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Christian History of Denial and Misinformation

The debate over humans causing climate change is one that the right will never concede to entirely. They refuse to listen to 98% of the world's climatologists and look to the bible for the lack of mention as all they need to know. Yet the christians seem to forget the centuries that epileptics were burned to death because they were accused of being satanists who were possessed by demonic spirits when they had seizures. But then medicine evolved (another dirty word) and it was realized that it wasn't demonic possession but a brain disorder. How about the "witches" who were burned at the stake over bullshit accusations that had zero to do with actual events? Or the religions that still refuse medicine and believe that prayer will cure that cancer or shrink that tumor?

I just watched this documentary on the distortions of religion and what some of these people are doing to prevent progress in medicine. It's unreal. The worst are the evangelicals. They believe if god didnt say it then it won't or didn't happen.
I just had a chilling thought. This broad is right. Christianity is on it's way to being a minority faith. What needs to happen now is for the secular atheists to finish them off. Then we can begin the new chapter of allowing millions more muslims to immigrate here. Then in the interest of diversity confirm at least 2 muslim supreme court justices.

Now these justices will not have rendered any opinions previously that will preclude them from serving on the court, but once they are confirmed and seated, Islamic hell breaks loose. All the cultural victories that the left enjoy will be overturned. Now this won't happen over night, it will take about 20 years but it will happen. You see, You will never be able to escape some form of religion, be it Christianity, Judaism or Islam. The left have made a choice, ignore Islam and suppress and demonize Christianity/Judaism. I have decided that is exactly what needs to happen, because the next religion you take on will not be as passive as your previous opponent. They will not resort to prayer and legal challenges to overcome what offends their conscience, they will kill or imprison you if you dare to take them on, at which point you will long for the days of SOB Christians subjecting their belief system upon you and the good old days when you could insult them and ridicule on message boards or in public. You think I am kidding or overreacting of course, but I am not .It will happen and quite honestly, a part of me will enjoy seeing the left get their just desserts especially at the hands of the " brown people" they readily welcome now. The future is quite bright indeed.
The left have made a choice, ignore Islam and suppress and demonize Christianity/Judaism. I have decided that is exactly what needs to happen, because the next religion you take on will not be as passive as your previous opponent. They will not resort to prayer and legal challenges to overcome what offends their conscience, they will kill or imprison you if you dare to take them on, at which point you will long for the days of SOB Christians subjecting their belief system upon you and the good old days when you could insult them and ridicule on message boards or in public. You think I am kidding or overreacting of course, but I am not .It will happen and quite honestly, a part of me will enjoy seeing the left get their just desserts especially at the hands of the " brown people" they readily welcome now. The future is quite bright indeed.

And instead of complaining and filing lawsuits over pre-game prayers at football games, stadiums will be used how ISIS and the Taliban use them.

Yeah, submerging a crucifix in a jar of urine is really brave. Way to take a stand. Draw a picture of muhammhed you pussy.

Will E Worm


“We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this shit. I’m tired of f-ing Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides, environmentalists don’t give a shit about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.

The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!

We’re going away. Pack your shit, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we’re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, “Why are we here?”

Plastic… asshole.”

― George Carlin


Will E Worm

these people are doing to prevent progress in medicine. It's unreal. The worst are the evangelicals. They believe if god didnt say it then it won't or didn't happen.

The only people holding back progress is the globalism and the pharmaceutical companies, who want to make money.

Also, the fact that they want to depopulate the planet.

It's not the Christians.

Dr Richard Smith said researchers should stop spending billions on trying to find a cure for cancer




Closed Account
I just had a chilling thought. This broad is right. Christianity is on it's way to being a minority faith. What needs to happen now is for the secular atheists to finish them off. Then we can begin the new chapter of allowing millions more muslims to immigrate here. Then in the interest of diversity confirm at least 2 muslim supreme court justices.

Straw man fallacy:

The Straw Man fallacy is committed when a person simply ignores a person's actual position and substitutes a distorted, exaggerated or misrepresented version of that position. This sort of "reasoning" has the following pattern:

Person A has position X.
Person B presents position Y (which is a distorted version of X).
Person B attacks position Y.
Therefore X is false/incorrect/flawed.

This sort of "reasoning" is fallacious because attacking a distorted version of a position simply does not constitute an attack on the position itself.

So, back on topic... do you think it's ok that there are still parents praying for their sick children and because of that they die, while they could have been saved with treatement of medicine?


