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Christian History of Denial and Misinformation

GodsEmbryo has been on an ass kicking campaign, nice work, GodsEmbryo, I would rep you if the system would let me.

As to Sabrina's question, choose between Islam and Christianity, that's an easy pick. I'll go with Christianity, historically there's as much blood on Christian hands as there is on Islamic hands, but I've never been ordered to convert to Christianity or die and forced conversion is a reality for many people who live in areas dominated by Islam.

Yep, nobody that you fundamentally disagree with has ever been on the winning side of any argument.. You are truly the yes man, bicycle seat sniffing Eddie Haskell of FreeOnes.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
Ok, i must spread some reputation.
I'm not a radical Christian. In fact i'm a very typical my own way one, but lately attacking Christianity seems to be the worldwide sport, while if somebody dare to say "boo!" about any other religion they are called somethingphobic. It's so not right, that for an anarchic like me it becomes very conflictual to have to back Christianity up.
It'd help if you didn't make (by your own evidence) clearly false statements. Third time's the charm?

Ok, too much material to go through. I must ask a very clear straight question here...
Ooof, I sense a chickenshit copout. Please don't pull a chickenshit copout. That's BC's territory.

You said (emphasis added):
...modern slavery is prominent in Islamic countries, not in Christian ones.

You then provided this link, which shows your own statement is false:
Here are but just five examples from your own link that are on the dark side of slavery:
Democratic Republic of the Congo - 80-95% Christian
Central African Republic - 80.3% Christian
Zambia - 97.5% and a constitionally Christain country
Namibia - 80-90% Christian
Botswana - 70% Christian

What you say about this information will be very telling of your character.

Process that and I'll get to your question.

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
You know, there's only two groups of assholes who continually shove their religion down my throat: Jehovah's witnesses and atheists. And I don't mind the witnesses all that much. I just act crazy/drunk/gay and they can't get off my porch fast enough.
When the Jovie's come to my house , I open the door and start reciting All Along The Watchtower in a monotone voice, That keeps them away for about 6 months.

Mandy Flores

Official Checked Star Member
So let's get something clear..... there isn't any 'Religion" that is the cause of all the bloodshed and hypocrisy you complain about. The real problem with any religion is the individuals INTERPRETATION of what they have read. I was raised in a Christian/Catholic family and had a minister for an uncle that made it clear to me at an early age that there were issues in the handing down of the stories in the Bible over the centuries. I had asked why it says, in some verse I had read at the time, that if a man and another man were fighting, and the wife of the one man were to grab the genitals of the other and hurt him, that her hand is to be cut off with no mercy! LOL I'm like "Oh yes! God was the one who slipped that BS in there!" LOL
He laughed as well about it the ridiculousness of it, and then went on to explain that it is important for people to be able to use their heads and see when something doesn't fit, but that too many will not argue a single word of the scripture. There's like 70 versions of "THE" Bible right? Must be some different words somewhere!

The last thing he explained was how the Hebrews had a huge part in the old testament ( For those of you who don't know much about religion you may be surprised to know that the Koran, and the the Tanakh and the Torah ....they are all the same damn scriptures basically! All the same God with different names) ...anyway the Hebrews had a tendency to simplify a story as if you were telling it to a child. Saying God made Earth, and then Adam and then Eve.... was just a much more simple campfire rendition of "...then this damn fish grew legs....got up and walked out of the pond and started breathing the air....next thing ya know he's got a cock and balls and some bitch named Eve cooking him breakfast!" Blah blah blah..

There has always been an innate belief in a higher power, and though I believe in the Bible, and that Jesus was here for a purpose, I don't discount that it his more than possible that everything I believe is wrong. There must be something to the fact that even remote villages will have tales of some sort of God, that every region of Earth has been found to have it's own beliefs, but what is undeniable is that we seem to be geared to seek out a higher being.

So stop blaming everything on 'religion" and instead look at the idiots who read the same shit I did and decided they were supposed to kill witches and epileptics, while Mother Theresa chose to dedicate her life helping anyone and everyone after reading the same thing. It is sad that so many will not even consider that there 'may' be a God because of all the idiots who use religion as their excuse. Hitler would've killed 6,000,000 Jews if Christianity existed or not. Also, have we decided to re-write history and ignore the fact that Stalin, responsible for as many as 72,000,000 deaths, and Genghis Khan...responsible for untold death and destruction...... neither of these men had any belief in any God? Don't kid yourself trying to blame religion for every war and massacre that has happened, the people who do that shit would find some other fucking reason if they didn't have religion to use.

Lastly, I don't debate that there is global warming for a second, what I do debate is that WE CAUSED it. Even Al Gore's 'An inconvenient truth' makes it very clear that the Earth goes through 10,000 year cycles of warming and cooling. So who was responsible for all the other warming periods....dinosaur farts! LOL The fact is it is happening, it would have happened if we were here or not, we didn't cause it and in no way could we stop it. Now have we made it more severe? That is what the real discussion should be. But if you live in the fucking Maldives and you know they have found clam shells in the Himalayas, you shouldn't be trying to point fingers at anyone but yourselves.


Official Checked Star Member
I remain appreciative of your efforts, but it's already pretty well established that facts and evidence don't inform BC's worldview. Someone like that is de facto unreasonable. It's a wasted effort.

See above.

