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Religion - The Other Taboo for Discussion

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A Santorum campaign would be perfect because he could never win.

I would love to see that fat fuck hypocrite Newt run again, Santorum, Rick Perry, Romney, and of course Sarah Palin. any of them would be awesome because not one could win. I think with the electorate going the way it is and now more brown people born than whites unless your boy Jesus himself comes down from the clouds and runs, you might not see another conservative win for a while. wait, but jesus wouldn't be a republican. he would absolutely be a liberal democrat. chew on that FACT

Because you believe that Christ existed you paint him as some Russell Brand looking hippie that went around giving out free patchouli and had a 12 dude posse.

It's time that I educate you a little but I don't have time to go all the way back to the 8th grade so you will have to play catch up.

First you are applying today's standards to events 2000 years ago. Somehow you are willing to do that but won't even go as far back 200 years when it concerns the constitution.

Not once did Jesus advocate that government provide for the people. And the liberals love to reduce his message down to "Love thy neighbor"

Jesus mentioned Hell far more than he did Heaven. The precept of love thy neighbor was not the primary message of the New Testament. Actually, it was grounded in the Old Testament.

You have mentioned the problems that you have with the Ten Commandments..Jesus said, "You shall not kill, You shall not commit adultery, You shall not steal, You shall not bear false witness (lie), Honor your father and mother, and, You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Jesus "the liberal" would not warn people of eternal damnation if they did not adhere to the Ten Commandments.

As for charity, we can begin with who walks the walk and who talks the talk. Compare the charitable givings of liberals like Joe Biden and Bill Clinton to Mitt Romney and even the portly Newt ( They are a matter of the public record look it up and the discrepancies are laughable). Perhaps Newt loves food as much as you do and he has about 30 years on you. I bet when he was your age his BMI was lower than your is now.

Liberals love to espouse love and forgiveness as if they have a stronghold on such principles or if they have cornered the market on it. Maybe you are right I hear conservatives saying we need a lot less love in the world all the time lol.

Basically you and those like you advocate what the former Pope called "the Dictatorship of Relativism"

Abortion on demand, the legal recognition of homosexual unions, the abolition of traditional standards about modesty, the abolition of traditional values about sexual morality, the abolition of almost any civil law and/or social norm related to morality, the distortion of the nature of marriage and families (or the defining thereof), dissent from legitimate authority, a false notion of the autonomy of conscience, false notions about the nature of freedom, a denial of objective truth (or at least the rejection of any belief that the objective truth on moral issues can be known with certainty), religious indifference and/or hostility to religion, the denial of the supernatural, the deification of empirical science and scientific authority, extreme skepticism about anything that appears to contradict core liberal beliefs (often to the point of being irrational), and the demonization of anyone or anything that contradicts liberal values (generally through slander, libel, and/or irony, which involves straw man arguments, poisoning the well, and distorting the truth about a person or a belief system in such a way that the caricature presented as the representation of the person of belief opposed by liberals engenders hatred and/or mistrust of those opposed to liberalism).

*whew catches breath*

So when you get right down to it and you read what Jesus really taught he was more of a fire and brimstone kind of cat.

Skim all the feel good quotes from Jesus' teachings all you want but the FACT (since you you brought it up) was far from a liberal by today's standards.

The only thing that Jesus sought to occupy was ones heart. And everything that he taught regarding eternal life was that if you did not accept him and his word he has no problem in letting you roast in a lake of eternal fire for eternity. If that's a liberal.. We need more like him.


Official Checked Star Member
Well what about all the "he died for our sins" so we can do whatever the fuck we want and be forgiven? if he's all fire and brimstone as you say, then why did he go through all that? lol

it's comical.

Romney gave money to his cult which Im sure does some good charitable things but also spent millions to keep gay marriage from becoming legal in california. that isn't charitable work. but yet they remain tax exempt

so you're going to use those comparisons? how about instead of biden who I think is an idiot and Bill clinton with Warren Buffet and Steve Jobs and Bill Gates or the guy I mentioned Joe Robert. those guys do far more with their money than just handing it over to a fucking cult.

