 9$ per hour salary. The same cannot be said for California, or New York, or several other states. There is no single magic formula for what is right. Just as so many things, the federal/state debate is an important one.
it's very simple oh dimpled one. They raise their prices. 50 cents per taco or $1 more per car to be washed won't drive people away. it's been proven in California where restaurants are required to pay waiters minimum wage. they all raised prices and it didnt touch their profits or their business.

You keep citing only one industry. But what will happen when the prices of all goods are driven upwards? When the price of every product in a supermarket is raised 5-10 cents, then the prices for clothing are raised $1 or $2 and so on, this will squeeze people who are just managing to get by with what they are making right now. I am talking about people who are currently earning above minimum wage, but not by much. In my eyes, this is tantamount to the government deciding to just print more money so we can fix our problems. As with anything else, we are not being told the whole truth of the matter. If we raise the minimum wage, it will still be the minimum wage. Any initial benefits from the bump will be short lived.
Milano should just go ahead and join the Communist Party USA. LIVING WAGE! WORKING POOR! Cotdam broken record. All of these terms were coined in the Marxist philosophy. Research it. Thank god she is only able to bitch about and not making laws.
I dunno. I bet a country run by Mariah would be full of fatty foods and naked titties. Let's let her make laws for a while. The current law makers seem to be letting us down.
I dunno. I bet a country run by Mariah would be full of fatty foods and naked titties. Let's let her make laws for a while. The current law makers seem to be letting us down.
I would be sex all the days including blowjobs, sodomy, tittyfuck and messy facials, it would be a sort of swinging land :laugh::D


Proud member of FreeOnes Hall Of Fame. Retired to
I would be sex all the days including blowjobs, sodomy, tittyfuck and messy facials, it would be a sort of swinging land :laugh::D

Dirk, Georges, I think you've got something there. If we increased the price of a blowjob by 8 cents then we could have a livable wage for even more people.


Official Checked Star Member
ok well you see where this is getting our country. so then dont fucking bitch and moan about your taxes, which you do. just remember YOUR tax dollars are subsidizing the employees of billion dollar companies who pay little or no taxes.
Is Bill Maher married now? I remember hearing some stories that he is a kinky fucker or something like that. Mariah needs to put herself to meet him if he is single. A marriage made in heaven that would be.