Everything I said is a very real scenario. You have a position that limits your ability to distinguish the different religious philosophies and teachings. To you, religion bad, God imaginary, and there is great parody within the religious factions. She explicitly singled out Christianity and it is no strawman ( something I am well versed in and is perfectly acceptable when demonstrating absurdity in certain circumstances). I am 50 years old and have spent my entire life living in the United States. You as a foreign national do not have your finger on the cultural changes that have taken place in this country, you only are aware of the most news worthy of events. There are very small changes that contribute to the greater tide of change and is a very slow process that is as noticeable as your hair growing. Islam play by a different set of rules than any other religion and with unfettered immigration the move toward multiculturalism that the left is pushing it is just a matter of time before Islam takes hold as a main stream religion in the United States which transfers demographically as well as politically. Stick to exhibiting examples of fallacies for atheist argument and leave the observations of what has happened in this country and what is likely to those of us that actually experience it As well as how our court system works which is entirely different than the judicial system you live under. thanks


Closed Account
Everything I said is a very real scenario.

Exactly: a scenario. More specific a "what if" scenario where christianity is completely replaced by Islam and secular atheism apparently keeps quiet. This should scare us, and therefore counters to the OP's statement where she says that religion has gotten in the way a few times of science...

You have a position that limits your ability to distinguish the different religious philosophies and teachings. To you, religion bad, God imaginary, and there is great parody within the religious factions.

Au contraire. It's because of my atheist position that I'm much more aware of the differences in religions an their teachings. I do not know all the thousands of religious views there are in the world, but an atheist cannot claim that he does not believe in a god by simply ignoring all arguments and opinions offered to him. But you are correct: most arguments offered for the existence of a god, or why people believe in a god, are so ridiculous that it's indeed one big hilarious parody of stupidity.

She explicitly singled out Christianity and it is no strawman ( something I am well versed in and is perfectly acceptable when demonstrating absurdity in certain circumstances).

It is a strawman since you failed to adress her claim that religion (Christianity) has gotten in the way of science on several occasions. Instead you choose to debunk a 'what if'-statement with no correlation to the OP. If it was your point that she shouldn't single out a certain religion, you could have mentioned the golden age of islam and how the middle east turned to crap after that because islam got in the way of science and progression.

I am 50 years old and have spent my entire life living in the United States. You as a foreign national do not have your finger on the cultural changes that have taken place in this country, you only are aware of the most news worthy of events. There are very small changes that contribute to the greater tide of change and is a very slow process that is as noticeable as your hair growing. Islam play by a different set of rules than any other religion and with unfettered immigration the move toward multiculturalism that the left is pushing it is just a matter of time before Islam takes hold as a main stream religion in the United States which transfers demographically as well as politically. Stick to exhibiting examples of fallacies for atheist argument and leave the observations of what has happened in this country and what is likely to those of us that actually experience it As well as how our court system works which is entirely different than the judicial system you live under. thanks

Yeah because this only happens in the US and we Europeans have no grasp of multiculturalism and the effects of different cultures and religion on society and politics. The stupidity is big with this statement BC, I thought you knew better.
No, put aside your disdain for religion for a moment and understand that I am not obligated to defend Christianity, create a line of argumentation for the umpteenth time on this thread no matter what the premise of this thread.

What I am really surprised at especially from you, is that knowing her track record of bomb throwing toward Christians that you didn't recognize that I have no interest in defending Christianity, refuting or clarifying anything with her. My comments are realistic in light of the cultural change that is being imposed upon us through Irresponsible immigration policy and was simply a reminder to someone with a religious chip on their shoulder to be careful what you ask for and ignore as it may in the long run become even more of an impediment to the societal change you seek. As for the cultural change in your part of the world, I certainly see what is happening in France and it seems the French are starting to become remorseful for allowing so many Muslims to immigrate there. What this boils down to is that I painted a scenario that is food for thought as unpleasant as it is, and it struck a nerve of reality and you decided to play thread referee in an attempt to discredit my comments because they did not respond to the OP specifically. That will have to be your problem and if I want to editorialize on where I think this country is heading on this thread or any, I will do so without your approval or guidelines as to the format of my response. I guess I could have just as easily posted a rude or snarky response to someone who purposely tries to offend Christians, but I decided to post an opinion instead. And again,I will repeat, Muslims are flooding this country at the rate of over 100,000 per year, it is not so much a scenario as it is a reality, a reality that will change the religious make up of this country and possibly the laws and your involving yourself to tell me how I should respond is none of your business and can only be attributed to the fact that you didn't particularly like my little glimpse into the future.
The reality is that what the republican'ts want for our government is not so far off from what it would be like if Islam were installed. People would be jailed for speaking out against god, adultery would be a punishable offense, contraception would be illegal as would abortion. Women would be second class citizens and minorities would be herded into ghettos the way that the Indians were onto reservations.

