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George Zimmerman Found Not Guilty


Besides...if Jentel was to claim that she saw a rabbit walking along, in a hurry, checking his pocket watch, would you run outside looking for the Rabbit Hole?
Jentel getting her 30 extra seconds of fame on Piss-ant Morgan's failing show was so pathetic I didn't watch much.
A little after she said the jury was (something like) "old school" and we're the "New school" the audience broke out in wild applause.
While choking down the laughter I heard her asked to spell "cracker" and that was it. She froze and anyone seeing her look of panic would have felt the oncoming train wreck.
Can't read cursive, can't spell over 20 simple words, and she was on national tv being asked to spell "cracker"...this stuff just can't be scripted by anyone less talented than the Scrubs script writers.
I am sure Tray Tray was HOMOPHOBIC, like so many FOs members, and racist, and a wanna be gangsta, and had HORRIBLE taste in women...nothing changes the case facts...he fucked up attacking what he thought was an easy target, a pudgy Messican, and learned too late why you don't start shit if you aren't ready to take what comes.
lol: New Talking Point: Trayvon Was the Bigot, As He Thought Zimmerman Was Gay


You might have thought the Trayvon Martin case was about race—that George Zimmerman thought the unarmed teenager was a criminal because he was black. Today, in certain corners of the Internet, you are wrong. It's Martin who was the true bigot. As Rush Limbaugh told listeners Tuesday, "Zimmerman got beat up because Trayvon thought he was gay."

Word is Rachel Jeantel will play Jabba the Hutt in the new Star Wars' series

Zimmerman being gay ? wow, that's some major BS.
Trayvon being homophobic. Well, Jeantel may be but there is absolutely no clue indicating that Trayvon was.

But, as usual, Limbaugh talks for hours about BS


The new UberLib lamentation now, is that Tray Tray wasn't afraid that Zim was a "creepy-ass Cracker", he was afraid he was a "creepy ass-cracker"!

I can see where that makes a big difference.

And I gave up calling Jentel "Jabba the Slut" for Lent. She gets a pass...
Or you just don't call her. At all. 'cause what she doesn't worth any attention.


Hiliary 2020
Ok, Enough debate.

Zimmerman shoots and kills Martin.
The preponderance of evidence( Judge Wapner) showed that Zimmermans statements to the police are true. that he was violently attacked by Martin.
Police decide not to charge him due to the law about self defense.
The UNITED STATES FEDERAL DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE gives Al Sharpton tax money to stage protests demanding Zimmerman be arrested and charged with murder.
The lefty dishonest repugnant mainstream US media picks up on it and it goes nation wide because although blacks are killing blacks by the hearseloads each day, Zimmerman was not black.
They even butchered the 911 call and gave out Zimmermans address and SS number.
The Sanford Florida chief of police is fired and replaced by a black guy.
Prosecuter and disgusting ugly wench ( ever notice that almost all lefty women are so fucking ugly?) Angela Corey decides to skip the Grand Jury process and write a completely biased affidavit and charged Zimmerman with 2nd degree murder.
During the trial the prosecution not only doesnt prove the case but instead proves the defenses case. Jury finds him not guilty.

So right away the usual racist black leaders and the NAACP who make a very lucrative living of of manipulating the very people they claim to protect start calling for social unrest, AKA rioting, looting, assualting and beating white people on the street, destroying property ect ect ect.
The blacks in general fall for it as usual and the games begin.

Then to add fuel to the fire, instead of calling for calm Many top Democrat politicians side with the racists.
Harry Reid, And even the ATTORNEY GENERAL, the person sworn to uphold the law, THE LIAR ERIC HOLDER tells the Black Racists and/or just stupid pawns that they are right. This was a racial incident. Zimmerman killed Martin not in self defense but because he is a RACIST. And he's gonna get him on civil rights charges ( which is just another lie, but effective to cause the racial divisiveness the OBAMA regime depends on).

And Remember, White Americans didnt make this a racial issue.

Listen to this fucking creepy ass half cracker appease the racists ( I can say cracker because the lefty news media has said its not racist)

Translation? Fuck the law, this white devil must be destroyed. KEEP RAISING HELL AND REMEMBER, KEEP HATING WHITE FOLKS.

So exactly who's civil rights have been violated here?

Look at all this repugnant crap going on today:


Hiliary 2020

these are the people the Obama administration is siding with, actually egging on.
Anti Racism Rage? Are they fucking serious?

yootoob is loaded with this stuff.
Martins mother said she's gonna now put her faith in GOD, too bad the racists wont do the same.

I'm sick of this manipulation by the media, the public schools, the colleges, and the GOVERNMENT to cause racial problems with the American people.
I don't think this is what MLK had in mind.

Love that guy
The new UberLib lamentation now, is that Tray Tray wasn't afraid that Zim was a "creepy-ass Cracker", he was afraid he was a "creepy ass-cracker"!

I can see where that makes a big difference.

The narrative being pushed was that Zimmerman was a racist but the only racial slur used during the incident was by Martin. I seriously doubt Trayvon was fearful of being raped given the size difference between the two. I think that was Jentel's attempt to justify why Trayvon didn't just continue walking or even running home. (He was protecting his little brother from a gay rapist.) It's just funny that whenever she says anything those on her side of the issue have to cringe and think "We don't need you to say that."
My blood boils when I see Al not so Sharpton on TV calling for the DOJ to file civil rights charges against Zimmerman. The good news for Zimmerman is that there are a ton of hoops they will have to jump through to make the case and no hate crimes laws will fit because they can't prove intent. This is not like Rodney King where there war video.

Let Holder and the NAACP make fools of themselves so far they've done a bang up job.
Anyone that has ever listened to a sermon in a black church are well aware that the segment of a community that is the most homophobic is the black community. The real reason that this happened is that Zimmerman made the mistake of walking arovnd ambiguously gay at night. Beautiful. haha this changes everything.
I read an op-ed in the NYT by Charles Blow and he said something that really stood out to me, he said "At what precise pace should a black man walk to avoid suspicion? This was in relation to Zimmerman saying that he found Martin suspicious because he was walking too slowly. I don't believe that race played a part in this trial but that question posed by Blow is a really good one and it's something that I, as a light skinned Hispanic, probably will never understand because I've never been stopped randomly on the street by the police.
Are racial profiling and self defense in fear for your life two separate issues?

For the sake of argument, let's say George Zimmerman did racially profile Trayvon and followed him because he was black. Let's take it further and Zimmerman was a racist AND a gay predator. So while wearing a white robe and hood and making sexual advances "Hey boy, you look mighty cute in them jeans." Legally speaking, does Trayvon have a right to confront this gay racist and physically assault him? Then after a scuffle ensues and Trayvon is bashing Zimmerman's head over and over again into the pavement at what point does Zimmerman have the right to use deadly force to protect himself? Is he supposed to lapse into unconsciousness, suffer a concussion, brain damage, death or have Trayvon take possession of his firearm to use it against him all because he is a racist/gay predator?

If I'm not mistaken, the Stand Your Ground Law was not even brought up during the trial. Zimmerman had nowhere to retreat to while on the ground anyways.
This thread makes administrators and moderators look stupid; they protect OCSMs but let board members get away with racist comments. I am a member of several defense forums which have many Sam Fisher like members. The two forums have ultra nationalistic members from around the world and they are ruleless.