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Christianity and pornography

Actually, Jesus was put on earth BECAUSE Mary cheated on Joseph and lied about it to avoid getting stoned for adultery.

Would that be adultery being they weren't married yet?

The bible uses Jesus' life and death as a blood sacrifice (originally used on goats which created the popular term "scapegoat") to absolve humanity (at least the people he lived with because he clearly didn't care about ancient Africans or Americans) from sin.

Other than when he says "Go into the world and preach the gospel to everyone."

Of course, that didn't happen and the middle east is still very violent.

The world and it's history is violent.


Official Checked Star Member
Actually, Jesus was put on earth BECAUSE Mary cheated on Joseph and lied about it to avoid getting stoned for adultery. The bible uses Jesus' life and death as a blood sacrifice (originally used on goats which created the popular term "scapegoat") to absolve humanity (at least the people he lived with because he clearly didn't care about ancient Africans or Americans) from sin. Of course, that didn't happen and the middle east is still very violent. You seem to think that Christians don't apply a lot of the very violent and hateful bible to their belief system. They only apply the Jesus myth when they wanna look moral.

That is your belief and nothing but. Not fact. Just like my beliefs are just my beliefs, and not fact either.

- - - Updated - - -

Yes, those who repent of their sins will be forgiven.

But certain acts can not be compensated in any way.

If you make a murder nothing can save you.

uhh what Bible are you reading? EVERY sin is forgiveable. Every. Single. One.
They only apply the Jesus myth when they wanna look moral.

True and false Christians

The people who carried out the Reformation and killed people were not Christians.

Jehovah's Witnesses who were murdered in Auschwitz because they refused to perform military service were Christians.
uhh what Bible are you reading? EVERY sin is forgiveable. Every. Single. One.

This is a matter of interpretation.

I believe that murderes, torturers and mercenaries are doomed.

They have chosen their path and they are going to hell.

Even God can not save them.


Official Checked Star Member
This is a matter of interpretation.

I believe that murderes, torturers and mercenaries are doomed.

They have chosen their path and they are going to hell.

Even God can not save them.

That belief is not Bible-based, that is an individual belief. There IS no misinterpretation- Christ was on the cross and forgave the murderers hanging next to Him.


Official Checked Star Member
So spexy please, tell us why this happened 2000 years ago and not 4000 years ago? or 200 years ago? or 20 years ago? why did it happen when the world's population was less than 1% of what it is today? why didn't jesus tell us the world was round? why has god been silent all these years since with his miracles?

did you know that 54% of christians polled in 2011 said that prayer is a valid form of health care? if you are a believer who knows why you believe, then you would know that prayer would be useless because god has a plan. ya know, that popular quote all you say when a disaster takes a child or something horrible happens "well god has a plan" so why the ego to think he would change his plan because you ask? who are you to ask god to change his plan?

to believe all that shit that jesus was here to show us god and feel god is ridiculous when god could just show himself. the bible says we are made in his image right? so he could come down on his magic carpet or however he gets around and show himself why go to all that trouble when you're perfect and all knowing and capable? seems like a stretch to me. seems like someone was trying to justify why they believe something that sounds fucking crazy to me.

what you are saying, that anyone can do ANYTHING and be forgiven by god??? LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA keep telling yourself that. thats great news for child molestors and rapists thank god you're just a dumb cam girl and not running for public office. we dont need another one with that mind frame. jesus
Christ was on the cross and forgave the murderers hanging next to Him.

If you want to believe that it is your business.

I believe that we choose our path and if we go to the wrong direction it is our own fault.

Certain people can pray and ask forgiveness, but they do not get a response.

They have chosen the wrong road.
what you are saying, that anyone can do ANYTHING and be forgiven by god??? LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA keep telling yourself that. thats great news for child molestors and rapists.

Rapist and child molester are indeed chosen the wrong path and are saved only if they stop their senseless activities.


Official Checked Star Member
that right there is enough to make not a christian even if hey-sous came down from the clouds and brought me the best tacos of all time and the gucci purse I want.

thats why they should have their heads chopped off or be sent to some island to be tortured to death.
Would that be adultery being they weren't married yet?

Other than when he says "Go into the world and preach the gospel to everyone."

The world and it's history is violent.

That would be pre-marital sex.

How vague and lazy of him to not do it himself.

Exactly why it's moronic to believe that this one man "saved" us from anything let alone some inconsistent myth called sin.
That would be pre-marital sex.

How vague and lazy of him to not do it himself.

Exactly why it's moronic to believe that this one man "saved" us from anything let alone some inconsistent myth called sin.

But all three of your previous points were answered.

In other words, know what the fuck you're talking about.
That is your belief and nothing but. Not fact. Just like my beliefs are just my beliefs, and not fact either.