Newt is where the beginning of the no compromise began and the huge separation in the government. He also advocates morality and family values but I would say he is about the worst example of that you can find. you know that story so no need to go into it. or is it just more liberal lies and he never cheated on his first wife while she had cancer with is second wife who he then cheated on with his current plastic bird woman wife? lol all liberal lies? no

I know, you're against all people having the same rights. So you should have more rights than a gay man?

It's comical that a bunch of unelected slave owners wrote "all men are created equal" in the declaration of independence. why didn't they just write "all hetero white men are created equal"

here it is: "Article I. All men are born free and equal, and have certain natural, essential, and unalienable rights; among which may be reckoned the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties; that of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; in fine, that of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness"

does not allowing gay people to marry sound equal? to descriminate against gays for raising children sound equal? Well many religious people have said that being gay is a "perversion" yet nearly all of the same sex child molestations committed are done so by straight men. Religious straight men actually.

You said before that I just want a hedonistic society. I find it arrogant and small minded that you think you have to have religion built into law to keep society from becoming hedonistic. Common sense is all you need without inserting the religious bullshit into it.

And all this morality policing coming from a group who says that they want government out of their lives lol well except for telling people how to live right?

and again, until 2 years ago I was thin my entire life. maybe my morality is why god gave me a tumor on my thyroid and I had to take those drugs that cause weight gain? could ask him for me what the reason was he did that? so you can make your comments about my weight but Im about 4 weeks from being off my meds and Ill be right back down to where I always was. Ive lost some weight already. thats simply a cheap shot at something I have no control over.
i agree like usually with Mariah.
here religious people keep telling us to support that retard Erdogan, of Turkey, why? because most muslim religious leaders are turkish wannabe's and they get free for their crimes with intervention of Turkish embassy here, sad.
Well what about all the "he died for our sins" so we can do whatever the fuck we want and be forgiven? if he's all fire and brimstone as you say, then why did he go through all that? lol

it's comical.

Romney gave money to his cult which Im sure does some good charitable things but also spent millions to keep gay marriage from becoming legal in california. that isn't charitable work. but yet they remain tax exempt

so you're going to use those comparisons? how about instead of biden who I think is an idiot and Bill clinton with Warren Buffet and Steve Jobs and Bill Gates or the guy I mentioned Joe Robert. those guys do far more with their money than just handing it over to a fucking cult.

Newt is where the beginning of the no compromise began and the huge separation in the government. He also advocates morality and family values but I would say he is about the worst example of that you can find. you know that story so no need to go into it. or is it just more liberal lies and he never cheated on his first wife while she had cancer with is second wife who he then cheated on with his current plastic bird woman wife? lol all liberal lies? no

I know, you're against all people having the same rights. So you should have more rights than a gay man?

It's comical that a bunch of unelected slave owners wrote "all men are created equal" in the declaration of independence. why didn't they just write "all hetero white men are created equal"

here it is: "Article I. All men are born free and equal, and have certain natural, essential, and unalienable rights; among which may be reckoned the right of enjoying and defending their lives and liberties; that of acquiring, possessing, and protecting property; in fine, that of seeking and obtaining their safety and happiness"

does not allowing gay people to marry sound equal? to descriminate against gays for raising children sound equal? Well many religious people have said that being gay is a "perversion" yet nearly all of the same sex child molestations committed are done so by straight men. Religious straight men actually.

You said before that I just want a hedonistic society. I find it arrogant and small minded that you think you have to have religion built into law to keep society from becoming hedonistic. Common sense is all you need without inserting the religious bullshit into it.

And all this morality policing coming from a group who says that they want government out of their lives lol well except for telling people how to live right?

and again, until 2 years ago I was thin my entire life. maybe my morality is why god gave me a tumor on my thyroid and I had to take those drugs that cause weight gain? could ask him for me what the reason was he did that? so you can make your comments about my weight but Im about 4 weeks from being off my meds and Ill be right back down to where I always was. Ive lost some weight already. thats simply a cheap shot at something I have no control over.