I used to wonder how, given BC's dismissal of evidence, he could be any good at his job. But I was making the mistake thinking lawyers were concerned with evidence; that's the job of other folks in the courtroom. The lawyer's job is bullshit (which, to be fair, isn't necessarily exclusive from truth - simply apathetic). Once I realized that, I'm pretty confident BC is very good at his job.

This thread is yet another example of the man refusing to change his predefined notions when presented facts that show his notions to be wrong. I'd catalogue a list, because there's at least a few prominent examples on this board, but to be honest I don't care that much. I've quoted his post here for his actual dismissal of evidence in these conversations.

Hey, remember when I pointed out you have a perception problem? You still do. This is particularly amusing:

You say this, and then provide a link showing that not to be true.

Here are but just five examples from your own link that are on the dark side of slavery:
Democratic Republic of the Congo - 80-95% Christian
Central African Republic - 80.3% Christian
Zambia - 97.5% and a constitionally Christain country
Namibia - 80-90% Christian
Botswana - 70% Christian

What you say about this information will be very telling of your character.

I note with sadness that the word prominent didn't make it into Google translate and that you confuse state religion with secular state.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_religion (take a look at the graphic on the right and confront it with the modern slavery map. Doh!)

Over 5 millions slaves for Islam vs 100K for Christian countries.
Should you be tempted to add also secular states with dominant religions (i have no idea why you should do that, but nothing surprises me any more when it comes to Muhammad fan boys), into the picture, slavery remains prominent among the muslims vs the christians.
Should you be interested in knowing some numbers also about Islam racism vs Christian racism, let me know.

Keep being amused by my perception problems.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
I note with sadness that the word prominent didn't make it into Google translate and that you confuse state religion with secular state.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/State_religion (take a look at the graphic on the right and confront it with the modern slavery map. Doh!)
Translation (it isn't with English you're having the problem, it's with Bullshit): "...not in Christian countries, discounting all those Christian countries that directly contradict my worldview."

My examples included Christian-majority and Christian-state countries. Soooo...

Credit where credit's due, you didn't go with the chickenshit copout option. You doubled down on the wilfull ignorance, though. Whatever, that's your right. I do wonder what the point of a conversation is when you refuse to participate in half of it (the whole receiving information part).

Over 5 millions slaves for Islam vs 100K for Christian countries.
Had I ever contended that Christian countries had more slaves than Islamic countries, this could've been relevant. But I didn't. Sooo...

i have no idea why you should do that, but nothing surprises me any more when it comes to Muhammad fan boys
George W called. He wants his bifurcated logic back.


Official Checked Star Member
SabrinaDeep said:
...modern slavery is prominent in Islamic countries, not in Christian ones.

Rattrap said:
Had I ever contended that Christian countries had more slaves than Islamic countries, this could've been relevant. But I didn't. Sooo...

lol Of course you did: you called my statement false. Are you sure you understand what the word prominent means?
Let's try with different word:

...modern slavery is big in Islamic countries, not in Christian ones.


Doesn't feed trolls and would appreciate it if you
lol Of course you did: you called my statement false.
The statement in contention was not: "There are more slaves in Islamic countries than Christian ones."

But rather that which you and I have both highlighted, repeated, and now re-worded:
...modern slavery is big in Islamic countries, not in Christian ones.
Which, by your own evidence, is still false.


Official Checked Star Member
In no way did I intend to insult Mandy Flores. I meant the comment was annoying. I realized I wrote that wrong just now and want to be clear. I don't know her and from what I've seen of her, think she's adorable. Her post,,,,I get it. Religion good, people bad in simplistic terms.

Mandy I'm sorry for the way that was written. My bad.

Oh i didn't take it like you were insulting her, therefore I was just joking over the word post missing and added the stirrthepot ava.
@ Mandy Flores

....yep my Mandypussyy, ...you´re not wrong , ... BUT :

I BET my last shirt, if you give EVERYONE a roof-top, some water to drink and enough food, there would be 90% of ALL the wars stopped , ....because : A full stomach and a normal sleep does NOT force anyone to fight ...right ? There are, ( for example ) 2.6 billions of ppl. , who do NOT have anything to drink every day .... aannd , WATER will NOT be veerryy much on the planet, especially there won´t be no water to DRINK , ...( global warming ..remember ? ) As your really know : WATER is LIFE .

Apropos * global warming * : You´re not incorrect if you say ...* we did not CAUSE it, ...but you´re only PARTLY right . WHY ? ...well since I´m alive, the use of water increased about 600 % , and I´m alive since the mid - 50s . AND we have that * global-warming-problem * , AND we have a problem with a * global-growing-world-population * .. FUCKING , ...know what I´m talking about ? AND , ( because of our so called * industry - time - age * ) the use of water increased that high. So that means, we´re not veeeerry responsible for it, but WE ARE ABLE to REDUCE it, ( for the 1st time ) ..cause of our technical skills , .. ( possibly we can leave it on + 3 degrees in some like 50 years ) . I myself do NOT have any reason to move my bones into vacations, cause we´ve got tropical temperatures allover Europe NOW . ...the problem is ..it changes tooo fast from 10 > 40 ...
AND , ( for the rest of you soooo god - believing - azzholes ) : Have you ever seen him ? Or her ? Or it ?:D:D:angels:

Ace Boobtoucher

Founder and Captain of the Douchepatrol
Holy fuck that hurt my head trying to figure out what you're on about.