- - - Updated - - -

uhh what Bible are you reading? EVERY sin is forgiveable. Every. Single. One.

It's common sense.

That wasn't my point. My point was that murder and eating shellfish, are both considered sins. That's morally inconsistent. You're wrong. The sin of apostasy is not forgivable and non-believers go to hell.
an argument between assari and spexy this should be interesting lol

See what I mean? They can't even agree yet act like we should believe take their interpretations on something that is clearly full of holes.

- - - Updated - - -

But all three of your previous points were answered.

In other words, know what the fuck you're talking about.

Yes and thank you for that.
Yes, those who repent of their sins will be forgiven.

But certain acts can not be compensated in any way.

If you make a murder nothing can save you.

Explain all the murders god made (2 million plus). Also, what if you killed someone to save another or yourself? Even better, what if you killed someone who then went to heaven?
Explain all the murders god made (2 million plus). Also, what if you killed someone to save another or yourself? Even better, what if you killed someone who then went to heaven?

There is only one God and he has not murdered anyone.

Self defence is allowed and you can also defend others, but if you kill someone then you are in trouble because you have lost your ticket to heaven.

The victims go to heaven, the killers to hell.


Official Checked Star Member
So spexy please, tell us why this happened 2000 years ago and not 4000 years ago? or 200 years ago? or 20 years ago? why did it happen when the world's population was less than 1% of what it is today? why didn't jesus tell us the world was round? why has god been silent all these years since with his miracles?

did you know that 54% of christians polled in 2011 said that prayer is a valid form of health care? if you are a believer who knows why you believe, then you would know that prayer would be useless because god has a plan. ya know, that popular quote all you say when a disaster takes a child or something horrible happens "well god has a plan" so why the ego to think he would change his plan because you ask? who are you to ask god to change his plan?

to believe all that shit that jesus was here to show us god and feel god is ridiculous when god could just show himself. the bible says we are made in his image right? so he could come down on his magic carpet or however he gets around and show himself why go to all that trouble when you're perfect and all knowing and capable? seems like a stretch to me. seems like someone was trying to justify why they believe something that sounds fucking crazy to me.

what you are saying, that anyone can do ANYTHING and be forgiven by god??? LOL HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA keep telling yourself that. thats great news for child molestors and rapists thank god you're just a dumb cam girl and not running for public office. we dont need another one with that mind frame. jesus

I don't know what my being a camgirl has to do with anything, and I don't know why you're resorting to name calling? Is that really warranted or deserved? Is that how you treat others who share a different lifestyle than you, or different life choices?

And I don't have the answers Mariah. I'm not in charge here. I just choose to put my faith in what I do because it brings peace to my life. Some people take drugs, some people do yoga, some people go shopping...I just believe in my faith. I don't force it down anyones throats and its a very personal thing, so I don't know why you feel that I am deserving of disrespect.


Official Checked Star Member
Well SPEXY, you didn't say you wonder if, you TOLD us why jesus was here and the purpose of it all. You weren't asking, or pondering. You TOLD us the rules, and corrected assari. don't recall? Well, here's a quote "uhh what Bible are you reading? EVERY sin is forgiveable. Every. Single. One."

or how about this one which wasn't a question either: "Jesus was put on earth so God could be relatable to humankind. So people could SEE God, touch God, see his miracles. So people could know that God felt our pain, felt the temptation, and so we could have a physical, tangible person to believe in. Ultimate sacrifice. And Jesus was friends and accepting of the prostitute to be the example for all of us: to accept everyone from different walks of life. Its the example that Christians need to follow when it comes to the gay community today. Differences aside, we're all human and all deserving of love and happiness. Christs teaching is all love, that is what its all about. I get why Christianity gets a bad rep, but if you break it down it REALLY is pretty basic. Its not about rules, restrictions and bigoted fools. Its just living your life your way, trusting that God will provide and letting your faith enrich your life."

I said Im glad your chosen profession will keep you from ever holding public office and creating laws and speaking on behalf of other people. That I am happy for. I didn't call you names, I said dumb cam girl as in the profession doesn't take a lot of smarts to do. If it sounded like an insult it wasn't intended to be, but I can see how you would take it as such. And is being a cam girl a lifestyle???? if so that's pretty fucking sad. I always thought it was a job. I guess I learned something new today. Thanks for the lesson.

And I remember that you showed up in one of my threads before and chastised me and challenged me yet when I responded you disappeared. Hard to debate an issue if you run your mouth and then never back it up. I'll return the favor of a lesson and suggest you don't interject your opinion and correct people if you don't have the information or the know how to follow it up. There, now we're even.
Whores will be forgiven if they repent their deeds regulary.

A person who commits adultery is skating on thin ice and is excused only if he/she stops and repent his/her actions.