Jesus speaks of "repentance" Just because he was crucified for our sins that did not mean that you can continue to sin without repenting he did not give carte blanche to sinners.

Quite frankly Christianity for most people is a means of having a moral barometer I can't imagine being in a relationship with a woman that didn't at least share a belief in God. I don't give a damn how smoking hot she was, the relationship would be doomed from the start.. Cherry picking that in the Bible that is easily twisted into some leftist/atheist game of "gotcha" is no more than going through audio of those political adversaries and editing sound bytes to take something out of context.

As far as charitable giving is concerned, none of the alternatives that you mentioned are true political figures. Whether you agree with Mitt Romney's religion or not doesn't change the fact that he gives a large percentage of his money away and to causes that he deems worthy. Far more than (and we will go with percentages and not total figures) those on the other side of the political spectrum.

You mention slavery, guess who were the driving force against slavery and for abolition. Christians.. that's right! Baptists, Methodists etc.

As for the framers that were slave owners, we were a young country they also had economic concerns that lead them to adopt such language. They had social concerns about what would they do with these slaves if they were set free. They understood that America was a work in progress and would eventually sort it's problems and injustices out. It took the Dred Scott decision and it's after effects to bring us to Civil War.

Less than 100 years passed from the time the Constitution was ratified until slavery was abolished. That was extremely fast especially considering the fact that the United States was a country in it's infancy.

Guess what it took a lot of blood shed and courageous politicians but they eventually got it right.

This always turns into a bitch fest about gay rights with you and is the crux of your arguments against religion and your rants about religion enforcing it's morality on the populous.

Until it changes and I am sure you are working to make sure it does as quickly as possible, this is still a country founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic. The majority of American people believe in a supreme being and most when polled consider themselves Christian. In fact it was over 70%

Those same people probably believe what the Bible teaches and it is clear about homosexuality and that yes, it is a perversion. Even nature teaches us that.

Gays want to be married fine, they want a civil union fine..but don't expect Christians to accept it when it flies in the face of what they believe. When atheists are in the majority change the rules and laws to your liking until then tough shit.

I have never attacked you about your weight gain as a matter of fact you look fine to me with a little meat on you, you are not fat to me. I only mentioned it because you attacked Gingrich about his weight and he is an older man and maybe he also has a condition that has caused him to gain.. who knows?

You say the country and demographics have changed. Conservatives will never occupy the White House again. Let's see, I am willing to bet you are wrong.

2016 is going to be interesting and if a real conservative gets to 1600 Pennsylvania again, I am going to love watching all of you bitch and moan. BTW Obama is a Christian, our own POTUS believes in the 'invisible man"


Well many religious people have said that being gay is a "perversion" yet nearly all of the same sex child molestations committed are done so by straight men. Religious straight men actually.
Really? How did you verify this? It would seem pretty clear that a Priest fondling and sucking dick, getting BJs from choirboys, etc, would preclude heterosexuality by definition.



Official Checked Star Member
nature teaches us that homosexuality is a perversion????????????? care to back that one up? i can link you to many studies proving otherwise. so you think being gay is a choice?

Well I'll start from the bottom. Obama is a christian but he isn't saying he is invading a country and sending people to war because he prayed and that is the answer he got from god. he has never said he would throw out all of his experience and practical common sense to instead do what god tells him to do. he isnt looking to ram his beliefs down the throat of everyone else.

I didnt say there will never be a republican president. i said "there won't be one for a long time" until you guys change your message and get some new fucking ideas. your guy was ass whipped by more than 4 million votes in the last election but was so certain he was going to win he didnt even have a concession speech. elmer fudd wannabe karl rove had a breakdown on live tv over it. dick morris guaranteed victory. republicans are growing further and further from the average american. sure they will keep their seats in podunk towns with white majorities (because too many blacks canot vote) but look at the number of democrats who voted in 2012 across the board and its 4 to 1. you cant possibly see the right as a growing movement can you? all proof points to it shrinking.

Atheism is the fastest growing minority in america. thats the reason that the religious groups have lobbied against science programs. atheists are no longer hidden and many people are speaking out and making a lot more sense.

