First look at New Conan the Barbarian

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  • Who the fuck is Arnold

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Does he have the awesome Austrian Arnie accent?

I gotta hear this guy say "To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentation of their women. And then have sex with them."
I am a retard and I don't know shit about shit
Arnold's look near his prime has pretty much become the image of Conan. Nobody can be a better Conan because of that.

Even discounting that, unless he somehow gains a physique on par with one of the greatest bodybuilders of all time I somehow doubt he will pull the Conan image off.


This is almost as bad an idea as remaking Dirty Harry.

Rose McGowan? I thought she was dead.

Dirty Harry = classic
Conan = not so much

They actually got a pretty good actor to play the role instead of a non english speaking, semi-gay bodybuilder.

Vlad The Impaler

Power Slave
Dirty Harry = classic
Conan = not so much

They actually got a pretty good actor to play the role instead of a non english speaking, semi-gay bodybuilder.

Well if they ever need semi-gay just come to Freeones. There's a ton of em here lately.


Here Zombie, Zombie, Zombie...
I'm physically disgusted that they're remaking this movie. :throwup:
I loved Conan as kid, still watch it today, must have seen it several hundred times. Not every movie needs to be remade. So if they're going to remake Conan, I say remake Casablanca, The Godfather, and Miracle of 34th Street. Hell maybe Megan Fox can direct The Godfather now, wouldn't that be special?

Fuck you, :thefinger you remaking cocksuckers!


I've never seen the old Conan movies ( I think they came out before I was born) and look forward to the new one. Can't wait to see it.

Ike Stain

Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
The original Conan is awesome.

When me and Trebus agree, you know the stars aligned. If teh might J.J. Abrams himself were doing this project, it couldn't replace the original.

You had young Arnold in a role he was born for, a screenplay by a young Oliver Stone and John Milius (look up what else he wrote on IMDB—very impressive,) and of course, Dino DeLaurentis at the height of his power to make sure that got what they needed.

James Earl Jones and Max Von-Fucking-Sydow as Osric the Usurper? Classic.