Global Warming Hoax


In all honesty, are your recent day / night temperature above average ?

My current temps are :
Mostly Sunny
81°F | 54°F

Both of these day / night recordings are below our 50 year averages. :rolleyes:

It's easy, just do your own research. If temps didn't vary year to year, there would be a consistent historical temperature recording from year to year, right ? We wouldn't even have to take the daily temperatures, there would be no need for weather / meteorological studies, all we would need is a calendar - On such and such a date we would know with certainty the day / night temps. Well, has that ever been the case ? Never.

Now, if you want to continue to believe in globe warm for no other reason than to side with your politics, have at it, but please, find more clever ways to rip off the working tax paying populace.

Sources -

Thanks for reading :bowdown:
Did you hear about the EPA study that was buried, because it proved that global warming did not exist? Global Warming is nothing more than a scare tactic brought on by liberals and hippies to make everyone feel "guilty" about pollution.


Did you hear about the EPA study that was buried, because it proved that global warming did not exist? Global Warming is nothing more than a scare tactic brought on by liberals and hippies to make everyone feel "guilty" about pollution.

"Pollution", as you know, in and of itself, is very real and requires serious consideration & attention, it's just the "globe warm'' theories that aren't adding up.

I know what you meant though. ;)
One of the reasons why it's referred to as climate change (rather than global warming) is that a rise in overall global temperatures (which may or may not be a natural phenomenon) may result in localised cooling.

Certainly if the gulfstream is diverted (a possible outcome), the UK will become borderline uninhabitable because of the cold.
One of the reasons why it's referred to as climate change (rather than global warming) is that a rise in overall global temperatures (which may or may not be a natural phenomenon) may result in localised cooling.

Certainly if the gulfstream is diverted (a possible outcome), the UK will become borderline uninhabitable because of the cold.

I'll move to the UK then, because I friggin' hate the heat.
There is so much that debunks global warming it is not even funny. All it is is a way to raise taxes.

Then again, Al Gore gets at least $250,000 per speech he gives about global warming, global cooling, climate change, whatever it is called nowadays. With that kind of money I would get up there and talk about shit I don't know about, don't care about, or ever heard about. Sure, you just paid me a quarter of a million dollars; I'll talk about the newest catastrophe! Just make the check out to me and I will sell your idea in no time!

All the mini ice ages, all the catastrophic events that happened, the climate changes that happened, everything that has happened to this earth in all its time it has been here; and all of a sudden a normal routine the planet does humans, all of a sudden, are to be blamed. Bah!

Politicians say about cars and houses and all that, how we should give them up essentially; but do you ever see them giving up their entourage of cars, their private jets or their multiple houses? You don't see Al Gore riding a bike with a security team on their bicycles, do you? No Gore gets off his private jet, serves endangered fish at his daughter's wedding reception, and has a house that uses more energy in a month than a regular house does in two years time.

Remember when Al Gore wanted to hold a concert on the continent of Antarctica? Yeah. That's a good idea, especially since you want to cut back on energy and electricity usage.

Then they had that Green weekend a couple years ago where they held those concerts and, well, it turned out to be lowest ratings ever. It was in England, if I remember right.

If only global warming enthusiasts understood every time we (and they) talk we expel carbon dioxide. That there should cause them to shut up to keep carbon down! ^_^

I am against polluting, because I hate seeing trashy fields, yards, streets, and parks. Now it is called climate change because people caught onto the BS known as global warming/cooling. Then it turned "Green" Go Green, they say. Constantly changing the overall name and look of it thinking they are tricking people into thinking it is something different.
Global warming? I believe it: look at sea levels, huge glaciers falling off (a cliff!), sexless fish stock (possibly also via pollutants), rarity of fish/bird species, migratory changes (historically unprecedented). I believe it, and it's not good:(
Global warming? I believe it: look at sea levels, huge glaciers falling off (a cliff!), sexless fish stock (possibly also via pollutants), rarity of fish/bird species, migratory changes (historically unprecedented). I believe it, and it's not good:(

And all of these things have happened throughout the history of the world. You should study solar cycles where the real correlation exists in the study of climate change.
^True, (but) there are always mitigating circumstances....Anyhow, I do my bit (I try to anyhow:)
The average temperatures rise is about 2-4 degrees over a 100 years. You can't compare day to day changes, like OP.
Climate change IS happening, but the cause is not certain (natural or human).
The climate is constantly changing regardless of human actions. Most of the data now says that we are on the front edge of a cooling trend. Should we try to cut emissions and other pollution, absolutely. But to say that all goes wrong in the natural world is because of human activity seems a little arrogant to me.
Even if if is " A Giant hoax " when you dont want make the planet a better place to live your part of the problem. Thats like saying "nobody dies in war so lets go start one" the rational behind that is fucking retarded.

I dont know about all you, but I hate breathing vehicle exhaust.
Even if if is " A Giant hoax " when you dont want make the planet a better place to live your part of the problem. Thats like saying "nobody dies in war so lets go start one" the rational behind that is fucking retarded.

I dont know about all you, but I hate breathing vehicle exhaust.

^^Very true! (and congrats on the Green Rep, good to see:thumbsup: