Westboro Baptist Church to Picket Elizabeth Edwards' Funeral

If you guys are interested in a great documentary about these "people", I highly recommend Fall From Grace.......outstanding film.....a little over an hour long....you can stream it on NetFlix. Fascinating look at the inner workings of the "church"....interviews with children of Phelps who have long since left....they don't subscribe to his craziness, and reveal some maybe not so startling info about them.

Anyway, for those of you who are interested, thought I'd throw that out there.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
Guess those savage, evil fucks missed the part in that book they thump where the Jesus character bangs on about loving thy neighbor and turning the other cheek .. hell, that last one can be interpreted as a positive encouragement of homosexuality; fuck it, so can the former too.

I'd ass rape every one of them so they'd have to live the rest of their lives under the damnation of their own beliefs; that having been engaged in the evil of anal penetration, they were condemned to burn for all eternity .... bwahahahahaha ...
I'd ass rape every one of them so they'd have to live the rest of their lives under the damnation of their own beliefs; that having been engaged in the evil of anal penetration, they were condemned to burn for all eternity .... bwahahahahaha ...

That is a great idea! I'll fucking help! :nanner:


I am a failure to the Korean side of my family
How do these idiots get money to travel all over the country anyway? Isn't their church a modular shed built out in the middle of some corn field...Besides he who walks between the rows will come for them, either that or Malichi or any of those creepy kids from Children of the Corn.


Approved Content Owner
Approved Content Owner
How do these idiots get money to travel all over the country anyway? Isn't their church a modular shed built out in the middle of some corn field



Retired Mod
Bronze Member
Here is their transportation... and how some people actually take some action:

Not that I say do that too :cthulhu:
If you guys are interested in a great documentary about these "people", I highly recommend Fall From Grace.......outstanding film.....a little over an hour long....you can stream it on NetFlix. Fascinating look at the inner workings of the "church"....interviews with children of Phelps who have long since left....they don't subscribe to his craziness, and reveal some maybe not so startling info about them.

Anyway, for those of you who are interested, thought I'd throw that out there.

Or watch if for free below

Part 1 of 9

Part 2 of 9

Part 3 of 9

Part 4 of 9

Part 5 of 9

Part 6 of 9

Part 7 of 9

Part 8 of 9

Part 9 of 9


Retired Mod
Bronze Member
should have just doused the bus in gas and sparked up .... feel that? That's HellFire you sick, demonoid God-bothering fucks

I second that. And how come they think they are on a mission for their LORD but want Police and the Justice System if the country they fight to protect them?

Isn't their LORD their shield and sword? If you are right, you can walk proud and no earthly creature can harm you, huh

Unless you know you are actually bound for hell (As you believe exists, which I don't)
I am a really conservative guy, and I think these asswipes are begging for a grieving family member to veer off the road, and plow through their demonstration.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
I'm not wishing death on anyone,but when it does happen,I'd like to see the Westboro Baptist Church protest the funeral of Sonny Barger.

Look it up.


It would be the scene of numerous new and impressive world records:

World's Shortest Protest
World's Fastest Protester (Running category)
Most People Knifed in a single incident
Most blunt force trauma injuries received by a single person
Most velocitous bowel evacuation
Largest mass public pant soiling
Quickest disassembly of a minibus
Quickest and most deserved incident of Divine Punishment

Yea. Let's see just how strong their faith come the day they have the chance to go up against someone or a group that simply doesn't give a fuck about their freedom to protest. :cool:
Why is that crazy murders never seem to murder whack jobs like these folks? Is there no way we can those Middle Eastern suicide bombers to quit targeting marketplaces and weddings, and take an assignment worth the time and effort??? Are there no government assigned contract killers available here?
Well, is what they're doing any worse than what her husband did? Is anybody saying he shouldn't be allowed to show up?


It wouldn't surprise me in the least bit if the slickster extraordinaire himself, John Edwards, hired some of his fans to pose as the notorious baptist freaks for the purpose of diverting attention away from his pretty boy flaky self.

Really, could you imagine being John Edwards at his ex/late wife's funeral? Big ->:o

Sorry for not reading through the entire thread, but did these protesters ever give a reason for wanting to protest at Liz Edward's funeral or is it all :crickets:?