Father of marine killed Iraq sues anti-gay group picketing sons funeral


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there's a bbc documentary about them. but they don't like to talk much on inbreeding though,


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
These, I am not even going to categorize these people as humans, but I will call them servile pieces of shit go to soldiers funerals all over the country and picket and say how much god hates gay people and that it is gods wrath on American soldiers and all that. These are the same people that were saying actor Heath Ledger is burning in hell because he played a gay character in a movie. They are part of some Christian church, true the US has freedom of relgion but stay the fuck away from a soldiers funeral unless your doing the funeral rites...As for the father, I don't know what he is going to get from suing these relgious nuts, he should just get 5 mins alone with them and see how many he can curb stomp...Aside from that these people make me sick, however there are some good guys out there that try to keep these holy rollers away, which is a motorcycle club called the Patriot Guard, they are made up of war veterans....Do you guys have this going on in the UK?

Big Poppa Pump

- My Name Is My Name -
My attitude is although I'm not 100% sure why America and Britain are in Iraq and Afghanistan, the soldiers are there risking their lives and when a soldier dies his family deserve dignity at the funeral and not this crazy shit. That woman is crazy and the saddest thing is she has brainwashed her own children.


Hiliary 2020
i said it before, if i saw this in person , even if i didnt know the deceased, i know i would have to get physical with at least one of the sickos, really make an example out of him.
something like a james caan , godfather one, garbage can involved, left in the gutter beatin.
hopefully others would follow my lead.
then these screwheads would really have something to protest about, " why are we getting beat up when protesting at funerals?".

not joking, if i saw this i wouldnt be able to control myself, crime of passion, passion for human descency.
its what needs to be done.
This 'organization' is a disgrace. All there is to say about them. Like Dennis Miller said recently, I hope there is a special place in hell for them. How dispicable can it get. The odd thing is the military is the most homophobic organization in the US, so for them to attack them is beyond logic. They don't make any sense.
My attitude is although I'm not 100% sure why America and Britain are in Iraq and Afghanistan, the soldiers are there risking their lives and when a soldier dies his family deserve dignity at the funeral and not this crazy shit. That woman is crazy and the saddest thing is she has brainwashed her own children.

We are in Afghanistan because of the attacks on the World Trade Buildings on September 11, 2001 otherwise known as 9/11. We needed to show force and hunt down the people responsible for these terroist attacks. I like to thank our service men and women for going over there serveing our country.

We must never forget 9/11 and our government needs to do a better job to make sure nothing like it happens again.


They are a simple bait and hook group. They make their money by suing others because they are all lawyers in the family. If anyone wishes to join the church it's a free 100% college ride, but hell doesn't look fun. I'd rather fly.

I expect some mixed views on this. I personally think his sexual orientation had no effect on his ability to do his job and he died serving his country.

I don't know how anyone could honestly objurgate what has been expressed on this board in relation to the protestors. For the record, the soldier in the article was not gay, and was targeted simply because he was a soldier.

existing topics

I actually agree with the courts here, that is up until they ordered the father to pay WBC's legal costs. ;)

I don't know that there is any way to monetarily assess emotional damage. That being said, the fact that the courts are allowing this coterie to protest the funerals of soldiers is pretty shocking. The Supreme Court in the past has definitely eschewed from allowing a behavior that infringes on another group or person's Constitutional rights. In this case, while the argument has been made that these wackos are protected by the First Amendment, the same is actually true of the families of the soldiers, as they have the right to peaceably assemble, without these idiots around.
Just goes to show ...

Just goes to show that some people hate, and aren't aligned left or right. I've noticed the same issue with some environmentalists and other social left as well. They do not necessarily align themselves with the political left. This is more of the same here, this group crosses even the religious right.

It's the same argument I've had when people claim the right is more "racist" and "sexist" than the left. I've seen plenty of racism and sexism on the left as well -- not just reverse discrimination, but 'good'ole white boys' who are far on the left too.