Let's be honest here, if Pat Robertson were elected president our country would be no better than Afghanistan.
Get ready girl. Islam is going to undo everything you want starting with the gays and before you reach retirement age. But this time, you won't be able to run off at the mouth about it . Part of that, warms my heart


Closed Account
No, put aside your disdain for religion for a moment and understand that I am not obligated to defend Christianity, create a line of argumentation for the umpteenth time on this thread no matter what the premise of this thread.

What I am really surprised at especially from you, is that knowing her track record of bomb throwing toward Christians that you didn't recognize that I have no interest in defending Christianity, refuting or clarifying anything with her. My comments are realistic in light of the cultural change that is being imposed upon us through Irresponsible immigration policy and was simply a reminder to someone with a religious chip on their shoulder to be careful what you ask for and ignore as it may in the long run become even more of an impediment to the societal change you seek. As for the cultural change in your part of the world, I certainly see what is happening in France and it seems the French are starting to become remorseful for allowing so many Muslims to immigrate there. What this boils down to is that I painted a scenario that is food for thought as unpleasant as it is, and it struck a nerve of reality and you decided to play thread referee in an attempt to discredit my comments because they did not respond to the OP specifically. That will have to be your problem and if I want to editorialize on where I think this country is heading on this thread or any, I will do so without your approval or guidelines as to the format of my response. I guess I could have just as easily posted a rude or snarky response to someone who purposely tries to offend Christians, but I decided to post an opinion instead. And again,I will repeat, Muslims are flooding this country at the rate of over 100,000 per year, it is not so much a scenario as it is a reality, a reality that will change the religious make up of this country and possibly the laws and your involving yourself to tell me how I should respond is none of your business and can only be attributed to the fact that you didn't particularly like my little glimpse into the future.

You have a very same reputation of baiting BC. No, no one is denying, ignoring or discrediting the concerns that are rising because of religious extremism and the global impact it has. You have a full right to express your concerns and create another thread. For what it's worth, I will say fuck you to Islam trying to mingle with politics in much the same way as I say fuck you to christianity trying to mingle with politics. Or any other religion for that matter. But if both of you guys especially, and some people in general, could stick to the topic instead of constantly derailing it to "democrats versus republicans" or "left versus right" or any other variant thereof it would be highly appreciated. If you want to be smarter, then be smarter and broaden the discussion to "the influence of religion on science". Or quote historians like Turner and Jacob, or quote that the stories of Copernicus or Galileo weren't that black an white as usually is told, etc. Give people reasons to try and understand each other. But nooooo...

You cut the word dumbass out of my quote. Dumbass!
You have a very same reputation of baiting BC. No, no one is denying, ignoring or discrediting the concerns that are rising because of religious extremism and the global impact it has. You have a full right to express your concerns and create another thread. For what it's worth, I will say fuck you to Islam trying to mingle with politics in much the same way as I say fuck you to christianity trying to mingle with politics. Or any other religion for that matter. But if both of you guys especially, and some people in general, could stick to the topic instead of constantly derailing it to "democrats versus republicans" or "left versus right" or any other variant thereof it would be highly appreciated. If you want to be smarter, then be smarter and broaden the discussion to "the influence of religion on science". Or quote historians like Turner and Jacob, or quote that the stories of Copernicus or Galileo weren't that black an white as usually is told, etc. Give people reasons to try and understand each other.

Still butt hurt over my prediction of where Islamic immigration is going to lead us eh?

You really have no way of refuting it and it deeply frustrates you. Good.
We are not talking the existence of God this time wise guy. Prove that my hypothesis is flawed. If you think I am going to ignore the advances of leftist ideology and believe that they are going to stop here, then you are the one that is delusional. I know it is uncomfortable for you but Islam seeks to replace Christianity in this country and 50 percent of Muslims want Sharia Law. So tell me where I am wrong.