1. The rise of China back in 1978 when China first opened the special economic zones to attract foreign investment and led to wholesales "THE WORLD FACTORY" was under-estimated by the West.
2. It is America self-destruction instead of China's rise led to the current geopolitical situation. I was paying $4.59 a gallon of gas in Chicago last week (not 4 bucks)
3. If Wal-mart, H-P, Dell, IBM, and GM, Ford and all other multi-national companies along with the US Government the big unions agree concession and pay cut, curb inflation, then there will still be an "America".
4. I know a lot of us refuse to accept or admit the empire of America is gone for ever.
GM cut the workforce to 72,000. Delta and Northwest merged. The first thing to hit hard of rise in oil price is transportation industry and auto industry. GM slashed 4 major truck plants in N. America including 2 in US, 1 in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada and 1 in Mexico.
5. US Treasury sold off another 75 billion dollars of Treasury bills last week. How long can we sustain this sell-off. This is the 4th major sell-off of US Treasury Bills which amounts to 300-400 billions dollars in just a few months.
6. It is not China or Russia is rising but Japan is muscle-out America in automobiles with massive production of hydrid cars rolling out assembly lines by Honda NOW at a cut-rate cost. The Honda Hydrogen fuel cell cars are just a show-case.
7. China and US are interdependent on economic ties just like China and Russia are interdependent on energy sources.
8. The minority in China is a non-issue here. Unlike the black and Hispanics in America, China just KILL them off in Tibet, locked every monks and nuns and put the radicals out for life. The completion of railways to Tibet, the roof of the world brings another tens of millions of Hans to Tibets. As you witness China trains 100,000 Special Forces for the Olympics to deal with terrorists. It is not possible to operate terrorism in China because the major cities are 99-100% Hans Chinese. And they get eyes and ears and brutal forces to cut you down before you can hijack a plane.
9. The very complicated relationship between Russia and China is actually very simple. As someone pointed out, the common enemies of Russia and China is United States. So once America becomes weak, China through its proxy North Korea supplies arms and nuclear technology to Iran. Russia only provides the infra-structure to Iran but arms to Syria.
10. IF YOU DON'T THINK CHINA IS A SUPER-POWER, THEN GO TO AFRICA. CHINA ALREADY CONTROL ECONOMICALLY MANY AFRICAN NATIONS, JUST LIKE FRANCE, U.K. IN 1800'S. US has failed Africa and allows China to dominate in African politics and provide economic. military aids in exchange for oil. It was too late for George Bush recent trip to Africa. Somali thugs can attack the Japanese tankers and cut off Japan's oil supplies.
I draw a close and state there is no shortage of oil supplies. Canada and Mexico and domestic oil production can supply more than 60% of oil to US domestic use. It is the failure of US policy in the past 40 years in self-destruction that led "me to pay $4.50 gallon" of gas. When I was a kid in Vincennes, Indiana, I paid less than 45 cents gas my first car after the oil embargo. I gave up !