Iraq war vet and father of two shot 71 times in own HOME by SWAT team


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
probably true.
Most people are missing the main point here I think, I know.
The problem here is cops(the government) being able to break through citizens doors with guns in order to serve a warrant.
To me they shouldn't, Its government that has gotten too big.

We are talking about serving warrants, not arresting fugitives.
This could happen to anybody, anyone of us.
getting a search warrant is not that complicated.
getting an arrest warrant on you can happen for millions of reasons, from unpaid traffic tickets to clerical errors.
So one minute an American is in their house, their private domicile and the next 2 dozen police are busting through your door with guns in your face when they could have simply knocked on the fucking door.
Its extreme, a waste of tax money, and just plain dangerous and its against everything that the country was founded on.
You expect stuff like that in Saddams Iraq but not in The USA.
Its gotta change.

Some of you probably believe what the government and the media told you about these people but either way above all they were american citizens who had committed no crimes.
A lot of people died serving a simple search warrant, it probably happens everyday.

Well said!

And lets not forget - those were no simple average cops, these were a team of highly trained elite police force members, who should be able to handle pressure situation way better than that
If in any way these officers are found to be engaging in a cover up to hide any wrong doing on thier part they should all be destroyed by the same laws they claim to protect. There is no room for Police corruption of any kind. They as a body they should always answer to any question the public may have openly and without hesitation. To seal a warrant under such a reason only invites speculation. This is not a matter of national security after all. Very Sad. RIP
Ok so the guy was allegedly in the pot business and the police got a warrant to search 4 homes.
thats no problem.
The problem as I see it is gearing up dozens of armed to the teeth men, basically an armed government militia to bust through someones front door.
To me thats government out of control.
If its an arrest warrant of a fugitive thats one thing......but not just an arrest warrant and certainly not for a search warrant, I see no need to kick down a door and bust through with guns pointed.

What probably happened here was the resident heard and/or saw people busting through his front door and he grabbed a gun for defense and before he knew it, dead.

Its kind of like Waco. 100+ATF agents with guns ready to go, helicopters overhead, news crews filming, ......just to serve a search warrant for mechanisms that can be used to make a gun automatic in a house full of people with no history of violence.
When the government can come to your house and start shooting it up thats not the same country that it was founded on.

I just don't see the point, maybe first they should just try knocking or grabbing him outside the house then entering.

And maybe I'm off base here but why does this crap seem to happen more when dems are in power, the politicians who are forever eroding the right to bear arms.
Way off base. You should work for Fox, you managed to spin this to Obamas fault.

Jane Burgess

Official Checked Star Member
This story is changing every damn day. They claim he was involved in drugs and other stuff. No matter what you don't enter a house late at night, and not announce you are the police. Arizona has a lot of home invasions and you have the right to protect yourself if you think someone is breaking into your house.
It is sad.
The fact that they entered a house that was populated by small children in this manner, Unleashed a barrage of gunfire into said house, and showed up with the SWAT team to execute a search warrant at the very least smacks of amazing stupidity. Several people have questions to answer. But seem to be, at this point, in a position to choose if they want to or not.

Rey C.

Racing is life... anything else is just waiting.
The "war" on drugs needs to stop. It really a war on the citizens of America.

I know I give you a hard time sometimes, Will. But on this, yeah, I fully agree with you too!

The "War on Drugs" is just a sham... a carnival sideshow production for the Evangelicals and rubes. Put some dope on the table and turn on the TV cameras. :nanner:

Instead of going after some guy, who might have six joints hidden in his sock drawer, (and then killing him because he thinks somebody is trying to break into his house), why not send these same SWAT teams into the homes of the CEO's of banks when they're caught laundering drug money???

I don't so much blame the cops in this case. They're just foot soldiers, cannon fodder, doing what they're told. But what I want to know is why no criminal charges have been filed in THIS CASE???!!! Wachovia/Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup, HSBC, Banco Santander... anybody from those banking giants get their doors kicked in??? Anybody??? :dunno: But hey, why worry about 22 TONS of cocaine being smuggled into the U.S., when you can raid a house, shoot some poor slob in his pajamas and put on a big show for the slobbering mob?
Mr Berkman said that when the first officer fired, other officers mistook the flash from his gun as coming from Mr Guerena's rifle and so they responded with their own shots.
And after this they are still cleared of any wrongdoing. And making the ambulance wait well over an hour to treat him as he lay dying on the floor, either health and safety in the States has gone mad or those SWAT guys wanted him dead so he couldn't talk. Is this now the case that an officer could just shoot someone dead them claim they mistook the flash from a fellow officer as a shot at them and them get let off unpunished because it was a 'genuine' mistake :dunno:

