Iraq war vet and father of two shot 71 times in own HOME by SWAT team

I agree 100% :D

I also agree with meesterperfecto, we're only getting one side of the story, we need better info than the Daily Mail can provide us from across the pond.

I know you're joking...but I'm not sure to what extent. I understand being pro-cop...possibly even giving the police the benefit of the doubt, but this really is a widespread, common thing and people, for the most part, don't seem all that concerned. I'm not sure I understand why...unless it's a matter of just not getting worked up over the inevitable.

I also agree with meesterperfecto, we're only getting one side of the story, we need better info than the Daily Mail can provide us from across the pond.

Fair enough. But Shifty and I both provided additional links within the hour. Both from subsidiaries of NewsCorp (WSG and Reason) and both are damning of the police.

EDIT: Shifty's link was from Forbes, not WSG. My bad.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
That part was probably made up as well.

That's why this is still under investigation.

If someone comes to my home and they cannot be distinguished from a common criminal or they are pointing a gun at me and my family without a properly attainted warrant, then anyone under those circumstance has the right to point a weapon at that person.

Police have to follow rules. They don't just get a free pass to violate rules.

QFT!!! :thumbsup:

And some big rep for The Worm. :bowdown:

Preach it, Will E., preach it!!! :nanner:


For the record I posted the Forbes link for information and discussion only. I do not have a personal opinion on this matter. :2 cents:
Unbelievable, and the us police swat teams wonder why quite a lot people dislike them. :rolleyes: fucking unbelievable and irresponsible
Cops are like everyone else: There are good ones, and bad ones.

This incident looks bad, but I can tell you there's zero change multiple guys opened fire on him from a SWAT team without a good reason.

I hate most cops because they are little men on a power trip who got beat up in HS, but this doesn't pass the smell test. :2 cents:


I can't speak for the law enforcement officials....I'm not real good in math, and maybe this is ignorance talking, but 71 times is that a lot?

Rifle? Yes
Pistol? Yes, but not unusual

LaLiLu said:
[ . . But Shifty and I both provided additional links within the hour. Both from subsidiaries of NewsCorp (WSG and Reason) and both are damning of the police.

Thank you, I just noticed that. :hatsoff:


From Daily Mail article:
An ambulance reportedly arrived in a few minutes, but medical personnel were not allowed inside to see Mr Guerena for an hour and 14 minutes, the family's attorney, Chris Scileppi, told ABC News affiliate KGUN.

In contrast, it took responders only 12 minutes to address Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, who was shot in Tucson in January, according to Mr Scileppi.

Mr Storie defended the SWAT team's actions, saying, 'They still don't know how many shooters are inside, how many guns are inside and they still have to assume that they will be ambushed if they walk in this house'.
I sure wouldn't want to have to be the first dummy cop to have to cross the threshold into the unknown, that's got to be one hell of a rush.

Also, I like the affiliate "KGUN". :p

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
He pointed a rifle at them. It's pretty cut and dried from a tactical perspective. You light him the fuck up. They could have used some discretion and investigated a little more deeply before executing their warrant but I can't fault their decision making under the circumstances.


Hiliary 2020
Ok so the guy was allegedly in the pot business and the police got a warrant to search 4 homes.
thats no problem.
The problem as I see it is gearing up dozens of armed to the teeth men, basically an armed government militia to bust through someones front door.
To me thats government out of control.
If its an arrest warrant of a fugitive thats one thing......but not just an arrest warrant and certainly not for a search warrant, I see no need to kick down a door and bust through with guns pointed.

What probably happened here was the resident heard and/or saw people busting through his front door and he grabbed a gun for defense and before he knew it, dead.

Its kind of like Waco. 100+ATF agents with guns ready to go, helicopters overhead, news crews filming, ......just to serve a search warrant for mechanisms that can be used to make a gun automatic in a house full of people with no history of violence.
When the government can come to your house and start shooting it up thats not the same country that it was founded on.

I just don't see the point, maybe first they should just try knocking or grabbing him outside the house then entering.

And maybe I'm off base here but why does this crap seem to happen more when dems are in power, the politicians who are forever eroding the right to bear arms.
Which one of you wants to be the SWAT guy to look at the dude pointing the rifle at you and say "Hey wait- someone check and see if his safety's on!"


I'm not saying anyone is in the right or wrong, but the fashionable, internet "Fuckin' cops" thing is old and tired. YOU do the job for 6 months- bet your attitude changes.



Hiliary 2020
Which one of you wants to be the SWAT guy to look at the dude pointing the rifle at you and say "Hey wait- someone check and see if his safety's on!"


I'm not saying anyone is in the right or wrong, but the fashionable, internet "Fuckin' cops" thing is old and tired. YOU do the job for 6 months- bet your attitude changes.


probably true.
Most people are missing the main point here I think, I know.
The problem here is cops(the government) being able to break through citizens doors with guns in order to serve a warrant.
To me they shouldn't, Its government that has gotten too big.

We are talking about serving warrants, not arresting fugitives.
This could happen to anybody, anyone of us.
getting a search warrant is not that complicated.
getting an arrest warrant on you can happen for millions of reasons, from unpaid traffic tickets to clerical errors.
So one minute an American is in their house, their private domicile and the next 2 dozen police are busting through your door with guns in your face when they could have simply knocked on the fucking door.
Its extreme, a waste of tax money, and just plain dangerous and its against everything that the country was founded on.
You expect stuff like that in Saddams Iraq but not in The USA.
Its gotta change.

Some of you probably believe what the government and the media told you about these people but either way above all they were american citizens who had committed no crimes.
A lot of people died serving a simple search warrant, it probably happens everyday.

they saw Mr Guerena aiming an assault rifle at them.
Whoever aim an assault rifle to a SWAT team is idiot or suicidal.
Legalize Pot and the police state won't have an excuse to kick down doors to trample down civil liberties and shoot up American citizens, problem solved!