Gays being given less rights is christian how? because your stupid book says so? so hetero marriages are so successful that the heteros have a right to deem gay people ineligible? that's a fucking joke. half of ALL marriages end in divorce. so how the fuck can you guys deny anyone else the right to fail just like YOU?

I love how you justify being slave owners but still writing all men are created equal. just mind blowing to me. Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant man but he fucked his slaves against their will many times. he bred slaves. yet you defend him and the others?? how republican of you lol

as far as Romney and his "charity" donations lmao!!!!!!!! Did you know that Billy Graham had Mormonism on his list of cults right up until a few months prior to the election and then whatya know, he removed it from the list! when a church spends money on political campaigns and issues it's tax exemption status should be taken away immediately, but it's not is it?

You cite 70% of americans claim to be christian. first of all so what? how many of those people are poor? on government assistance? unemployed? just like people in prison suddenly become religious.

again I ask you counselor, if you had never heard of religion or this entire fairy tale and someone told it to you, would you REALLY believe it? Fuck no you wouldn't. You'd laugh and say the guy was a nut. just like we say all the others claiming to be told things by god. yet there is not one ounce of evidence that YOUR version is more credible. not one

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how can you say the 2nd line isn't a parade? lol


how can you say the 2nd line isn't a parade? lol

Never heard that song at any of the few I saw, and I never saw a 2nd line as a parade, more of a procession since it's trailing after the actual parade.

" It has been called "the quintessential New Orleans art form — a jazz funeral without a body."

"...Another significant difference from so called "jazz funerals" is second line "parades" usually lack the slow hymns and dirges played at funerals. "


Official Checked Star Member
well you do the math. as BC says 70% of Americans are christian. there are currently 39 million survivors of molestation. there are another 3 million children are victims in the US today.


I watched a documentary about molestation and the warning signs and who is most likely to be the predator. in nearly all cases it is men who are more conservative in life, have religious affiliations and consider themselves to be "family men" look at the BTK killer. he was the treasurer of his church. look at John Wayne Gacy. he was very religious. as are nearly all mafia murderers. go to a prison and ask how many of them are christians.

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Researchers asked the 4,000 admitted child molesters in the Abel and Harlow Child Molestation Prevention Study to answer questions about their lives. These abusers were men aged 18 to 80.

How does George compare? George is typical.

First of all, he's married, just like 77 percent of the more than 4000 child sexual abusers in the Child Molestation Prevention Study. George is religious, like 93 percent of the abusers. He's educated. More than 46 percent had some college education and another 30 percent were high school graduates. Like 65 percent of the admitted abusers, George was working. Numerous studies of adult victims have sought to link child molestation victims to lower social class and lower family income. All have failed. Child victims and their abusers exist equally in families of all income levels and classes. And, now from the study, we know that child molesters are as equally married, educated, employed, and religious as any other Americans.


well you do the math. as BC says 70% of Americans are christian. there are currently 39 million survivors of molestation. there are another 3 million children are victims in the US today.


I watched a documentary about molestation and the warning signs and who is most likely to be the predator. in nearly all cases it is men who are more conservative in life, have religious affiliations and consider themselves to be "family men" look at the BTK killer. he was the treasurer of his church. look at John Wayne Gacy. he was very religious. as are nearly all mafia murderers. go to a prison and ask how many of them are christians.

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Researchers asked the 4,000 admitted child molesters in the Abel and Harlow Child Molestation Prevention Study to answer questions about their lives. These abusers were men aged 18 to 80.

How does George compare? George is typical.

First of all, he's married, just like 77 percent of the more than 4000 child sexual abusers in the Child Molestation Prevention Study. George is religious, like 93 percent of the abusers. He's educated. More than 46 percent had some college education and another 30 percent were high school graduates. Like 65 percent of the admitted abusers, George was working. Numerous studies of adult victims have sought to link child molestation victims to lower social class and lower family income. All have failed. Child victims and their abusers exist equally in families of all income levels and classes. And, now from the study, we know that child molesters are as equally married, educated, employed, and religious as any other Americans.