Will E Worm

And after this they are still cleared of any wrongdoing. And making the ambulance wait well over an hour to treat him as he lay dying on the floor, either health and safety in the States has gone mad or those SWAT guys wanted him dead so he couldn't talk. Is this now the case that an officer could just shoot someone dead them claim they mistook the flash from a fellow officer as a shot at them and them get let off unpunished because it was a 'genuine' mistake :dunno:

They wanted him dead so he could not talk.

There's no way this was nothing more than murder.
I know you're joking...but I'm not sure to what extent. I understand being pro-cop...possibly even giving the police the benefit of the doubt, but this really is a widespread, common thing and people, for the most part, don't seem all that concerned. I'm not sure I understand why...unless it's a matter of just not getting worked up over the inevitable.

Fair enough. But Shifty and I both provided additional links within the hour. Both from subsidiaries of NewsCorp (WSG and Reason) and both are damning of the police.

EDIT: Shifty's link was from Forbes, not WSG. My bad.

Unfortunately your cops need a more pc approach....But in the US everyone is allowed guns so they will never adopt this approach because besides the cluster fuck situations, there lives are on the line.....I am far from pro police but I understand that.

PS> There us and them mentality must be fucking sky high in comparison to other police forces in the world
Does this really surprise anybody. Half the time when cops are caught completely red handed on video tape that's as clear as can be and they are blatantly and obviously guilty are they actually punished. The other half of the time the still get away with it. Just think about what happens with even less against them. It seems almost impossible for law enforcement to actually get in trouble. It would be nice if they were treated under the law and given the same benefit of the doubt (or in the normal person's case lack thereof) as everybody else.

'They were judge, jury and executioner': Outrage after SWAT team shoots dead Marine veteran in his own home

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An ordinary morning was unfolding in the middle-class Tucson neighborhood — until an armoured vehicle pulled into the family's driveway and men wearing heavy body armor and helmets climbed out, weapons ready.

They were a sheriff's department SWAT team who had come to execute a search warrant. But Vanessa Guerena insisted she had no idea, when she heard a 'boom' and saw a dark-suited man pass by a window, that it was police outside her home. She shook her husband awake and told him someone was firing a gun outside.

A U.S. Marine veteran of the Iraq war, he was only trying to defend his family, she said, when he grabbed his own gun — an AR-15 assault rifle.

What happened next was captured on video after a member of the SWAT team activated a helmet-mounted camera.

The officers — four of whom carried .40-caliber handguns while another had an AR-15 — moved to the door, briefly sounding a siren, then shouting 'Police!' in English and Spanish. With a thrust of a battering ram, they broke the door open. Eight seconds passed before they opened fire into the house.

And 10 seconds later, Guerena lay dying in a hallway 20-feet from the front door. The SWAT team fired 71 rounds, riddling his body 22 times, while his wife and child cowered in a closet.

'Hurry up, he's bleeding,' Vanessa Guerena pleaded with a 911 operator. 'I don't know why they shoot him. They open the door and shoot him. Please get me an ambulance.'

When she emerged from the home minutes later, officers hustled her to a police van, even as she cried that her husband was unresponsive and bleeding, and that her young son was still inside. She begged them to get Joel out of the house before he saw his father in a puddle of blood on the floor.

But soon afterward, the boy appeared in the front doorway in Spider-Man pyjamas, crying.

The Pima County Sheriff's Department said its SWAT team was at the home because Guerena was suspected of being involved in a drug-trafficking organization and that the shooting happened because he arrived at the door brandishing a gun. The county prosecutor's office says the shooting was justified.

But six months after the May 5 police gunfire shattered a peaceful morning and a family's life, investigators have made no arrests in the case that led to the raid. Outraged friends, co-workers and fellow Marines have called the shooting an injustice and demanded further investigation. A family lawyer has filed a multimillion-dollar lawsuit against the sheriff's office. And amid the outcry in online forums and social media outlets, the sheriff's 54-second video, which found its way to YouTube, has drawn more than 275,000 views.

The many questions swirling around the incident all boil down to one, repeated by Vanessa Guerena, as quoted in the 1,000-page police report on the case:

'Why, why, why was he killed?'

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