Global Warming Hoax


The secret ingredient? MY BALLS
In all honesty, are your recent day / night temperature above average ?

My current temps are :
Mostly Sunny
81°F | 54°F

Both of these day / night recordings are below our 50 year averages. :rolleyes:

Here in :coughClevelandcough:, our temperatures have been below average for quite a while now. It's usually in the 90's by now, but we've baaaaarely made it to the 80's so far. Global Warming, huh? Umm...ok.


And all of these things have happened throughout the history of the world. You should study solar cycles where the real correlation exists in the study of climate change.

Well truthfully it doesnt matter if its due to man's actions or not. If one of them climate shifts occurs again which most scientists agree on they just dont agree on causes or actual effect. In short its gonna still be pretty damn inconvenient for humanity.
A few points.

1. Its not very scientific to try to look at something like climate with something like your local weather today.You must look at temps globally and over a period of at least years

The science and scientists (very very few are not agreed on whats happening) are clear.Mans introduction of vast amounts of greenhouse gases (not the old stuff we refer to as pollution) is causing warming.

2. In fact "pollution" as we normally refer to it (smog etc) is actually probably keeping the warming down a little.So a sort of weird by product of less pollultion would be more warming.

3. Co2 the main greenhouse gas being introduced and causing the warming is not (unless its been changed now under Obama) been classified as a "pollutant".

The debate is really IMO not whether climate change is true or not but what if anything we can do about it.In my mind the truth is we will not be able to do anything about it and it will get worse and probably won't be long before major problems occur due to it.

All the new light bulbs and new kinds of cars etc etc etc is not going to do anything as long as population and demand for energy and goods etc is still growing.

We could all live cleaner but the population growth and expansion of materialism world wide will easily wipe out any benefits of "goin green".All the "green" talk might be nice but it really misses the point and the real problem which again is population which mankind apparently will never face up to as it is a touchy subject for some.All that religious,moral stuff.That stuff is like a suicide pact.:bowdown::eek:
Even if if is " A Giant hoax " when you dont want make the planet a better place to live your part of the problem. Thats like saying "nobody dies in war so lets go start one" the rational behind that is fucking retarded.

I dont know about all you, but I hate breathing vehicle exhaust.
even with the windows open a whole in the tailpipe can kill you.

Also fossil fuels are a technological and economical dead end.
its not a renewable energy source.
supply will only decrease as demand increases.


A few points.

1. Its not very scientific to try to look at something like climate with something like your local weather today.You must look at temps globally and over a period of at least years

The science and scientists (very very few are not agreed on whats happening) are clear.Mans introduction of vast amounts of greenhouse gases (not the old stuff we refer to as pollution) is causing warming.

2. In fact "pollution" as we normally refer to it (smog etc) is actually probably keeping the warming down a little.So a sort of weird by product of less pollultion would be more warming.

3. Co2 the main greenhouse gas being introduced and causing the warming is not (unless its been changed now under Obama) been classified as a "pollutant".

The debate is really IMO not whether climate change is true or not but what if anything we can do about it.In my mind the truth is we will not be able to do anything about it and it will get worse and probably won't be long before major problems occur due to it.

All the new light bulbs and new kinds of cars etc etc etc is not going to do anything as long as population and demand for energy and goods etc is still growing.

We could all live cleaner but the population growth and expansion of materialism world wide will easily wipe out any benefits of "goin green".All the "green" talk might be nice but it really misses the the point and the real problem which again is population which mankind apparently will never face up to as it is a touchy subject for some.All that religious,moral stuff.That stuff is like a suicide pact.:bowdown::eek:

Man it will all end in a third world war eventually when needs of populations arent meet, Governments clueless on how to fix it will look for short term solutions which usually means trying to take something from someone else. Then the nukes will fly cause truthfully mostly all humans have the "if I am gonna go your coming with me" attitude lol.


As FOMM details above ^, it's a communist medium to rid the world the perils of inequality and establish a sense of "social justice". Damn us one, Damn us all !
Only in the contest against a so called global warming theory shall statistics be invalid is the convenient truth. :bowdown: :D

Related quote :
carbon trading is the only commodity trading where it is impossible to establish with reasonable accuracy how much is being bought and sold, where the commodity that is traded is invisible and can perform no useful purpose for the purchaser, and where both parties benefit if the quantities traded have been exaggerated. … It is, therefore, an open invitation to fraud and that is exactly what is happening all over the world.

- anonymous author