Another screwed up post...your study claims one thing and then says it's conclusions are opposite what they propose to be their theory.
And once again you mix facts to try to make a flawed supposition seem legit...molesters are serial killers. Right...
Cover for a pervert is rarely their actual personality, a Church going perv is most likely NOT a Christian. Only playing one.
nature teaches us that homosexuality is a perversion????????????? care to back that one up? i can link you to many studies proving otherwise. so you think being gay is a choice?

The Bible teaches that it is a perversion agree with it or not. Nature only says that it is not conducive to sustaining the human race. Mother nature and her rules what a bitch!

It is a choice for some, for others it is giving in to perversion that has somehow made it's way into their genetic makeup. Just like there are people predisposed to other perversions.

Well I'll start from the bottom. Obama is a christian but he isn't saying he is invading a country and sending people to war because he prayed and that is the answer he got from god. he has never said he would throw out all of his experience and practical common sense to instead do what god tells him to do. he isnt looking to ram his beliefs down the throat of everyone else.

Link to where GWB said he waged war because god told him to do so?

I didnt say there will never be a republican president. i said "there won't be one for a long time" until you guys change your message and get some new fucking ideas. your guy was ass whipped by more than 4 million votes in the last election but was so certain he was going to win he didnt even have a concession speech. elmer fudd wannabe karl rove had a breakdown on live tv over it. dick morris guaranteed victory. republicans are growing further and further from the average american. sure they will keep their seats in podunk towns with white majorities (because too many blacks canot vote) but look at the number of democrats who voted in 2012 across the board and its 4 to 1. you cant possibly see the right as a growing movement can you? all proof points to it shrinking.

Yeah you got me on that one. 4 mm votes out of 120 mm cast is indeed an ass kicking. I said 'conservative" not republican

Atheism is the fastest growing minority in america. thats the reason that the religious groups have lobbied against science programs. atheists are no longer hidden and many people are speaking out and making a lot more sense.

Yeah, Christians really formed a line at NASA headquarters to protest the space program, how dare they read from the book of Genesis from all the way out there in dem dare outer spaces!! Christians generally lobby against science that they feel blasphemes or undermines their beliefs. Sue us! Gonna have to get those that profess Christianity below the mendoza line before that takes effect sweet pea.

Gays being given less rights is christian how? because your stupid book says so? so hetero marriages are so successful that the heteros have a right to deem gay people ineligible? that's a fucking joke. half of ALL marriages end in divorce. so how the fuck can you guys deny anyone else the right to fail just like YOU?

The same stupid book that you conveniently quote from when you want to? John Olerud stuck out 7 out of every ten times too, he didn't ask for a beach ball to be pitched to him during his hitting slump.

I love how you justify being slave owners but still writing all men are created equal. just mind blowing to me. Thomas Jefferson was a brilliant man but he fucked his slaves against their will many times. he bred slaves. yet you defend him and the others?? how republican of you lol

Can't fault a man for digging the brown sugah! lol :thumbsup:

as far as Romney and his "charity" donations lmao!!!!!!!! Did you know that Billy Graham had Mormonism on his list of cults right up until a few months prior to the election and then whatya know, he removed it from the list! when a church spends money on political campaigns and issues it's tax exemption status should be taken away immediately, but it's not is it?

You cite 70% of americans claim to be christian. first of all so what? how many of those people are poor? on government assistance? unemployed? just like people in prison suddenly become religious.

Damn! You lambasted Romney for basically saying those same things and he only went after 47 percent lmao :rofl:

again I ask you counselor, if you had never heard of religion or this entire fairy tale and someone told it to you, would you REALLY believe it? Fuck no you wouldn't. You'd laugh and say the guy was a nut. just like we say all the others claiming to be told things by god. yet there is not one ounce of evidence that YOUR version is more credible. not one

I wish rattrap would post here again. He is an atheist and at least understands why Christians believe what they believe although he doesn't agree with it.

BTW nice locked thread over there. lol

You covered a lot of ground over there taking jabs at us regular posters that have pissed you off. The difference in us "regular members" and OCSM's is that we do not receive any financial gain from posting here. So we are not obligated to prove anything to you or anyone here. I think I will show your posts to my secretary and tell her that I am a figment of her employment imagination and I can stiff her on Friday and not make her deposit. Of course she is latina and if I had to piss off a Venezolana or an ill tempered Siciilian I will risk the Sicilian.

Advantage Liliana.
well you do the math. as BC says 70% of Americans are christian. there are currently 39 million survivors of molestation. there are another 3 million children are victims in the US today.


I watched a documentary about molestation and the warning signs and who is most likely to be the predator. in nearly all cases it is men who are more conservative in life, have religious affiliations and consider themselves to be "family men" look at the BTK killer. he was the treasurer of his church. look at John Wayne Gacy. he was very religious. as are nearly all mafia murderers. go to a prison and ask how many of them are christians.

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Researchers asked the 4,000 admitted child molesters in the Abel and Harlow Child Molestation Prevention Study to answer questions about their lives. These abusers were men aged 18 to 80.

How does George compare? George is typical.

First of all, he's married, just like 77 percent of the more than 4000 child sexual abusers in the Child Molestation Prevention Study. George is religious, like 93 percent of the abusers. He's educated. More than 46 percent had some college education and another 30 percent were high school graduates. Like 65 percent of the admitted abusers, George was working. Numerous studies of adult victims have sought to link child molestation victims to lower social class and lower family income. All have failed. Child victims and their abusers exist equally in families of all income levels and classes. And, now from the study, we know that child molesters are as equally married, educated, employed, and religious as any other Americans.

Those statistics are skewed in favor of people like you who want to paint Christians as the predominate abusers.

I have represented plaintiffs and sought charges against people for sexual crimes. Unfortunately a great percentage of those charges are fabricated and the conviction rate is not that high. Yet the statistics remain unquestioned. I wish I had a nickel for every time a client came into my office alleging molestation in a bitter divorce where child custody is the issue.

It has reached the point that I can almost tell you who is going to raise the specter of abuse after talking to them for 5 minutes.
I always thought that the majority of child molesters were hot 25 year old teachers indoctrinated at liberal learning institutions lol
Mariah, I will have you in my prayers this evening.

Translation: I'll be praying for you.


Official Checked Star Member
Ill post it again:

Researchers asked the 4,000 admitted child molesters in the Abel and Harlow Child Molestation Prevention Study to answer questions about their lives. These abusers were men aged 18 to 80.

How does George compare? George is typical.

First of all, he's married, just like 77 percent of the more than 4000 child sexual abusers in the Child Molestation Prevention Study. George is religious, like 93 percent of the abusers. He's educated. More than 46 percent had some college education and another 30 percent were high school graduates. Like 65 percent of the admitted abusers, George was working. Numerous studies of adult victims have sought to link child molestation victims to lower social class and lower family income. All have failed. Child victims and their abusers exist equally in families of all income levels and classes. And, now from the study, we know that child molesters are as equally married, educated, employed, and religious as any other Americans.



Official Checked Star Member
christians are the majority of child molesters. jerry sandusky was a regular attendee at church and says he's a christian. the majority of same sex child molesters are straight men. that's a fact.

you can say being gay is a perversion because your fairy tale book says you are supposed to think so. but have you not met people who clearly have far more female genes than the average man does? I have. there are some who are products of an abusive childhood who lose all sexual identity. again, most same sex child molesters are straight men. while some are just hedonists and choose pleasure of any kind, that number is very small. the number of states granting same sex marriage is growing and as you right wing wackos get older you're going to be the one bitching and moaning because the new world is on its way. your ideal 1950s all white America is a dying dream cowboy.

so who do you think could possibly win for the right in 2016?? not one that ran in this last election has a prayer hahaha even though surely there will be more claiming god came to them and told them to run. he ignores all the other christians but comes personally to republicans to convince them to run lmfao

good luck with it.

and sam fisher. save your prayers for your dying country lol
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